The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Even Obama can't find any Mandela Barnes accomplishments

Jay Weber Show transcript

Well...the savior has come: Barrack Obama has now ‘dropped’ a TV ad urging people to vote for Mandela Barnes in the US Senate race-

And what strikes me about it-the most-is that, even as Barnes’ campaign closes things out-Barnes is still-still! - talking about how hard his parents worked.

I pointed this out very early in the campaign, and at some point, senator Johnson’s campaign picked it up as a talking point, too...

But...I pointed out early that Mandela Barnes seemed to be trying to get into office based on-his parent’s-hard work.

He kept talking about how he knew what ‘hard work looked like’ because his dad worked third shift and his mom was a teacher... (or whatever he says) ...

Well, Mandela, where is-your-history of hard work? Where is your experience with ‘work’?

I found it telling that Mandela Barnes, clearly, had so little experience with ‘work’ himself, that the only claim he can make to it is ‘i watched others work hard’.

Huh? Really? You’re going to go with that, Mandela?

Well-here we are- four months later-and he’s got Barrack Obama trying to ‘close the deal’ for him, by yet again-

And still! - only referencing this relationship that Mandela Barnes has with ‘work’ which i guess I’ll call: exertion by proxy.

Isn’t that odd? Four or six months after I pointed it out. Whenever that was?

And Barnes and his campaign are-still? - using that pathetic dodge?

In fact, several weeks ago, in the first debate, Senator Johnson brought this up...and at that point it would have been a natural, reflex, action for Barnes’ campaign to finally put out a list of Barnes’ past job history.

The normal reaction to the charge that: Mandela Barnes hasn’t worked a real job in his entire life...

Would be for the Barnes team to say...oh yeah? Well...he worked here, and here, and here, and pulled the third shift here...

And they didn’t, and to my knowledge, still haven’t.  Has the Barnes campaign -at any point? -put out a Mandela Barnes work history?

I seem to remember hearing something about a job at target, once, and that’s about it.

Sincerely: this man has career, prior to politics, that is very similar to Barrack Obama’s or Jon Fetterman’s-

He’s the man-baby who is running for the senate in Pennsylvania who has also lived his entire life off of his parent’s wealth...and only finally moved out of their house at 50.

All three of these guys share the same work history: virtually none...until they decided to get into politics so other people would think they are important hotshots and smart people.

It kills me that Barnes’ opening argument was: my parents worked hard as I watched...and now his closing argument...using Obama as the messenger is still ‘Mandela Barnes knows some people who worked hard. He watched and benefitted from it. Elect him to the senate’.


And folks...every political rag and website over the weekend was dominated with the news that the democrats think this fall’s election is slipping away from them...

And this should surprise no one in this audience: it will be a very strong republican year if you all-go out and vote. Vote. Volunteer. Donate. Vote.’s as if these east coast ‘smart people’ inside the bubble, are finally starting to understand yes, the American people are PO’d at democrats. Yes.

photo credit: Fox News

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