The Jay Weber Show

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Elon Musk's Twitter move is just the beginning.

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-6-22

Okay folks, lets calm down a little bit on the ‘Elon Musk is a hero’ and ‘Elon Musk will save free speech’ stuff. Musk, in the Biden era, is showing himself to be more of a stand-up, free market, pro-America guy.

I feel as if i really should try to warn you that he has shown no -consistently conservative-display of values for most of his adult life...and that he could easily spin off into some territory that we, on the right, do not like or appreciate.

It's okay-and appropriate-to applaud a lot of his moves and public sentiments of late-but let’s not get carried away.

This feels like the times I had to alert the audience to the fact that Chris Christie-was not- a conservative...

And Ross Perot was quietly crazy....

And well, that guy named Donald Trump isn’t the messiah. He’s imperfect.

It feels like one of those moments. Let’s not get carried away and start believing that it is -Elon Musk now- who is some conservative savior.

But we can-and should-give him his due for pushing back on Biden-era idiocy. Calling for more oil drilling even as the head of an electric car company. Pushing back against foolish tax and spending schemes.

And his latest: buying a controlling interest in twitter.

This is a great move. Far better than his initial idea to start up his own platform. For heaven’s sake-what have we had? The promises of-five? -different ‘conservative twitters and the realization of ‘three”?Getter, Truth Social, and what is that other one that we all signed up for and quickly forgot?

Pooper? pantry? Parler. That’s the one.

We’ve had at least three attempts to rival or supplant twitter fail...and so musk was smart enough. And had the vast wealth required-to buy the largest share of twitter.


But that news has all sorts of conservative pundits and news outlets predicting that musk is going to ‘save free speech’...or restore some sort of ‘fairness’ to twitter. Or even start blackballing liberals on it, they did to us.

I’d suggest that- frankly? - probably very little will change.

At least short term. I’d be great if musk and the twitter board would announce at some point that this is now a genuine marketplace of ideas...and no one will be banned, or shadow banned unless their material is illegal or creates the potential for physical danger to others...

Let’s hope that pronouncement comes soon. But it is still going to be an imperfect site that is going to have to monitor for-some forms-of content.

I share the same spirit that Larry Kudlow and Stuart Varney did on fox business, yesterday, as they applauded musk for using his wealth in pro-America endeavors that both employed tens of thousands of people and worked to ‘better mankind’.

 Fox Business’ Varney, Kudlow Gush Over Elon Musk ‘Helping to Save America’ by Investing in Twitter: ‘The Guy’s a Hero’

Kudlow said, ‘Musk is saving America from the far left’.  

He might be. And he can’t and won’t do it alone-but his moves might embolden other influential corporate conservatives to push back on all of those corporate bullying and woke b-s. 

I hope musk can inspire a larger movement among conservative business owners and corporate influencers.

Elon Musk is, even if socialists and angry leftists don’t want to hear it: capitalism and entrepreneurialism- chasing invention and chasing wealth by legal means- have been the greatest gifts ever given to mankind. This entire globe is profiting-and continues to profit-from entrepreneurial exploration-risk taking-and invention.

And anyone who denies that-or is petty enough to envy the wealth that sometimes comes with it- is too stupid to have a say in the trajectory that mankind is on.

If you can’t see or understand ‘what is human progress’ and what is ‘just an attempt to control things’ you shouldn’t have any influence over the outcome.

Much less sit atop a big, powerful government, trying to do so many of our ignorant, left-wing lawmakers Liz Warren, AOC, Bernie, Nancy Pelosi, etc.

I’d also remind everyone that Twitter-and Facebook- can be ‘whatever you want them to be’ -which is why the attempt to ‘regulate’ and ‘censor’ speech on them was so insane and extreme in the first place.

Every person on twitter or Facebook- every single user and account holder-can block content they don’t want. Block others who they don’t want to hear from or interact with.

Twitter has a feature that allows you to ‘block’ or ‘mute’ a conversation that others might have tried to drag you into.

As someone who has used twitter for years and often had venom spit at me because of what i do, or what I posted- I can say categorically that there is-zero reasons- these platforms need to be censored or ‘managed’ for political speech- or even ‘fact checked’ these leftists running them have tried to do.

Let the users be the ‘fact checkers’ the ‘peer reviewers.  Let the debate rule the day.

And if anyone doesn’t want to engage in it-they can block, or mute. 

I block people who just want to be nasty or prissy to me.  I’ll debate posters who are critical of me if they are interested in a legit ‘back and forth’, but if they just want to be nasty or overly antagonizing, no. Blocked.

I’ve never thought-once- twitters really got to ban these kooks....

Because the site is set up so that-you- can ban the kooks. Block me.

And you can use the social media sites any way you choose to: I use mine mostly as a news feed. I follow newsmakers and news sources and follow political debates on it.

Others use it to find kitty and doggy videos...or to interact with their knitting groups.


Facebook and twitter can be used-any way you choose to use them. Make of them what you will. Control your own feed and decide what you want to tolerate- and that’s’ how it should be.

I hope for the best-but also think some people are expecting too much

photo credit: Getty Images

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