The Jay Weber Show

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Democrats own focus groups spell trouble for the party.

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-7-22 6:10am

If you believe the ‘strong front’ that Wisconsin’s Dem leaders are putting up, following Tuesday’s elections, .

Well then...they don’t believe that they just got routed in local elections and aren’t particularly worried about fall.

This was the ‘brave face’ that Ben Wicker and other Dem leaders were putting on yesterday, as they spun. They even engaged in a very dishonest campaign of trying to sell ‘expected’ wins in democrat strongholds as ‘strong victories.

You cannot claim that Cavalier Johnson’s win in the Milwaukee mayor’s race was ‘unexpected’ or a ‘strong win’.

But- gee-Wisconsin’s results sure did get a lot of attention-nationally- for being so ‘routine’ and un-noteworthy- to WI democrats.

I saw stories mentioning our results-or focusing on them exclusively-on several national news sites. The liberal news sites went with only ‘a mention’, of course, but they at least admitted that republicans had a big night...and it doesn’t bode well for fall.

Fox news did a few stand-alone stories about Wisconsin results- and an entire feature on Kenosha County electing a republican county exec for the first time in history-

And- that’s a little misleading-given that Kenosha has had more conservative-minded executives at times in the past who were members of the democrat parts. But this is the first time a candidate calling themselves a ‘republican’ has won that spot.

It's also Kenosha County’s first female county exec- Samantha Kerkman.

I’m going to have her on the show tomorrow to talk about her race and why she thinks she won it. Does she believe it was about ‘democrat failures’ in the Biden era?  Or was it more about the riots? Or was she just...the more qualified candidate?

Political pundits want to ‘nationalize’ every race or draw all sorts of inferences from it. This is just one race, in one county, and so, I’d like to hear what rep. Kerkman believes is the reason for her win. Was it a ‘red wave’ or simply ‘her stronger campaign?’

Or is Kenosha ‘redder’ now? This is a county that hadn’t voted for a republican president since Richard Nixon in the 70s....until it voted for trump. But Kenosha voters voted for trump- twice. S0, is this a reliably conservative district now? Or what?

We will talk more about that, tomorrow.

But i have-no doubt- that Tuesday’s big republican showing in Wisconsin ‘means something’ for fall.

The sheer number of school board races that flipped from liberal to conservative-across the state-with a very strong movement here in SE Wisconsin-absolutely speaks to a state-and a country-full of parents who are disgusted by the current state of education and are motivated to take back our schools-for the children and families of the communities these educators are supposed to serve.

Of that, there can be no doubt.

We also had pockets of the state that saw local leadership ‘turn more’ conservative. Mayors and councilmen...and county by running as republican reformers.That’s no mistake.

In fact, our results here, match with what democrat voters are telling pollsters in focus groups.

I’ve been looking at the results of a focus group that Dem operatives just ran...that send off every alarm bell possible for Democrats in DC.

And yet, the DC Democrats aren’t listening.

In fact, the polls and focus grouping are -so bad-that the reaction to them in DC and New York appears to be ‘they’re wrong’. ‘This is all just right-wing spin’.

And I’ve been noticing this more and more: as long-time democrat pollsters and strategists grow more and more alarmed. And more and more desperate to convince the east coast democrats that they are in for a shellacking of historical proportion in fall-

The reaction to their panic from the NY and DC politicians and pundits is- oh- that’s wrong. That’s just right-wing spin.

Okay. Great.

I don’t know about you-but I love the idea of the democrats heading into a meat grinder and refusing to reverse course.

This suits me just fine.

But- Politico offers an example-based on this recent focus grouping. They start out with some sarcasm. Those leading the focus groups are asking:

Democrats are desperately trying to understand what’s roiling the electorate heading into a brutal midterm environment.

HIT Strategies has been conducting weekly focus groups to find out in real time how Americans are processing events in 2022. On Monday night we watched discussions with two different subgroups of partisan Democrats assembled by the firm: “Black Base, Always vote for Dems, Ages 25+” and “Youth Base; Always vote for Dems, Ages 25 – 39.”

There were significant differences within and between the two groups of nine voters. But there were some broad takeaways:

— A preoccupation with inflation and crime.

— Exhaustion with pandemic restrictions.

— Cynicism about politics.

— Deep frustration that President JOE BIDEN and Democrats have failed to deliver on their early promises.

— Sympathy for Ukraine mixed with a lack of enthusiasm for Biden spending too much time and money on the issue.

— Ambiguity about how important Jan. 6 should be for Democrats in the midterms.

This is why you wonder if democrats are just so shell-shocked over the events of the last year- and their incredible string of unimaginable failures...that they don’t know how to respond, anymore. They don’t know how to ‘right the ship’.

And i get great joy out of it-but remember what a tense time it was for us conservatives at this time last year: Biden and the Dems had total control of dc. Biden had already canceled the keystone and gone on an anti-Trump jihad, reversing all sorts of trump era orders.

The democrats arrogantly talked about passing a six. Trillion-dollar socialist expansion of government-and they were going to do it all on their own.

Having control meant that they could pass anything the wanted. And so...Bernie was writing a bill that planted the seeds of socialism-

And it included a trillion dollars to -by God- once and for all- crush fossil fuels and move us to wind and solar. Dammit...this was finally going to happen...

Pelosi was talking about passing her bill to steal elections from state control and have the feds running everything. Killing off voter ID laws and implementing a series of leftist cheating schemes that meant we conservatives would never win another election.

They were talking about adding Puerto Rico and dc as ‘states’, so that they rig the game in congress and add more Dems in the house and senate.

They were talking about a scheme to steal back the Supreme Court-by packing it with six to 9 new liberals-all appointed by Biden.

Think of the disaster that loomed over us- just a year ago: no exaggeration-they were scheming and trying to line up votes for plans that would -destroy-the republic as we know it.

And-none of it- came to pass. They managed to pass a so-called covid relief bill that touched off 40-year high inflation and continues to harm us now, sure.

They managed to pass a one trillion dollar-less than stellar- infrastructure package-sure.

But- in terms of any real policy wins or ‘leftist wet dreams”? 

Nope. They didn’t get a single thing passed.

Heck-they haven’t even managed to reverse the Trump-Ryan tax cuts that seemed like such a rock-solid promise-just a year ago.

And in between-Biden bleeped up Afghanistan, and Ukraine, and gas prices, and the border...and they got battered around on critical race theory, and their transgender bullying backfired...

These Dems are-shell-shocked.  And in huge trouble with their base.

The main findings of these recent focus groups-which I emphasize-were being held-by democrats- and talking only to-democrats- so there’s no way to spin this as ‘right wing agit-prop’-

Show they’re now totally out of touch with their black and youth voters.



Even democrat voters: young, Black, Hispanic- are worried about crime and inflation. Inflation and crime.

And the Dems want to talk about...Trump and January sixth...


Talk of Biden’s high prices dominated the focus groups. Interviewers moved to different topics, but it always seemed to come back to complaining about the high prices and the high crime that Biden and the Dems refuse to do anything about.


Remember-these are people who ‘always vote Dem’.

This. Makes my day.

Red tsunami coming. Folks...

Especially if the reaction to all of this from the east coast democrats is- it’s all overblown. Don’t buy the results.

Perfect. Keep believing that, please!

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photo credit: Getty Images

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