The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

Jay Weber knows what you want to talk about. His show examines the big issues, trends, and events at all levels -- local, state, and national -- from...Full Bio


No one voted for this.

Jay Weber Show transcript 5-31-22 7:40am

As the national average for a gallon of gas hit $4.62 gallon, it’s good to hear that inflation and high gas prices are still the top concern among voters in the critical swing districts...

It’s simply yet another poll that shows the American majorities-do not-support the Biden agenda or the moves that he is making on climate change.

In short-no one voted for this stuff.

No one voted to close the keystone, or block drilling on federal lands. Or force gas prices up near five dollars a gallon.

These polls continue to show the obvious: no one voted for this-and Biden and his regime are working against the wishes of most of the American people on all of it.

They were paying about $2.30 a gallon when Joe Biden took office in January of 2021...and so let’s note that-as of this weekend-with the national average hitting $4.60 a gallon...

Gas prices have now-officially-at least doubled during Joe Biden’s short presidency.

In less than 17 months- Biden and his leftists took gas prices from under $2.30 a gallon. To over $4.60 per gallon.

And yes, he and the eco-zealots are responsible.

I was heartened to see that only 14 percent of respondents in these swing states were blaming Putin’s war for these high gas prices.

That finding suggests that the left’s idiotic moves to hammer on ‘Putin’s price hikes’ has failed. Everyone knows who’s responsible for these high gas prices-

And if you notice? Biden’s team and most of their pundit class have given up on the idiotic move to message the ‘Putin price hikes’.

They aren’t really using that phrase much, anymore, are they.

That indicates to me that they know it was backfiring on then. And spread the word to their minions ‘drop it. No one’s buying it’.

When they rolled it out, I suggested it would backfire-because it was so insulting.

Time and again, Biden’s people act as if none of us have actually lived thru- the last year and a half. They are now to the point that their accomplice media is perfectly willing to move us into an Orwellian world, in which the truth changes every day, but so far...

They can’t get the masses to ‘forget’ what happened yesterday or the day before.

Some of us still want to push back.

Some of us still refuse to be insulted and treated like idiots when we know better.

And so, until AOC and the future socialists form the ‘re-education camps’ that we all need to be sent to.... this attempt to change history by the hour, day, or month...isn’t going to work on most of us.

And in the instance of high gas prices and huge price hikes on everything else-

In this instance- I do believe that republicans and we outlets on the right -have done a good job of getting the truth out.

Despite the left’s campaign to keep the anti-oil moves of the Biden administration a secret, most American voters know what has been going on-with pipelines canceled, future drilling banned. Lease sales canceled. Any new exploration halted.

Most Americans know what is going on, here.

President Biden and the democrats have no plans to increase energy production, even as Americans suffer from gas prices that are getting truly painful and crippling.

They aren’t oblivious to it-they are quietly celebrating it!

This is intentional.

For decades, the climate zealots have insisted that the way to force a transition over to wind and solar was to make fossil fuels so expensive that no one could afford to use them-and we are finally seeing that plan played out by an administration that’s full of such zealots that they are going to make it happen-no matter how much it cripples America.

Maybe in Obama’s era you still had some democrats serving in government who liked this country and wanted to help the American people-but that’s not the case, anymore.

This country is being run by stone cold, Marxist zealots...and at best-

At best- they may have convinced themselves that they are doing all of this ‘for the good of America’...

But most of them are America-haters who don’t particularly care how much pain they are causing the rest of us.

Its’ a necessary pain. It’s a good burn. 

If you’ve ever recovered from an injury and have that physical therapist that pushed, you too far...and insisted ‘that pain means you’re healing’...

Same concept, here: any of these leftists that aren’t just stone-cold Marxists- have convinced themselves that the pain is good and necessary-and you’ll thank them for it, later.

In fact-coming soon: a summer of rolling blackouts in many states- because the left’s rush to green energy has left the nation’s power grid more vulnerable than ever before.

photo credit: Gregory Jon's Twitter page

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