The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Get ready for another global flood of new illegals over our border.

Jay Weber Show transcript 4-1-22 6:10am

Being ahead of the curve-as I nearly always am- I talked about the Biden administration moving to end the one border enforcement rule that this regime has allowed to continue to exist as a hold-over from the Trump era.

It's important to emphasize that this is the-one-remaining rule that allows our border agents to quickly deport some of the crossers that they catch. Many get to stay, of course, but under title 42, ‘stopping the spread of covid’ is the excuse we’ve been using to allow border agents to return some of the crossers to Mexico, or their home countries, immediately.

And now-because the Democrats want the covid era to be over- and want to fully realize their true ‘open border’ fantasy....

Now Biden’s admin is going to cancel title 42.

And everyone knows that doing so is going to take this unmanageable flood of illegals to entirely new- insane-levels.

As things currently stand- under this Biden presidency- we have averaged more than 150-thousand encounters with illegals at the border -every month- for the past month.And the number just keeps ticking up to the point that our border patrol chief, Raul Ortiz, said that- this week- we will hit one-million encounters already, this fiscal year.

Folks, the fiscal year started in October. And so- he is saying that-in just six months-one-million border crossings have been logged by our border patrol, and that’s not counting the ‘got-aways’ or the undetected crossers. They all got in, too.

And the one rule that Biden’s pro-illegal team has allowed to remain in place from the trump era that has had our border agents being able to block at least-some- illegals from coming in- they are now going to drop.

Biden’s admin floated this trial balloon last week, which is when I addressed it, and in the days since, it has caused so much alarm on both sides of the aisle...that the white house is saying...okay, okay, we’ll wait until the end of May to cancel it.

So- instead of canceling title 42 and touching off a global flood of new illegals over our border...they’re going to wait two more months.


What good does that do?

Well, Biden’s team said, yesterday, that will allow us more time to strategize on how we should handle the new influx.

And -you must listen closely to what these democrats are saying-because they are always fudging or lying...

Please notice that Biden’s team-is not saying-in two months, we will have come up with a new way to quickly deport some of these illegals.

No, no.

What they are saying is- we will take the next two months to plan on how to -better process-the new flood of illegals that we will be allowing in!

This is insanity.  To the point that now even some ‘sane’ democrats are urging Biden not to drop this title 42 rule until they have a plan to secure the border.

The problem is-Biden and his team and their insane, America-hating activists- have no desire to secure the border!

They want open borders

This is the ‘hate America first’ crowd ...who oversees this country, now. And it shocks me that we still have so many dimwitted voters and elected officials in the democrat party who fail to understand this: this is not a party worth supporting or voting for, anymore. It has been taken over by America-hating radicals.

Our border patrol leaders say ending title 42, after Biden dropped all the other rules that Trump had in place to control this border-is going to lead to a tsunami of new crossers. He says quote.... there is no imaginable scenario to avoid another disaster.

The head of Biden’s own border patrol is saying: there is no imaginable scenario in which we avoid another disaster.... And Biden’s team’s response is...we’ll wait two months so that we can organize more help getting these illegals into the country.

That- is bleeping infuriating.

Folks, the math related to these recent numbers-before- Biden says ‘all bets are off’ already insane and unsustainable.

If we’ve had one-million crossers in just six months- it means that we will have two million or more in a single year- which will set a new record for border insanity.

So they are talking about an insane level of 1.8-million crossers last year-and turning it into 4.2-million a single year?

And they virtually all get to stay?

This signals the ruination of America, if it is allowed to continue for the remaining three years of the Biden administration and-God forbid-into the future.

America-cannot- have open borders and no rules.

We simply-cannot-absorb the influx of the tens of millions of people from around the globe who would crush in here...attempting to build a better life here.

And no, i don’t blame the illegals. I blame our govt officials of the last 40 years who have-by God-refused to deal with this ever-worsening illegal alien crisis.

I go right back to Reagan-who offered amnesty and screwed up a move to secure this border.It’s been a ‘concern’ ever since, and left unchecked and unfixed, it has grown into an unmitigated disaster and a genuine threat to the republic.

We now have America-hating socialists in charge who -want- to ruin this country, and this is one of the great ways to do it: with unchecked immigration.

And you can bet that we are going to get a series of lies out of Biden and Mayorkas in the coming months. They’ll talk in code and pretend that they are taking measures to deport crossers or stop the flow...but they won’t be.

Alejandro Mayorkas has been lying to the American public for over a year, already, talking in code about ‘processing’ illegals, not returning them.

And it has all been against the wishes of most of the American people...and it has all been covered up and ignored by the mainstream news media. The so-called ‘fourth estate’, which is supposed to be the government watchdogs for the rest of is.

The ‘now accomplice’ media has been hiding the terrible effects of this Biden border crisis-and how bad it is- for over a year now. Only conservative news outlets report on it.

He’s decided to allow his presidency to be used by the America-hating left to aggressively advance their extreme agenda. 

In fact-to that point- did you hear the facts about how many -criminal-illegals Biden’s administration is dumping back onto America’s streets, instead of deporting them?

Remember in the Obama era...when he refused to allow ice to deport any illegals-except the criminals?

