Jay Weber Show transcript 4-11-22
We know the latest strategy by the left-wing media when it comes to the Hunter Biden laptop: they had to admit it’s real...because an indictment against Hunter is going to be handed down against him...at some point here...given the FBI investigation going on in Delaware-
The indictment will be related to tax evasion, at least, and since we don’t know how much more it is going to reveal about the Biden family’s influence peddling schemes, these major media outlets don’t know how much more to admit, or to report on it.
They have followed the NY Posts reporting, at the very least, and so they know that Joe Biden is up-to-his eyeballs in it, but they don’t know how much they can still protect him from-and how much they can protect the democrat party from the fallout-
Because they don’t know what Hunter’s criminal case might reveal. After all-this is Biden’s own justice department that is conducting it.
Ultimately- the president or his appointed political minions like Merrick Garland could step in and squash it- or more likely- dramatically limit the ‘blast radius’.
And what i mean by that is-Merrick Garland could easily step in and decide that this investigation and prosecution is going to be limited to hunter only, and so prosecutors can focus on him, and him only, and gather enough evidence to make their tax fraud case against him, and him only, and refuse to allow any investigation of Joe Biden or brother Jim.
In fact-if you have a big public corruption case like this...in which a lot of powerful people can get burned...it makes sense to convict a ‘little fish’ or two...and then say.... okay. We’ve investigated. That matter is closed.
We see it all the time, right? So that is precisely what Merrick Garland’s FBI could be setting up here...
But...if the grand jury has really been asked about ‘the big guy’...and if we have the volumes of evidence that we do against brother Jim, and joe himself, keeping the prosecutions that narrow- trained just on hunter- really would be an outrageous dodge...at this point.
And here’s another part of this investigation that hasn’t even been dug into yet: how it was Hunter Biden who seemed to be responsible for paying a lot of the family bills, including Joe and Jill's.
Now-does that seem normal to you.
That a son? Was paying most of daddy’s bills? Especially when ‘daddy’ was a sitting US senator?
Does that make-any sense- to you?
No. So, why would a son be paying so many of the family’s bills? Why would a son be -over the course of decades- be the one who is paying Joe and Jill Biden’s bills? Paying for repairs and improvements on their Delaware home and beach house?
Under what scenario would that make sense?
I can think of only one: a scenario in which the son has earned a whole ton of money off the father’s name and owes daddy huge amounts of money that he cannot just...write out a check for...to may him back. Correct?
This shady and odd way of having hunter pay the family bills-only- makes sense under a scenario in which hunter owed Joe Biden a lot of money from these shady foreign deals and couldn’t simply transfer a chunk of the ill-gotten gains over to Joe, when the deals were done.
We know James Biden, Joe’s brother, and the third principal player in the family corruption schemes- we know that he was getting huge and questionable wire transfers.
Senators Johnson and Grassley revealed that last week. Huge deposits to James from foreign companies that look like his cut of the dirty deals to sell access to Joe.
But Joe Biden is the sitting senator and vice president who you are selling access to. He’s the one who is completing the corrupt act of providing the special access and influence-to-the foreign purchasers, right?
And so, he can’t be seen as taking the bribe directly. He can’t have large chunks of money transferred directly to him-
And so- if the Biden’s do a Ukraine deal that is worth a million dollars to them and ‘the big guy’ gets ten percent.... well...how does Hunter get Joe that 100-thousand dollars?
He pays Joe and Jill’s bills. He pays for the new roof on the beach mansion. He foots the bill for other Joe Biden purchases...
And here’s where it gets fun: this corrupt scheme to sell access by the Biden’s went on for so long that, at one point, hunter clearly lost all perspective on why he was paying all of the family bills-and started to grouse about it in emails.
The laptop is full of emails in which Hunter gripes to other family members about how he’s been paying all of the household expenses.
Why was Joe Biden getting half of Hunter’s salary?
Because that was ‘the deal’ as Hunter and Jim Biden went out and sold access to senator Biden and the US government. ‘Daddy’ gets half. After all, I’m the reason we are making millions while you, Hunter, avoid a life of real work.
And this little turd is so lazy and privileged and corrupt that...after a while...grifting foreigners for daddy is his ‘work’. And the ill-gotten gains are ‘his salary’. Good grief.
But you see how Hunter was using his ill-gotten money: on drug and sex binges of the sort that were making him a national security threat...at the same time he was cutting these scummy deals.
On Friday- congressman Jim Jordan got offended that a house democrat claimed republicans were a danger to democracy...
And as part of a lengthy retort...Jordan said...you want to talk about endangering democracy? The Biden family business dealings are the biggest danger to democracy, currently.
And it has nothing to do with hunter, but Jordan had a laundry list of other ways that it is the democrats endangering the republic, too.
Democrats always accuse their opponents of what it is that they-the democrats- are really doing.
story credit: NY Post
photo credit: Getty Images