The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

Jay Weber knows what you want to talk about. His show examines the big issues, trends, and events at all levels -- local, state, and national -- from...Full Bio


90% of the country got it right, IT WAS HORRIFIC!

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-30-23 segment #1 appears that about 90 percent of the country ‘got it right’ on the Memphis cops beating an unarmed man to death...

But a hardcore sliver of left-wing activists and race baiters-still-wanted to insist race had something to do with it.

This was five cops beating a black man so severely that he died from his injuries...and even standing around joking about it, as the man leaned up against the squad car, waiting for aide: truly shameful and disturbing stuff...

It led to the Memphis sheriff immediately firing the five officers, upon seeing the video. That quickly led to second degree murder charges against them- and then-after a few weeks of ‘cool down’ time- the sheriff’s dept released the full video and took its lumps from the public.

Even the black activist attorney Benjamin Crump said the Memphis police dept did everything right and should be used as an example to other departments.

And i get that some community members and citizens would still be upset enough to want to protest and make their anger clear...but those groups and pundits who wanted to immediately enflame the situation by trying to bring race into it-and- look for ways that five black men beating another black man to death was still, somehow, white America’s fault... Are scumbags-

Flat out.

You expect the Joy Reids of the world to try to jam everything into that racial prism that they view everything thru-even if the narrative doesn’t fit-

But Van Jones of CNN surprised me a little.

I know he’s a long-time race baiter, too, but as the Hodge twins put it-

(These guys are two black, conservative comedians on twitter)

-as they put it: if you’re blaming black cops killing a black man on racism...then you’re just a race hustler and are part of the problem.


And again- I believe 90 percent of the country ‘got this right’: it is about police training and weeding bad cops out of our law enforcement agencies...this is not about race.

But Van Jones did it over at CNN.

He watched the tape and didn’t conclude that the rest of us did: that this was five ‘bad actors’ wearing badges who ended the life of another person and then laughed about the blows and kicks they got in...

No....jones saw black men beating another black man....and somehow saw.... white racism.

Van Jones giving away his own racist he insists that ‘anyone’ who is black or minority...who gets victimized in....any somehow the victim of white racism...or a racist ‘white system’.

I think you all understand how this is a self-fulfilling viewpoint that jones -and way too many other people of color have: that- no matter what happens to them, or how, they were the victim because of their skin color.

When you believe that-as van jones and Joy Reid clearly do- then if a black person is the victim, race is always the reason...even when the victimizers are black.

How do you argue with that-and manage to get thru to these race baiters-and change their opinion?

You can’t. And that’s the point. It is why we have some sliver of Americans who always want to stoke the racial flames.And sadly, way too many people with this viewpoint are given platforms in today’s media. CNN and MSNBC panels are full of people who -always- have their racial blinders on. Everything is racism. No matter what.

And i use Joy Reid as an example because most people in this audience know who she is...but I can point to others: April Ryan, Al Sharpton: if their Starbucks coffee is cold in the morning-racism.

If their Uber is late- racism.

If the table next to them gets served first, racism. If their office is colder than a co-workers-racism.

It is-this-sliver of people who are still seeing racism in this Memphis murder...and want to use it as another reason to fan the racial flames in this country.

Johnathan Turley has a good piece on how this was clearly- bad policing and misplaced adrenaline-and not racism-that caused Tyre Nichols’ terrible death. And yes, it is important to reject the mindless claims of racism-if we are going to really deal with the problem of the excessive use of police force.

If you haven’t heard that ‘stat’-it took 22 minutes to get Nichols any medical help. Which is also unacceptable.

But Turley’s point is- if we want these officers to be punished appropriately, we need to take a cold, unemotional look at the tapes and see what charges fit, and which don’t, and be serious, unbiased adults about it.

Mindlessly tossing racism into the equation where it doesn’t fit doesn’t help get justice for Tyre Nichols, either. As Turley puts it: the tapes initially appear to show a death caused by excessive force, not by racial animus.

He also makes the point that-having the Biden administration leap to play politics and announce a federal civil rights investigation-may screw up the local investigation and the state prosecution in Tennessee. Turley says-that can also be done-but it would have been smarter to wait. What Biden has done- with some cheap, reflexive theatre, is put a set of federal investigators on the ground in Memphis, now, pursuing witnesses and looking for evidence that could influence the state’s criminal case.

But-what is already clear- is that the five cops have been fired and charges have been filed and justice is being done. Which may be why the protests over the weekend weren’t more violent than they were-

And yes, releasing the video on a Friday was pretty stupid-the Memphis sheriff should have waited until Monday-

And yes, there was some amount of rioting that came along with the protesting in some of the larger cities this weekend, but it was mostly minor property damage. And I’m not dismissing it- I’m simply saying ‘it could have been worse’...and it probably wasn’t, due to the fact that ‘justice is already being done, here’ so...what demands would BLM or other protest groups also have?

Yep. These officers will be punished. The Memphis police dept and DAs office had the proper responses to this terrible and unnecessary death.

The department has even decided to shut down the unit that these five officers were a part of...which was called the scorpion unit...which sounds sinister now, but, the intent of the unit was to bring down crime in that city by ‘having a presence’ on the streets.

And that is-not- an illegitimate technique, by the way: it’s essentially ‘broken windows’ policing...which states.... if you take care of the small stuff.... I’ll also have a spill-over effect and help you take care of the big stuff.

If the community sees a law and order in the streets- over the small stuff- like shoplifting and reckless driving- they’re less likely to engage in it-

Meanwhile-those investigations into the smaller things.... like traffic stops...will often lead to the discovery of more serious crimes being committed.

