Jay Weber Show transcript 2-8-23 7:40am
For a while now, i have been pointing to a sea-change of sentiment inside the beltway and inside the democrat party- on Kamala Harris.
Having spent my entire adult life in the news media-and studying the news media- I know how to read certain ‘trends’ that pop up-
And one of them that is a dead-give away-is when all sorts of left-wing media outlets start to report on the ‘same story’ related to one of their own.
My friends-when you see ‘one’ story that sort of surprises you for how out of step it seems to be with the democrat party or orthodoxy.... you may raise an eyebrow...and take note of it...
And there’s a possibility that it might just be a rare reporter or newsroom that’s decided to tell the truth about a democrat, after all.
But when you see a pattern of accomplice media outlets running-roughly the same story- it means something.
And in our current example- it means that the democrat party leadership is ‘done’ with Kamala Harris and is looking for ways to get rid of her: i think some of these left wing actors behind the scenes might want to get her off the ticket in 2024 if Biden runs, so that he’s got a more talented, compelling, and competent ‘heir’, should he fall ill or die-
But i read this as effort as being -more urgently- about finding someone better to run for the top job-if Joe Biden doesn’t.
Between his document scandal, his never-ending failures, and embarrassments like this Chinese balloon scandal- and his age-
There is -no way-that Joe and Jill Biden should even be considering a second term. The newest surveys out this week-from liberal pollsters at ABC, NBC, and AP, all show that only one-in-four or one-in-five Americans wants to see a second term of Joe Biden.
These polls have been bad enough- and for long enough-that the Bidens should simply see the handwriting on the wall- that is written everywhere- and not run again.
Two-thirds of democrat voters don’t want them to.
But that doesn’t solve the party’s problems, because ‘if not Joe, who?’
The obvious ‘next up’ would be Kamala Harris. And geez...Biden’s team and the party’s leaders have even-tried- to put a black woman in an ‘unlosable’ situation...
But....Kammy hasn’t risen to the occasion.
Not in any way.
They knew she wasn’t a good campaigner, given that she had to drop out of the 2020 primary before Iowa.
They knew she wasn’t popular with most African American voters- given that she had to drop out of the 2020 primary before Iowa...
But apparently, party leaders thought she could ‘grow into the job’ and mature as both a politician and a leader, because they assumed she was smart.
After all-she had managed to get herself elected both district attorney and u-s senator.She sounded like she knew what she was talking about during senate confirmation hearings.
I guarantee you that most Democrat party leaders, and Biden’s team, assumed Kamala Harris was smart.
It has taken them two years to discover it, and admit it, but...Kammy’s not smart.
Nor is she motivated to work hard, mature, and grow. That is now-crystal clear- to Joe Biden’s team and the dc democrats.
And so, here come the ‘smear pieces’.
Last week, it was the Washington Post. A week before that, it was politico.
This Sunday-
Holy cow- this was a featured story in the Sunday edition of the New York times-the most widely read and dispersed newspaper in America-
The Sunday NY Times! - trashed kamala Harris in a big piece.
It has the exact same tone and temperament that the Politico and Wash Post pieces had. It is clearly from the same group of anonymous democrat party officials-
And clearly, they are ‘high up’-
And they are hitting the same themes: Kamala just isn’t stepping up. Joe’s team has been very patient with her. They really wanted her to ‘step up and shine’. They really thought that, eventually, things would click for Kammy and she’d find her stride...
But...alas...she is a turd in the punchbowl.
I love that Hillary Clinton is sour on kamala, because the two are so much alike, in so many ways. Hillary was far smarter and more involved. She would have done anything to be president-including kill for it-
But the two women share the same overriding characteristics to me: they are both inherently off-putting people. They have off-putting personalities. They are both terrible in front of a crowd. They both cackle nervously when they know it’s not going well.
And very importantly: the majority of the American people-never wanted-Hillary to be president...which is why she lost to Donald Trump.
The majority of the American people-do not want-Kamala Harris to be president...which is why she will lose to just about any challenger.
To the point that the democrats are-clearly- using the accomplice media to try to set up a strong primary challenge for Kammy that might knock her out in the primary round.
Last week, we talked about how party insiders are quietly running around to every other possible 2024 contender and insisting that- if joe doesn’t run-you got to.You must. You got to stop Kammy.
Gavin Newsome, squats with unions, Bernie, Corey Booker-whomever. These party leaders are getting desperate.
And this new media campaign proves it: they have their accomplices in the MSM organized to
Soften her up for any primary challenge.
When you have lost the confidence of both Hillary and squats with unions-where does that leave you, as a democrat?
In general- not having Hillary or squats like you is probably a good thing...
But....when you are a female democrat.... where does that leave you?
If Kammy is kicked out of the ‘powerful uterus’ club, she’s done, politically.
As Homer Simpson reminded us: it’s ‘uter-us’ not ‘uter-you’...
And if Kamala Harris cannot rely on identity politics to get her thru, she’s sunk.
Black voters seemed to immediately identify her as a phony during the 2020 primaries...and wanted to take away her ‘black card’.
Now Hillary and Liz Warren are threatening her ‘woman’ card?
Kammy’s not going to get to the ‘hilltop’ without them, folks.
But the Biden team is in a real jam: they’re stuck with her in 2024, unless they can find a quiet way to push her out...and she apparently still thinks she’s the ‘next up’. Kamala Harris is confident in her political skills, even if no one else in dc is...
Some sort of ‘quiet buy out or bribe’ doesn’t seem likely. She’s not likely to go quietly if they try to force her out in favor of a Stacey Abrams, or some other black woman-
And it-would-must be a Black woman-
It would have to be a Black woman or the congressional black caucus, and all the grievance groups would come unglued.
You can’t kick a sister down the steps to make room for another white man or woman. And don’t even bring that ‘Latina’ crap around here.
The black community might not like Kammy much now-but just try to replace her.
Ironically, that’d be about the only thing that would bring her approval ratings up: to have the Biden team appear to blame her for all their problems and replace her with someone of a different race or color.
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