Jay Weber Show transcript 10-27-22 7:10am
This is good news:Europe might end up having a small glut of natural gas this winter, instead of terrible shortages.
That’s since their leaders have been obsessively importing liquid natural gas, as Putin cuts them off from his supply...and because a recent stretch of warm weather has led to less usage.
The longer-term winter forecasts for Europe aren’t very accurate, yet, but this is some positive news for now:
This isn’t only good news for Europe: it could also be good news for prices here in America, if less of our L-N-G is needed over there.
I love this story about how the Biden administration thought they had a secret deal with the Saudis to keep gas prices lower until after the election.
This revelation comes from the NY Times, as they explore this rift between Biden and the crown prince...in this ‘Biden era’.
I’ve talked at length about how stupid it is to approach Saudi Arabia as an adversary, rather than an ally. They have been a key ally for us in the middle east for decades....even if they are an imperfect one....and if there is any chance of a wider, regional peace there, it is going to hinge on normalized relations between Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and some other countries who want todrop tribal rivalries that are thousands of years old and move into a more modern era.
Every US president since Nixon has understood this, at least, but...here comes Brandon....
Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken are idiots who are making enemies of our allies and pushing them toward China and Russia. Really stupid.
This latest story is related to the trip that President Biden grudgingly agreed to take over there, to meet the prince, even though his party still has its undies in a knot over the Jamal Khashoggi murder...
And it sounds like...in return for the hit Biden was going to take with his own party activists...the prince promised to keep pumping enough oil to keep gas prices down...so the dems weren’t harmed before the election.
Then the prince reneged on the deal, according to the times:
Again...this is the NY Times. One of their side’s own propaganda rags...admitting...Biden got played and Biden’s team is PO’d about it.
But what needs to be emphasized is that- Biden’s white house went out of its way to try to keep gas prices down...just to save their own hides.
This story confirms what many of us on the right have been saying about these Biden-era democrats: they are solely driven by political considerations...and their sole motivation seems to be engaging in political stunting that will ‘trick’ the American people, rather than solve their problems.
We talked again yesterday about whether their ‘managed destruction’ of the last two years is intentional or not...
Well...stories like this provide the evidence that today’s democrats -intentionally-have this country on a path toward decay and destruction...so that they can then lord over the ashes with a socialistic, totalitarian state...and that what motivates their actions now is ‘not getting caught’.
See-if their ‘managed destruction’ of capitalism and American traditions becomes obvious to the majority of the American people-now. Today- then they won’t be able to keep winning elections and being in the positions of power that they need to ‘complete the deal’- like steal back the supreme court thru a court packing scheme. Or rig all future elections by taking over the process and ending or rigging the electoral college...
They need to be in power to do those things...and so...if it is evident-now-that this is where their party wants to take America: more pain, hardship, destruction, desperation, decay...until the American masses scream for socialism...
Well then...their plans fall apart. And so, the effort is to gaslight. Lie to the voters. Deflect. Insist that inflation isn’t real. Then, it won’t stick around long. Then, it’ll only be two to four percent. Then. It’s the republican’s fault.
And it is the same with every issue: Trump didn’t have that border controlled. Biden didn’t reopen the border. We’ve got Kammy in charge of fixing it. This problem isn’t getting worse. Etc.
It is gaslighting on every single issue now. Including gas!
Biden didn’t cause these five dollars a gallon prices. He’s been working to drop them. Americans are saving 120 dollars a month compared to when they were higher...and should be thanking Joe.... etc.
They know Biden’s extreme executive orders and policies killed off pipelines and killed off oil and gas leases and drove oil companies into an era of contraction...and they figured they could cover their tracks by cutting a deal with OPEC to keep the prices under 4 dollars a gallon until after election day.
Biden’s team-literally- schemed with the Saudis...to trick the American people.
Of course, they were.
And when prices were still close to five dollars a gallon and Biden was begging our global enemies to produce more...so that he didn’t have to allow for more drilling there...we on the right exposed all of it: it’s just a scheme to keep strangling u-s energy producers and do the bidding of their global warming masters...and to buy time for themselves.
And here we are.
What’s amazing is that the NY Times and so many of Biden’s anonymous minions are willing to admit to the scheme.
But the Biden white house is apparently so PO’d at the Saudis that they let it slip.
This is like two bank robbers arguing on court over who screwed up...and in doing so...admitting that they robbed the bank.
The NY Times wants to spin this into a tale about how the young Saudi crown prince is eager to shed some of the longtime reliance on America that his nation has had...blah blah...whatever.
It’s the NY Times admitting that the Biden regime colluded with a sketchy middle eastern ally to try to trick the voters on the issue.
Past presidents have also learned this lesson: when you try to cut quiet side deals with unreliable foreign leaders...you are likely to get burned.
Iran-contra comes to mind. Barrack and Hillary trying to get arms shipments out of Libya, comes to mind. Obama flying planeloads of cash into Iran comes to mind. These things have a way of getting out.
But- in this instance- all the secrecy and duplicity was over an attempt to keep gas prices under four dollars a gallon until after an election?
And all because Biden and his party’s leaders refuse. Refuse. To admit that America and the world are going to need to rely on fossil fuels for the next 100 years...even if we find ways to transition some of our usage to cleaner sources?
A ’real clear energy’ piece today makes the point that- the democrat’s horrible energy policy never seems to die.
These idiotic ideas just keep coming back again, and again, and again, because they refuse to step up and admit that-dammit- we are going to be relying heavily on fossil fuels for a very long time.
Some examples of this bad policy that even pre-dates jimmy carter that just keeps coming back and back and back again out of democrat’s mouths:
And they refuse to acknowledge what an unworkable fantasy their ‘green energy dreams’ are. It will take mining efforts that will virtually destroy the earth extract all the rare materials and precious metals that will be required for such a transition...and it will be far more polluting, and toxic, and it will also generate far more atmospheric carbon...than if we just continued drilling.
I’ve been calling them the ‘dangerously dumb’ and talking about how-through-out the course of human existence, we have known enough to ignore the idiots.
First of all-for most of human existence- we didn’t protect the idiots at every turn, as we do now, so we had a smaller percentage of idiots...
But....thru-out time...the humans who came before us knew to ignore the idiots.
Now? In the most prosperous, soft, generous, easy part of our history.... we...in the western world have started to listen to the idiots.
We are allowing ourselves to be cry bullied by the idiots.
story credit: U.S. Officials Had a Secret Oil Deal With the Saudis. Or So They Thought-NY Times
photo credit: Getty Images