Jay Weber Show transcript 1-2-23 7:10am
I said earlier- one of the most amusing stories to me, over the last week, is the story of George Santos-congenital liar. What a clown, this guy is.
And yet- there is no way the republicans on capitol hill should help force him out of office. No.
The people of that New York district elected him...and it should be up to them to ‘take him out’ if they want to. That would mean a recall effort back in New York.
Republicans in DC-and as a party-should simply distance themselves from him. Refuse to give him cover for his lies. Let it be known that he is ripe to be primaried in 2024 if he runs again...but otherwise...leave it alone.
Use his vote. Yes.
Kevin McCarthy and the GOP house caucus is only going to have a four-vote margin over the next two years, under which to pass legislation. If they shove Santos out of office ...they’d be down to three.
Why do that?
After this episode, a special election back in New York state would probably have the voters of that district handing it back over to democrats...so why strategically allow for that, if you are McCarthy and republicans in congress?
It makes no sense to help the democrats force one of your members out of congress when you know that they never do the same for their own members who are caught lying and misrepresenting themselves.
Folks-the biggest irony in all of this is that -out of all of the politicians that we’ve seen in Washington DC over the last 40 years...the person who comes closest to George Santos as being a lifelong congenital liar- is Joe Biden!
In all seriousness: you can put the Clintons in a class of their own-but if we are looking to name the most relentless and congenital liars in Washington dc- Joe Biden’s name pops to the top.
This man-our president-has lied about everything, and often lies about even inconsequential things, and no one calls him on it.
In fact, the dc elites and the glitterati media have gone out of their way over the last two years to try to explain away Joe Biden’s serial lying as unimportant. Or just a quirk.
Well- then George Santos is simply ‘quirky’ and needs to be left alone to serve in congress.
It kills me that this guy has lied-about everything- and his lies still only ‘start to rival’ the lies that Joe Biden has told over the years. The left wants to force Santos out of office before he’s even sworn in... over being a young fabulist...when Joe Biden is a fifty-year fabulist...and they’re going to try to get him a second term.
For those who completely checked out last week. George Santos is a young, gay, newly elected congressmen from New York who-it is just being discovered- made up absolutely everything about himself....as he ran for office.
A dive into his background by the MSM makes it clear that he’s a life-long liar, and he tells lies at every turn. He defines congenital liar.
He has claimed to be biracial. Claimed he’s part black. Claimed he’s both Jewish and Catholic. Claimed he is a descendant of holocaust survivors.
He said his mom died on 9/11 when the towers felt. When she really died five years later. He went by an entirely different name as a teenager.
He claims to be gay and Brazilian...and no one’s certain that either of those things are true. He’s lied about everything.
And so, the leftist machine is now ramped up to force him out of office...and they are hoping republican congressmen will help them.
It’s another instance of the dems wanting to hold their own members to-zero-ethical standard, but insisting republicans be held to a higher standard.
And so, my take is: Kevin McCarthy and his team should refuse. They should simply refuse to go along with this, and instead, use Santos as a great foil...in order to expose the democrat’s worst liars.
Genuinely. The best way to play this is to make it clear that the voters of that congressional district are the ones who need to decide Santo’s’ fate...because they elected his. And instead, build a list of relentless democrat liars and frauds-starting with Joe Biden, himself, and release it in response to all media inquiries related to Santos.
And so, when they are asked: should Santos resign, senator so-and so?
The response should be only after the president and Liz Warren and Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff and every other one of the long-time liars on this list resign.
And I’m dead serious.
For the last 30 years that I’ve been watching dc politics- every time a scummy democrat is discovered- their party leaders go out of their way to protect them. From Eric Swalwell to Barney Frank to the Clintons- no democrat is ever too much of a scummy liar...or a criminal...to belong to their party.
And yet, every republican caught in a scandal needs to be pushed out. And they often are because -while the dems have no ethics, anymore, they know that the republicans do. And they use that against us.
The republican party, itself, has ethical and moral standards they impose on their own, even as the dems get a pass, and the dems have understood this, and weaponized this, over the last four decades.
I say, ‘nuts to that’, now. The republicans don’t need to protect Santos. They can -and should- make no excuses for his lying or feel the need to circle the wagons around him and defend the indefensible...
But don’t shove him out. Leave that to the voters back home.
And the attempt-will be made-by the DC democrats to shove Santos out. They want that seat back, by any means necessary. And so-if they can force -any republican-out of congress-they are going to try to do so, right?
In fact-the wheels are already in motion. This uber-partisan New York AG who they have-Letitia James-has already started to investigate whether any of George Santos’ lies constitute criminal behavior. Maybe she can ‘prosecute him’ out of office.
The Dem’s congressional lawyers are doing the same. There’s also a way to force Santos out the minute he takes the oath...by a vote of a 2/3 majority of the house. The dems would need republican help with that move, but they’re gearing up to try it. The dems are already trying to convince squishy GOP congressmen to cooperate with that move.
The chamber-can-expel a member with a 2/3 vote. The other way to remove him would be via recall. But its’ going to be difficult to get him out of that seat-if he really wants to stay- unless they can prove he committed a crime.
And so, the most likely way to get rid of him is to wait two years until his term is up. Because there is no rule that says a person who ‘lied their way’ into office...cannot hold that office.
If that rule-did-exist, there wouldn’t be a single congressman or senator alive today who could have been seated and served.
But there is-zero reason-that Kevin McCarthy and the GOP members should go along with any plan to force Santos out. They need his vote.
McCarthy has the option of expelling Santos from the caucus, or denying him committee assignments, and pushing him out of the GOP club (if you will), but there’s no real political advantage in that, right now, either.
And as indefensible as Santos' lies are-you’ve got to step back and realize that-the only reason that he’s controversial in dc-is the sheer volume of lies that he has told already, even before his congressional career gets going.
The more normal pattern if DC lying is that the lies accumulate over time. You come into office relatively clean...and your catalog of lies and misrepresentations builds over time.
That’s the only real difference, here.
We’ve have a president who has a 50-year track record of lying. And lying about nearly everything: about his bio. Where he finished in law school. How his first wife died. How he met his second wife. He was having an affair with Jill when his first wife died. He has lied about what colleges he attended. What sports he played or didn’t. He has lied about participating in the march on Selma and other historical events. He has lied about being good friends with past historical figures.
Joe Biden has lied about-the very same things-that George Santos is lying about. And one man the dems are trying to force out of congress even as they work to get the other man a second term.
So-come on, here.
Republicans should join the effort to force Santos out?
Nope. Not if we are playing by the longstanding democrat rules, no.
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