The Jay Weber Show

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GOP seems to have control of nearly all the critical races

Jay Weber Show transcript 10-5-22 7:10am we move into October- we can prove that all talk of a ‘resurgent’ democrat party in late summer-was nonsense.

As we predicted.

It’s now about five or six weeks later...and republicans seem to have control of nearly all the critical races...with growing momentum as the early voting gets underway.

I was on vacation, and was only checking the headlines, but I saw five polls over the last few days that suggest senator Ron Johnson is now up by 4 or 5 points against Mandela Barnes... And that Tim Michels is now -at the very least-tided-  or up by as many as 3 points against Gov Evers.

And it has been credible pollsters, as well as crummy ones.

Even Fox News’ crummy pollster has Johnson up by four now.

They also have the governor’s race tied at 47, when they had Evers leading by three points in their last poll.

They also had Evers at 49 percent approval...and so their new numbers show a slippage in popularity.

Again-fox news’ pollster sucks...and so that might not mean much...but it’s a real problem for incumbent governors and senators if they cannot manage to get anywhere near 50 percent support in these polls.

Tony Evers has been hovering around 46 or 47 percent in the most optimistic polls that I’ve seen. That’s not going to be a high enough level of support for him to keep his job in November.

Meanwhile- please note where Ron Johnson is in all of these polls this week: not only is he leading Mandela Barnes by 4 or 5 points-but importantly- Johnson is at 48 to 50 percent support, as well.  As the incumbent-he’s in that territory in which incumbents tend to win


Tony Evers is not, yet. And let’s hope he never gets there.

I got a kick out of Evers’ most recent ‘desperate move’: to put out a fake budget of the sort that he-would pass-if he gets a second term.

Folks- I know you aren’t this naive, but please correct your friends and family if they don’t understand Gov Evers cannot pass, or promise, a budget on his own. Period.

He simply can’t.

At the end of the budgetary process that is almost entirely controlled by the legislature-he can either choose to sign the budget that is sent to him-or he can veto it. That’s about all he can do- as a governor when the opposition party so thoroughly controls the legislature, the committees, and therefore, the overall process.

Tony Evers can’t promise ‘diddly’ when it comes to the next budget. He submitted two tax raising budgets during his short term...and both read like woke, leftist wish lists, because he knew the republican lawmakers would never go along with it.

Evers was so certain that he had nothing constructive to offer, in the way of budget making, that he didn’t even take the process seriously. He and Maggie Gau and their activist groups wrote up fake -wildly leftist-tax raising budgets-and submitted them to the legislature, knowing that the gop would have no option other than scrap them, and then go thru the ‘real’ budget making process.

And so, the first thing to tell your friends here, is that this is a fake budget proposal borne out of desperation, because Evers knows he’s losing to Tim Michels.

The second thing to note is that-while his two budgets as the sitting governor would have raised taxes by two billion dollars and added -zero- money for law enforcement or the prison system-

Now? In this ‘fake election year budget’?

Now Evers pretends to be concerned about crime and the policing and law enforcement resources that he and Mandela Barnes have allowed to dwindle under their watch.

Only now...does Evers pretend he wants to put over 100-million dollars into the effort-and he’s still lying-

Because his proposal doesn’t dedicate the funding to Wisconsin’s police departments.Instead, it suggests a vague bump in state revenue to municipalities to be used any way they’d like, but perhaps, to boost. quote...public safety.

That is complete crap, of course. Tony Evers has had four years to prove that he’s concerned about Wisconsin’s rising crime rate and worsening public safety-and -worse than doing nothing-

He and Mandela Barnes have been promising left wing activists cuts in police funding and letting 50 percent of our prisoners go.  

Evers cannot pivot now, in the eleventh hour, and pretend to ‘back the blue’ or pretend to be in favor of more police funding.

What a scummy clown.

This laughable pivot isn’t going to work for Evers any better than it has worked for Mandela Barnes.

He’s got a long trail of tweets and video tape of him cheering and promoting efforts to defund the police and let dangerous prisoners go-and Mandela Barnes is now campaigning as a ‘law and order’ guy and insisting his critics are lying about him.

The problem is- it’s all on tape or in print. Barnes cannot run from his extreme and scummy record.

In fact, he has become such a joke, that i have seen several national stories about what a fraud Mandela Barnes is.

News outlets around the country are using Mandela Barnes’ naked and ludicrous hypocrisy on the issue of crime and justice- to illustrate just how silly these democrats now look...on the issue of crime.

These democrats have been failing to support law enforcement and have been corrupting our court and prison systems for two decades. Not two years. It just all came to a head more recently.

I know that most endorsements don’t really count for much with most voters. But there is a reason that republican candidates like Ron Johnson and Tim Michels have nearly all of the law enforcement endorsements this year: because in America today, only one of the two major political parties wants law, order, and safe streets.

And that’s a terrible thing to say. And it’s a blanket statement. But it’s true: today’s democrats have shown time and again that they have-zero- interest in enforcing the law and having a safe and orderly society.

Over the last twenty years-they and their party’s activist groups have been working against it, and sadly, they were having so much success doing so, that around about 2018, they decided that they could be open about it, and embrace antifa and BLM thugs. Embrace and support the riots. Have their elected officials make room for the rioting. Call for actual defunding or elimination of the police. Call for opening the prison house doors. Stop holding criminals-even violent criminals- for trial.

During the trump era, the Dems who had been working so diligently at this effort to destroy law and order thought they were safe to be more vocal and more bullying about it....

And the backlash to their ‘new openness’ has led us to where we are now: with their candidates now trying to put their own strongly held anti-cop, anti-prison positions ‘back in the box’ long enough to win re-election...or trick voters into electing them in the first place.

And sadly, in some communities, we have already seen it work.

In others- there’s hope that even most democrat voters will wake up and demand better.

In Seattle...

A 30-year incumbent Democrat senator is suddenly in trouble. This is the putrid Patty Murray...

But the significant slide into the crap hole that Seattle and much of Washington state have slid into over the last few changing minds.

Most parts of Portland now look and feel like third world hell holes, with all the tent cities, poverty, open-air drug abuse, and crime. It’s a city that isn’t safe for anyone, anymore, to the point that even those areas that have been reserved for ‘rich people’ are now being overtaken by crime and homelessness.

It'd be insane for the people of Oregon and wash state to keep voting for these same elected officials...and yet...most of them will. The question will be- how many dem residents of those states and cities will finally wise up and vote differently. 

photo credit: Getty Images

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