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Latest Twitter files release shows how "deep state" it really was

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-12-22 8:10am

There were several more batches of twitter files revealed over the last few days, while I was on a long weekend.

They prove more collusion between the Biden campaign, the DNC, the FBI, and top-level twitter execs to censor the news. Keep negative news for democrats off twitter and Facebook- promote pro-dem narratives...

None of it is shocking to those of us in the right, who knew it was going on, even if some of the details are shocking.

What I keep circling back to, as a guy who grew up as a kid in the 70s and how dramatically the democrat party-of that era- has changed.

Back in the late 60s, 70s, early 80s, the democrat party was all about ‘challenging power’. Fighting big govt, deep state, institutions...

And it was hugely invested in free speech. The free exchange of ideas. The notion that college campuses and government forums-in particular-needed to be free speech zones, in which all dissenting opinions needed to be heard, no matter how nutty or invalid.

Every time I see another story about how-invested-today’s democrats are in controlling the media and controlling their party or govt’s narrative.... I think back to that era and how much the party’s ideals have changed in 50 years.

Today’s democrats are anti-American Marxists. They are showing, at every turn, that they will stop at nothing to stop free speech. Control the flow of information. Bully and cancel anyone who might dare to disagree with them.

The reaction by AOC and Primala Jayapal to the news that Kirsten Sinema turned independent is another indicator: they slammed her for daring to have opinions other than hers...and celebrated her ostracization from the party. Good riddance to anyone who doesn’t buckle under to their extreme viewpoints.

It's shocking and alarming-when you consider what the quote...democratic party’...has stood for in the way of ‘free speech’...over the last 50 years or so.

These certainly aren’t pro-American patriots in today’s dem party. They are anti-American Marxists...and anyone who calls themselves a democrat should be seriously re-evaluating their own set of ideals and ethics.

Friday’s release verified for me-that my ‘take’ over the last few weeks has been correct: that twitter was engaging in this censorship more secretly for quite some time...and willingly participated in the censorship demands of the DNC, Biden’s campaign, and the FBI...before...the 2020 election...

But then after January sixth? A more open, overt, and belligerent censorship of trump and -all-conservative content really kicked into high gear.

This is something we’ve been suggesting for weeks: here’s the proof from Taibbi: January sixth-really was-the excuse these twitter content managers were looking for to -not just ban trump-but to label all trump supporters and anyone with a conservative viewpoint expressed on be considered ‘dangerous’ and in need to silencing.

Folks-January sixth didn’t just give twitter execs the excuse or ‘permission’ they needed to ban trump from their social media site-it went much further than that: it gave them permission to go along with Nancy Pelosi and the democrats in January and February of 2021....and characterize -all- conservative thought as ‘a danger to democracy’ and worth censoring.

At one point on this timeline, Yoel Roth and the main execs in charge of twitter content were playing a covert game of covering up, shadow banning, and all-out banning conservative users, without the knowledge or permission of Jack Dorsey, the CEO.

At least this is the way Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey are portraying it: as if Dorsey was testifying in front of congress and -he thought- testifying honestly about having no formal or intentional censoring of conservatives going on.... when his management team did. Unbeknownst to him.

I am very skeptical of that claim and think it might be Elon musk trying to provide Dorsey from cover for lying to congress....

But...Jack Dorsey-actually was-on vacation in French Polynesia when the January sixth riots took place....and it sounds like he was an absentee general.

Dorsey-did-personally approve the ban of Donald Trump but claims he didn’t know about all of the other shadow banning and blackballing of conservative voices that came afterward.

It sounds like their head content guy- this slimy Yoel Roth- went rogue and was the point man on nearly all of this-

And by the way? Roth was a prolific tweeter himself up until ten days ago...and has now stopped, all together.

Up until ten days ago- this weasel was trying to answer back and make excuses for himself and insist his actions were being mischaracterized. But he hasn’t been on twitter- or really been in public- since December first.

What’s happened since then?

He’s been caught ‘red handed’ on all this left-wing activism and been proven to be a willing participant in government censorship.

And remember- it was bad enough that he agreed to cooperate and coordinated with the DNC an the Biden campaign and FBI-before-the election...but once the Biden regime took office...that collusion turned into -officially- a violation of the first amendment and unconstitutional, dark alley, propagandist’s tool for the regime.

Former NY Times reporter Baari Weiss released a different installment of these twitter files on Thursday evening of last week...and her work verified that these twitter execs had various categories of ‘blacklist’ and ‘shadow ban’ for conservative users of the site...and this is the sort of treatment that Gregory Jon and I have noticed...over those years: being shadow unwittingly having your content and postings being sent into a black hole. You thought you were tweeting something out...but it never actually appeared on anyone else’s twitter feed...or only went out to a tiny fraction of them.

Or-being banned as a punishment for some tweet they didn’t like either for some period like two weeks: you can’t tweet for two weeks-

Or-being banned all-together. Lifetime ban.

Weiss’s work proves that these content execs and their workers at twitter had several categories for manipulating, limiting, or even blocking or banning users from having their thoughts and information spread over the site.

In short-it verifies everything that we conservative users-thought- was going on with twitter before Elon Musk bought it.

And yet again, something that the bullying left and the MSM insisted was nothing more than a ‘conspiracy theory’ has been proven correct.

Twitter execs and employees were-deeply-deeply involved in controlling and censoring conservative content on that site.

So much so-that they apparently put no time or effort into blocking illegal activity like child pornography from the site...and instead focused almost entirely on acting as the speech police for the Biden admin and America’s left wing.

Every American should be outraged...and every news outlet in America should be reporting on it. Digging for more. Breaking new angles.

But they aren’t, because these big media outlets have been revealed as willing accomplices in this outrageous game, too, and we’ll get to that in a different segment...

For those who don’t know. The libs of Tik Tok account on twitter- literally- just reposts crazy leftists who have posted videos on Tik-Tok.

And so-imagine the irony and the hypocrisy of this one:  all this twitter site is- is liberals ‘doing their thing’.... right?

The originator of this site was only reposting the extreme left-wing nonsense she saw on video- on other social media sites. It is literally a ‘look at how extreme and insane today’s left is’...sort of venture. And it’s hugely popular.

This twitter execs-banned- the user on the grounds that it was ‘mean’ or ‘spreading misinformation.

All she was doing was- literally-getting wider viewership for a liberal poster who -wanted-the views! This person had posted the video-themselves!

Libs of Tik-Tok just amplified it out- and said-look at this crazy liberal.

Twitter banned the site...because it portrayed liberals-as they are- but those same content managers allowed foreign dictators and users in terrorist groups to send around death threats. Globally.

This was jack Dorsey’s twitter. And the left knew it was a tool they were using to their great advantage and are furious Elon Musk is exposing all of it.

photo credit: Getty Images

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