Jay Weber Show transcript 6-28-22 6:10am
A random tweeter made a -stellar-point related to the Dobbs decision yesterday-
And it goes back to a long-time claim by planned parenthood that they-are not-just an abortion mill.
Repeatedly, this organization has claimed that performing abortions is only a very small portion of their business- remember this?
The number that planned parenthood’s leaders have been tossing out for years is: three percent.
Abortions are just three percent of our business. That’s it.
We get a bad reputation, but we offer all sorts of health services to women that are very important to them. Planned parenthood is a wonderful organization...being vilified by pro-lifers. This has been their line of b-s for years.
Only three percent of their business is performing abortions.
So then-why is planned parenthood closing clinics in the states like Wisconsin, in which they can no longer perform abortions?
If those procedures are just a small sliver of what they do...why would they shut down the rest of their activity, shutter the buildings, and pull out?
Could it be that planned parenthood has been lying to us-and to the federal government-for decades?
Could it be that-virtually all they do? - is abortions?
Think about any other business. Make this any other business: does it shut down locations over a three percent drop in business?
Or would it simply streamline those franchises a bit. Perhaps start to offer -other- products or services? And keep going?
Pick a business: can you imagine McDonald’s permanently shutting down locations in a state just because they were banned from selling one item in that state, off their wider menu?
It’d be weird-but if Wisconsin banned the fish fillet and McDonald’s could no longer sell it would micky-d’s corporate say...okay...shut em’ all down. Close the doors on every restaurant in Wisconsin!
Or they make changes, find a new niche in the menu, and keep operating?
Would Lowes or home depot close down and pull out of a state if they were suddenly banned from selling...Canadian lumber in Wisconsin? That might be about three percent of their overall business at a location.
Or would they adjust?
This tweeter, Darrell Harrison, said:
Three percent, they’ve insisted.
Either planned parent has been lying to us for decades or they are shutting out thousands of women from the other ‘wonderful’ services that pp has been providing at the same locations...just because they can no longer do abortions there.
So, which is it?
I think we all know planned parenthood is an abortion mill, and if it cannot be that, it has no interest in pretending to be a ‘women’s clinic’.
This is one reason that it’s executives and the pro-abortion activists in general-are so furious-about the pro-life clinics that are being vandalized and firebombed...like the one in Madison.
Because those actually-are- women’s planning and health care clinics. They actually-do-offer the services that planned parenthood has only been pretending to provide...or will only offer if a client says ‘no’ to the abortion.
It's one thing to have a few pamphlets around about alternatives to abortion. It’s another thing to plan a clinic around those alternatives, as the pro-life clinics do, while offering -real-health care services for women.
Yes. This is quite a revealing development: planned parenthood and other major abortion providers across the country are shuttering their clinics in states like Wisconsin and Texas, where abortion is now banned.
What’s that about?
Was abortion the-only? -service these clinics were really providing? Aside from selling fetal body parts.
Or is it the only service that they-care about providing? Because it’s one or the other.
You’re telling me that cannot help women in other ways, without having the profits from abortion and selling fetal body parts underwriting it? Was that their business model?
Not if abortions only accounted for three percent of their business, no.
Or have they been lying to the public-and to federal and state governments- for decades?
And hey-
When it comes to pro-abortionists and their democrat enablers lying, they’ve been doing it in all sorts of ways.
Miranda Devine of the NY Post was listing some democrat lies on abortion, yesterday, and came up with some good ones.
She started with the lie that Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are devout Catholics.
No, they’re not. They’re like every other democrat in dc today who even pretends to be religious: they’ll only use it when they think it benefits them.
I bet that’s a poll result that you haven’t seen or heard in the MSM: that nearly six in ten Americans say abortion should be banned at about the five- or six-week mark-when a heartbeat can be detected.
Every news outlet keeps insisting that Americans are ‘big on abortion’.
And as for the ‘big question’ the pollsters love to hide behind: should roe be overturned-
It depends on how the question is phrased, obviously.
Most polls by left-leaning outfits claim about 55 percent of Americans didn’t want roe overturned. Rasmussen found it to be 48 percent...with about the same number wanting to see it.
And so- this country is roughly split on the generic question of overturning roe-
But then when you get into the country’s views on abortion and when it should be acceptable- boy- does the instinct to protect life kick in.
A Trafalgar poll says 57 percent say ban abortion after just six weeks.
A Fox news poll found that nearly that same number say ban abortion at fifteen weeks. We don’t know if fox news pollsters asked? -about banning it earlier? But they asked: should abortion be banned after fifteen weeks, and 54 percent of Americans said ‘yes’.
The point is: America’s views on abortion are nuanced and complicated. And only a teeny, tiny sliver of Americans say they support abortion right up to the moment of birth.
But that’s what today’s democrats have been pushing as ‘reasonable’ policy. Stacey Abrams-again this week- refused to put any limit on abortion, right up to birth.
She’s running for governor in a socially conservative state...and she still couldn’t bring herself to break with the latest, ghoulish, leftist orthodoxy that insists women need to have the freedom to kill their children right up to birth-and beyond.
It's one of the reasons why this issue-on the stump-is not going to be a winner for democrats in fall. Not if they are out there selling yet another extreme, ugly take on an issue as ‘their position’.
Most of these democrat lawmakers and candidates have done nothing but lie since the decision on Friday. Abortion-is not-a constitutional right and never was.
Overturning roe-does not- ban abortion in America.
Gorush, Kavanaugh and Barrett-did not- lie to congress during their confirmation hearings.
Gay marriage is -not ‘next’.
But if today’s democrats aren’t lying, they aren’t ‘winning’.
From Biden and Pelosi on down-they have resorted to more and more lying and trickery over the years....as their agenda has gotten less and less popular and more and more extreme.
You’d think they’d understand that-and moderate. But nope. Their younger members have set a course for socialism...and you can’t get there without lies and deception-on a grand scale. So that’s what they’re doing.
photo credit: Darrell B. Harrison Twitter Account