Jay Weber Show transcript 7-7-22 7:10am
I have a different segment on how this trickle of stories in the leftist media slamming Joe Biden are turning into a steady stream.
And they look to me like a coordinated campaign by the DC insiders and their left-wing accomplices in the major media outlets to force Joe Biden into vowing not to run again in 2024.
I don’t see this as an effort by Biden’s own party members to get him to resign early so that they can give Kammy a head start on keeping the white house in 2024-because she wouldn’t.
I think they’re just after a statement assuring the country-and the party-that Joe isn’t running again. It is clear by the tone of these stories that they just want him to say it.
Say it!
They want to bully the Bidens into saying it, now, to put their minds at ease. That’s exactly what this is: when the leader of your own party or family is inflicting the pain on you, you just want some reassurance that this is going to stop soon. That there’s an end-date on this.
This is the democrats- begging- the Biden regime to promise them that this pain is going to stop soon. That is precisely what these stories are, and what this push is: they want to force Biden into giving them some sort of hope that this disaster comes to an end, soon.
And so far, he’s not giving it to them.
But if you notice- those same democrats and left wing media accomplices- have already emotionally moved on from Joe Biden, and are calming their fears by already focusing on the 2024 race.
Over the last few months, we’ve gotten a few stories already handicapping a 2024 democrat field that doesn’t include Biden: will it be Kamala? Squats? Paternity Pete?
And over the last week or so- you might have seen some version of this story popping up: Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis – mano a mano- in 2024.
It is-left wing news outlets- pushing this narrative. Suddenly, they are unnaturally invested in California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, being their party’s savior.
And they are-because Newsome has started a very ill-advised feud with Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis.
See-so many Californians have left and flooded into Florida and Texas-that Newsome is now smearing those states, and their governors, in an ad campaign to try to lure people back.
First of all-what a desperate ploy-
But second: there’s no way it works.
There’s no way it works, because Newsome’s ads ludicrously focus on ‘freedoms’, and how many ‘freedoms’ Florida and Texas republicans are taking away from people.
And then there are Newsome’s personal scandals and outward arrogance that are so off-putting.
But Newsome is really going to claim that California is the ‘and of personal freedoms?’
Now, come on.
Those governors and their state parties have gone out of their way to protect the individual freedoms of their citizens and have gone out of their way to protect state’s rights, and the right of voters to decide for themselves, what rules they want to be governed by.
Newsome’s entire supposition is idiotic. But- it’s clear Gavin Newsome has presidential ambitions, and desperate democrats are saying ‘why not?’.
Well-because Newsome just recently survived a recall last year and was rated as one of America’s worst and most oppressive governors when it came to handling covid, that’s why.
I guess they figure he’s better than Joe or Kammy.
Newsome’s silly attack ads are so foolish that they normally wouldn’t garner much attention, but because today’s democrats are desperate for-someone- anyone- to lead them out of the fossilized and malaise Biden era.... Newsome seems exciting.
Polls show 60 to 75 percent of Americans support Ron DeSantis’s policy moves and position statements on the issues.
We don’t have to guess at how popular Ron DeSantis’s positions are on- crime, education, the border, trans-bullies, etc...
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