Well, Biden’s team is still pretending to be deporting the criminals, but they aren’t. Instead, they are dumping a -staggering number- of violent and non-violent thugs back onto America’s streets that-by any ration or reason-should be being deported.

And again-no one in the MSM tells the tale

These AG’s say Biden’s refusal to deport has led to the release of very violent, hardened cartel and Latin gang members being released back into America, including murderers and rapists. 

Released, by the thousands, over the past year. is that defensible?

How is this an ‘immigration policy’?

The only good news is that -once again- a blunder by the Biden team is going to all-but assure this is another huge issue in fall.

Segment 2: 8:40am

I did a topic earlier about Biden’s extreme regime getting ready to move to a true ‘open borders’ posture by ending title 42.

Title 42 is the-one-remaining rule that allows our border agents to quickly deport some of the crossers that they catch.

Many get to stay, of course, but under title 42, ‘stopping the spread of covid’ is the excuse we’ve been using to allow border agents to return some of the crossers to Mexico, or their home countries, immediately.

Canceling it is going to lead to an uncontrolled explosion- a new tsunami- of border crossings, and even Biden’s White House knows it.

His clownish staffers have been trying to prepare the country for what is leaking it out in dribs and drabs this week.

Our border chief said this week that one-million border crossings have been logged by our border patrol in just the first six months of this fiscal year- meaning that -if nothing changes- we are still on pace to have two-million or more new crossings...which would be a new record.

But if Biden rescinds title 42, the estimate is that as many as four million illegals could cross our border this year-and the vast majority would get to stay, of course, because...title 42 is the only real enforcement that we are still doing.

I first talked about this last week, when Biden’s admin floated the news, but in the days since, this news has caused so much alarm on both sides of the aisle...that the white house is saying they wait until the end of May to cancel it.

Why? To put a different deportation rule in place.

No. No. Just so we can get ready to handle the new influx of people who we are going to allow to flood into this country.

That is the latest Biden White House position. And it’s insane. 

70 to 80 percent of Americans want that southern border closed and controlled. Biden and his socialist progressive regime refuses.

72 percent of Americans want those who cross illegally to be deported- not be allowed to stay.

Biden and his socialist progressive regime want them all to be allowed to stay, anyway.

It used to be that these Obama-era democrats would at least agree that the illegal aliens who have committed serious crimes in America-should be deported back to their home countries...and that’s not even the case, anymore.

This week, we learned several states are now suing the Biden administration because they refuse to pick up violent illegal criminals for deportation...once their sentences have been served. 

Again-this is a story that the leftist, accomplice media completely ignored. But the state’s statistics prove that   Biden’s team is still pretending to be deporting the criminals, but they aren’t.

Instead, they are dumping thousands-

Thousands- of violent and non-violent thugs back onto America’s streets.  

And again-no one in the MSM reports it. 

These AG’s say Biden is allowing very violent, hardened cartel and Latin gang members to be released back into America, to re-victimize Americans. Murder, rape, assault, run drug rings.

None of this is defensible.

And maybe Biden’s team is so arrogant and certain that their accomplices in the media willallow them to get away with anything...but it seems like another big mistake on the part of the biden team to delay the cancelation of title 42 until late May. 

That all-but assures that the border issue is going to be another huge issue for voters in fall.

It is going to be a cluster-farce of the sort that we have-never seen! - along that border.And yet, please notice that Biden’s team doesn’t want to ‘prevent it’. They don’t want to ‘stop the influx’.

They just don’t want word if it is getting out to voters!

This is the final proof we need to say -categorically- to all doubters: The Biden regime and the dem party -want- open borders.

They-want- the massive influx of illegals.

Stop kidding yourselves, already. Wise up.We have a bunch of dangerously dumb ‘America haters’ running this country.

Why in god’s name would you vote for them?

The administration-knows-that the revocation of title 42 is going to touch off a seismic flood across this border....and yet...they are still going to cave to their ‘pro-illegal’ activists and go ahead and do it.

What does that tell you about today’s democrat party?

I have been watching this closely since last week when I first talked about the end of title 42...and Biden’s team is doing their typical ‘talking in code’ and trying to trick the American people.

Biden’s team and Alejandro Mayorkas, his homeland security chief- are only talking about ‘managing’ the crossings, not ‘deporting the illegal crossers’. Pay attention to how they are lying about this.

And apparently, inside the east coast echo chamber, the left-wing strategists have convinced themselves that the American people don’t-really- care about illegal immigration.

Biden and the Dems are going to -intentionally? - unleash a new border catastrophe in June?Just a few months before we all vote again.

I hope every democrat in dc loses their jobs over this.

And i know the MSM has been ‘all in’ on trying to hide the border crisis in the Biden era-but ice and border agents are preparing for a massive crush of humanity and a massive ‘crash’ of our immigration system as a result of this move.

And it will all happen right before an election.

He sent it to the CDC because Biden’s White House team is pretending that the CDC is going to make the call...and they’ll just have to live with the decision.

Bologna. Biden has dominion over all agencies and their orders.  It’s an attempt to deflect blame and claim ...hey...this is out of our hands...when they intentionally touch off anarchy along our border.

Today’s Democrat leaders are scummy, awful, lying, rancid people.

photo credit: Getty Images

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