Using traffic stops to find law-breaking-is not- an illegitimate technique. ‘Beating citizens to death during traffic shops’...obviously is. This situation quickly got -way-out of hand. The officers never approached Tyre Nichols calmly or professionally, from what I saw: this was a man who-literally-had no idea what he had allegedly done wrong- and he was being dragged from his car and manhandled.

To the point that he-obviously-feared for his life and -then-did-try to get away. After all, if complying with the people attacking him was getting him beaten.... what other choice did he have?

Nichols had pepper spray and a taser used on he was punched...kicked in the head...beaten with a baton. 

These officers went-way-too far. And without ever telling him what his ‘major offense’ was.

Jay Weber Show transcript 1-30-23 segment #2

I talked earlier about the beating death of Tyre Nichols by five Memphis cops, earlier, but want to circle back to the point that -because of how the Memphis pd and da have handled this terrible incident.... there is literally ‘no reason to riot’...this weekend, and still, some socialist and BLM organizations did.

The rioting was limited, in most instances, but it occurred- proving that these Soros funded organizations and other new-age racial grievance groups are only-ever looking for a convenient excuse to racially agitate, destroy property, and watch America burn.

Again, there was some amount of rioting in some of the larger cities this weekend, but it was mostly minor property damage.  It certainly could have been worse....and it probably wasn’t, due to how well the Memphis pd and district attorney handled this.

By the time the dramatic and shocking video was released...the five officers involved had already been fired and charged with several charges.

Justice was already being served and so, these protest groups had a harder time making wild claims...and fanning the flames.

But hey, some tried, anyway: in New York...some protestors in times square turned violent.

Other cities saw similar attempts to antifa and BLM to start riots. There was an LAPD cruiser that was targeted with fireworks...and some other scuffles...

And behind it all: there were antifa and BLM activists...using inciteful rhetoric.Both of those organizations should be labeled as terror organizations and investigated: this is how screwed upAmerica is, today, with the left in charge of everything, including the deep state: the Biden admin and their left-wing minions are trying-relentlessly-to insist that white nationalists and white supremacy is one of the greatest threats to the nation- with no evidence of it and no rise in white nationalist organizations that they can point to: it’s nearly all nonsense-

And yet- antifa and BLM leaders can stand on cop cars and stand in front of police stations and incite crowds to ‘burn it all down’...and they aren’t labeled domestic terrorists or taken seriously by our govt law enforcement agencies.

As one person noted last week: so, our FBI-can manage-to infiltrate the rather pathetic ‘proud boys’ ...but can’t manage to infiltrate antifa or BLM? 

And I realize I’m wandering here, but look, 

 90 percent of the Americans have the correct take on the Memphis cops beating an unarmed man to death: we see it for what it was: police brutality of the sort that is shocking and unacceptable and needs to be dealt with.

These five officers were immediately fired, and charged, and will get the appropriate punishment.

So, let’s not let a hardcore sliver of left-wing activists and race baiters insist that race had something to do with it....and allow them to spin the country off into -yet another fake debate-over police violence, or ‘social or criminal justice’.

Everyone was on the same page, on Friday: everyone from Barrack Obama to Donald trump was singing from the same hymnal. No one is going to defend the indefensible.

What could Nichols have done that would have warranted that sort of treatment? That would have had a group of officers so out of control.

I could think of one instance: if the perp had shot a cop just a few minutes ago-and everyone in the dept’s blood was still pumping and demanding justice. That might be the -one thing-that i could see as ‘setting off cops’ like this, where we wouldn’t expect them to be professional...or could at least.... understand.... the unnecessary brutality.

But Tyre Nichols hadn’t shot a cop. He hadn’t done-anything-so far as we know. The Memphis pd has only said he was being pulled over for reckless driving...and if you watched the encounter.... Nichols didn’t seem to understand what he had done wrong. What sort of move did he make with his vehicle that the officers interpreted as ‘reckless driving’. Was he speeding? Missed a red light?


Because nothing warrants that sort of beating.

Now- back to black lives matter and antifa and the terrible poison that they have been on this country over the last three years, or so: folks-it is these organizations and the democrat lawmakers who have supported them that have caused both the rise in homicides and ‘across-the-board’ crime in America-

And -are responsible for more police officers being killed on the job-

And- are responsible for the fact that many big city depts have such officer shortages that they have had to lower their standards and their training requirements just to hire more officers.

At least two of these Memphis officers involved in Nichols’ beating were more recently hired under relaxed standards and less screening...because the Memphis pd needs cops.

As all other big cities in America do-thanks BLM and antifa and today’s democrats-demonizing law enforcement.

The beating death of Tyre Nichols is awful. Just dreadful and inexcusable-

But we cannot allow the activist left and their racist movements to further degrade our police departments and law enforcement agencies.

Wilfred Reilly is a poli sci professor at Kentucky State University. And has written a book on social taboos. Things we’ve been conditioned not to talk about...

And is saying today- the destruction that the Black Lives Matter movement has done to this country.

This incident in Memphis was five black cops beating a black man so severely that he died from his injuries. It was truly shameful and disturbing stuff...and race had nothing to do with it.

This was clearly- bad policing and misplaced adrenaline-and so let’s get past the mindless claims of racism-and really deal with the problem of the excessive use of force in such instances...and the problem of having to rebuild our police departments-and our trust in law enforcement- following the damage that BLM, antifa, and the American left have done to them.

 photo credit: Getty Images

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