Jay Weber Show transcript 8-15-22 6:40am
As expected, -the house passed the terrible, tax raising, inflation raising, Schumer/Manchin bill.
They did so without a single republican vote. And they did so with about half of their democrat colleagues voting ‘by proxy’, meaning that they weren’t even in Washington. And they also weren’t at home on skype, following along.
No, they were on vacation- lord knows where- and some other democrat voted for them.
And yes, Gwen Moore was one of them. I assume marc Pocan voted by proxy, too, given that he has been one of the worst abusers of this ‘by proxy’ process, but i know Moore voted by proxy because I happened to run across the audio of it.
Folks-this is what it sounded like as today’s democrats voted to raise taxes on all of you, and sic 87-thousand new IRS agents onto you, with most of them too lazy to even show up and ‘own’ the vote. Including Gwen Moore.
Isn’t that pathetic?
This is a bill that spends 750-billion dollars of taxpayer money. It is a bill that will almost certainly raise inflation.
It is a bill that will put the IRS on steroids with enough new auditing agents to fill miller park twice.
This is a bill that only pretends to bring down drug prices for seniors and only pretends to include tax breaks for people who buy electric cars.
It is a bill in which democrats have felt the need to lie about -every part of it-for two weeks. The senate passed it with no GOP votes in the dead of night on a Saturday.
Pelosi and her dems passed it thru the house with most of her members being put on a list so that someone else would do it for them.
That’s infuriating.
750 billion in new spending. 220-billion dollars of new tax increases. And Gwen Moore couldn’t be bothered to show up to vote in person. What a fraud, Gwen Moore is.
And the bill is as fraudulent as can possibly be. I talked last week about how these democrats not only had to lie to the American people by calling it the inflation reduction act when no part of it has-anything-to do with inflation...
But then they had turn around and lie to their own constituents and special interest groups about what was and wasn’t in it.
I don’t believe that i have-ever- seen one of the party’s lie so much to their own supporters about what is in this.
Biden, Pelosi and the democrats cheered its passage, and started right in on the false messaging that they are going to do around it.
Listen to Pelosi, afterward, for a sense of how they are going to dramatically misrepresent this.
The polls last week already showed that the bulk of the American people knew that bill was a tax raising sham...and so if Pelosi and the dems want to reinforce that -not a single republican voted for it- great.
That’ll be just fine with republicans. Because the American people knew immediately that another 750-billion dollars in govt. spending wasn’t going to reduce inflation...and they seemed to know instinctively that nothing in this bill was going to help them.
Every part of it is fraudulent.
But-what do you mean, jay?
For those who weren’t listening last week- this raises five different taxes that will all be passed along to consumers and/or affect our retirement accounts and pensions negatively-including a fifteen percent corporate minimum tax that will cost jobs and force up prices....and a one percent excise tax on companies who engage in stock buy-backs-which actually boost the investment for the retirees.
It includes all sorts of spending on green energy nonsense that amounts to handouts to their eco-zealot cronies...
And yes. When it comes to how it might benefit the average American who wants to buy an electric car? The answer is-not at all.
There is a sham 75-hundred-dollar tax credit that has stipulations related to battery production that means-zero- electric cars will qualify for it in the near future-and probably the long-term future. Because we don’t mine here in the u-s.
And the biggest misdirection ‘claim’ in it might be about how it will lower drug prices for seniors.
No. It won’t.
The ‘negotiated’ drug pricing the dems are touting is years off...and then starts with just ten of the most expensive drugs. Ten. That’s it.
So-seven years from now.... a total of 20 super-expensive drugs will have their prices fixed by government- and the drug makers will have to pass on any losses related to Medicare- to the rest of us consumers who have private health insurance packages.
And it tops out at twenty. And so, seven years from now and into the future- twenty- and only twenty- drugs will be price-fixed for seniors.
That’s it.
That’s’ the big ‘win’ here on drugs for seniors.
And if it sounds to you like the democrats did ‘next to nothing’ on drug prices, now you are starting to get it.
It’s almost as if they -intentionally-came up with a way to do nothing...but then be able to cheerlead afterward and pretend they did.
Now you are getting it.
And please, if you are a senior on Medicare and you’ve got friends who think the democrats just did something to lower your drug prices, please, disabuse them of that notion. Please explain this.Explain to them that they will be getting-zero- help with their drug prices from democrats here.
Jeb Babbin is a conservative pundit who gives a weekly ‘grade’ to the president for the Washington Examiner...
And Biden’s grade for last week-was an ‘f’. Even as the rest of Washington was celebrating these ‘great wins’ that Biden and the dems are racking up, Babbin gave Biden an ‘f’.
Because Babbin gets it: none of these leftist ‘wins’ are wins for the American people.
This is not a president who is ‘winning’ for the American people, nor is his party.
It’s a window into how out of touch, and how far gone, these dc democrats are, that Pelosi and her house members held a big news conference to ‘celebrate the win’ following this disastrous vote...
And ironically, they were holding their big ‘win’ for the people as the congressional budget office was releasing a report that confirmed that-on top of the 220-billion dollars in new taxes that the dems are layering onto businesses, workers, and consumers in the bill--this will mean the direct theft of 20-billion dollars from our paychecks.
This makes it clearer than ever: when Joe Biden signs this legislation, he will be shattering this campaign promise not to raise taxes on anyone making less than 400-thousand dollars a year.
He has already shattered the promise with this insane inflation that he’s touched off on all of us...but this is a more direct tax increase.
This is ‘Biden vowed ‘a’....and now he’s ignoring it and doing ‘b’. Raising taxes, anyway. And he knows it.
photo credit: Getty Images