Jay Weber Show transcript 7/5/22 8:30am
My friends- one measure of how radical most of today’s democrat leaders are-is in how they keep saying outrageous things, without even knowing it-
Or without even sensing that this is something that they shouldn’t be saying if they want to stay in power.
These admissions are seen as gaffes and mistakes by the political pundits, but they never explain why President Biden, his team, and today’s democrats have such a high number of them.
The reason is: because they are existing so deep in that leftist east coast bubble that they can no longer identify what sort of rhetoric and policies are unpopular with the American people.
For example- while Joe Biden and his communications team have about a dozen different excuses for why gas prices are high...and why it isn’t their fault...so they can gaslight the American people as they-intentionally-raise gas prices....
Brian Deese, the director of Biden’s national economic council, isn’t really ‘in on’ those messaging meetings. And so, when he was asked about the high prices on CNN on Thursday, he was honest.
Quote-this is about the future of the liberal world order, he said.
There’s no way to confuse that. No way to misinterpret that. And no way to ‘walk that back’.
Brian Deese ‘gave up the game’. He gave an ‘inside the leftist bubble’ answer to a national news outlet. The Biden administration is pushing the country toward green energy- at all costs- and so, the high gas prices are going to remain high, and you just got to deal with it.
This CNN host asked Deese what his message was to the American people-and at the essence of his answer was...what? ‘This is intentional, and you’ll just have to deal with it’.
And sure, he went on to try to blame Putin, but he made it clear: the Biden administrations’ effort to kill off all fossil fuels is not going to change, so, ‘deal with it’.
And he says this-as President Biden and his press team are trying to gaslight America any way they can-to keep from being blamed for all of the misery these high energy prices are inflicting onto the American people.
They keep blaming big oil, or oil refineries, or gas station owners....
On Saturday, the president got pounded because the white house twitter feed yet again put out this idiotic notion that gas station owners are gouging their customers-
Or at the very least- have no reason to be charging what they are charging.
Biden has said this in a few speeches, now: we just need the gas station owners to lower their prices.
As if there is no business model, or cost/profit ratio going into any of this.
As if station owners are just making up the prices.
Anyone who knows anything about business or how markets work-
Or even ‘who owns the gas stations’ –
Knows how idiotic that tweet is. To the point that the US oil and gas association tweeted back:
Working on it, Mr. President. In the meantime, please make sure the intern who posted this tweet registers for econ 101 for the fall semester.
it is the appropriate comeback for such idiocy.
In fact, this white house tweet displayed such an ignorance that Jeff Bezos, the creator of Amazon and a full-blown leftist himself-
This is the guy who owns the far-left Washington Post-
Jeff Bezos tweeted a suggestion at how dumb Biden’s take was:
And it’s easy to blame an intern, but I’ve heard Joe Biden express this suggestion several times in speeches now. It suggests he has a basic misunderstanding of how markets work, or of the basics of ‘supply and demand’.
And worse-it suggests he has no idea what drives the u-s economy more than any one single thing: energy.
What a clown, this man is.
Even the billionaire liberals are turning against him. First it was Musk. Now Bezos.
Even the scummy Mark Zuckerberg is blasting Biden’s economy as the reason that he’s cutting back on the number of hires at Facebook this year.
That sounds an awful lot like a quote that Elon Musk got in trouble for: for admitting that these big tech companies have put up with all sorts of slackers for far too long.
I, for one, like to hear it, because it suggests that a ‘new reality’ might be coming for all of the privileged, crybaby millennials who have joined the job market over the last few years, and who don’t seem to realize that a job is a job, and their employers don’t exist just to give them money every payday.
This was audio of an internal meeting Zuckerberg was having with his management team, and clearly wasn’t supposed to get out publicly. It has him talking more bluntly than if this had been for public consumption, and its proof that the room for slackers and employees who make a bunch of demands is shrinking here, in Biden’s worsening economy.
But- of course joe Biden and the democrats are to
Blame for the high gas prices. Of course, they are.
An analysis this weekend said.... Biden keeps calling for refiners to ‘refine more’. He keeps insisting they are slacking.
It’s simply not the case:
President Biden and the dems-really are- to blame for our high gas and energy prices.
They’ve blocked virtually all new drilling on federal lands and waters...and even as the president has blamed everyone else for the high prices-he and his epa have crafted new regulations banning more fossil fuel usage.
Just this weekend-on Friday- Biden’s admin released a new plan to block all new offshore drilling in the Atlantic and pacific oceans and put even more restrictions on drilling in Alaska and the gulf.
Folks-Joe Biden and his team are-intentionally-engineering a serious energy crisis in this country.
This is another-intentional move- to ruin America. It’s just like engineering the open borders. It is an intentional effort to-cripple. Harm. Ruin America...with the hope that if they inflict enough harm, the inventors and entrepreneurs will ‘find another way’.
That’s all this is: setting the country on a path to destruction and if the misery and hardship they create will be enough to have the private sector and the American people bending to their will. It’s evil, really.
Joe Biden, Deb Haaland, Gene McCarthy, these administration eco-zealots clearly want to think of themselves as ‘creators. As visionaries.
Instead, they are destroyers.
What are they doing-other than promising to destroy this country- unless we, the people, bend to their will...and use their preferred way...to save ourselves?
What are they doing, other than saying, hey, if you want your factories to continue to operate, you’d better get working on more windmills and solar panels?
Hey-if you want to keep getting from point-a to point-b, you’d better start working on a network of charging stations.
We don’t care how impossible and unworkable any of it is. Just do it. Or see your world crumble.
That’s all these dems are doing, here, people.
photo credit: Getty Images