Jay Weber Show transcript 3-31-22
If you are keeping track-two more Republican Governors signed bans on biological boys competing in women’s sports-
The Govs. of Oklahoma and Arizona.
This brings the number of states that have banned male transgender participation in girls’ sports to fourteen.
Oklahoma is a deep-red state, and so there was little question that the governor would sign it.
The ACLU in Oklahoma immediately whined and threatened to sue...but the left has lawsuits pending in every state that has passed such laws. Court cases shouldn’t be a reason to -not- do the right thing, as fourteen GOP governors now have.
Arizona governor Doug Ducey was the other one who signed such a ban into law, yesterday.
In fact- Ducey signed three new laws into effect that are considered-very-conservative, which is a little surprising for him. He’s not exactly a ‘Ted Cruz’ sort of conservative.
But he -is- up for re-election and knows these are popular with the base-and with most Arizonans.
It’s the latest on transgender legislation meant to protect girls and women’s sports. It is another one of those ‘culture’ wars that I’ve been talking about that republican candidates-should- engage in-
Because we on the right side of the aisle have large majority support for them. If the republican candidates just spend the next several elections defending the ‘normal’, the ‘mainstream common sense’ takes on things, we will win a lot of races.
If republicans can expose today’s democrats for holding the radical, kook fringe views that they do, we will rack up major victories.
We’ve got the people with us on education, crime, gender bullying, guns, securing the border, etc., etc...
This next item I’ve been watching for a few days: reaction to research from a well-known and well-respected researcher- John Lott Junior-
Who has done his own review of the 2020 election results and says look there are a mysterious 355 thousand ‘excess’ votes that pop up in the key swing states that aren’t easily explained. Including Wisconsin.
This won’t surprise you, but so far, only conservative news sites seem to be interested in a very credible researcher dropping a study that is easily ‘peer reviewed’ into the mix, here.
An honest MSM would be all over it.
Lott found that-yes- voter turnout for Trump increased in republican areas. From his first election to his second one: more voters were jazzed about a second term of trump than had initially been in republican areas...
And conversely- the number of votes in democrat areas in those swing states dropped....as you’d expect in a year in which a strong incumbent president was running again...
So, Dem voter turnout dropped in the Dem areas-except- in the places where this election was ‘decided’ in the swing states...and where voter fraud was alleged afterward.
That’s suspicious that- only in the parts of these swing states that democrats knew they had to do extremely well to beat trump...did a surprising number of voted magically appear.
This is what Lott’s data shows. He says the turnout totals in those suspicious dem strongholds....
I think you all understand what he’s saying...but...why would there be a -huge addition of absentee votes- on the democrat side of the street. That balloons turnout there...when the wards are in the same community?
Bottom line: Lott says he found at least 255-thousand questionable ‘excess’ ballots that-yes- strategically dropped in the swing states- could have tipped the election.
And so, yet again, we have potential evidence of massive vote fraud that the democrats and their accomplices in the media refuse to even look at, much less take seriously and review.
The entire effort from the left-since election day- is to insist that there was no fraud. There’s nothing to see here. Move on, It’s foolish to waste time on reviews, post-mortems, and court cases-
And for as long as I have been doing this job- that has always been the response to allegations of vote fraud when they have arisen nope. No. No reason to look. Nope...
But-of course-there was fraud in that 2020 election. The Zuckerbucks scandal alone proves that: Mark Zuckerberg and a left wing activist group he funded literally ‘took over’ key clerk’s offices in different cities and ran the turnout operations and electoral counts...
Of course, that was ‘fraud’, even if it’s not yet ‘illegal’.
Of course, that was cheating.
And now-with the new evidence being revealed by D’enesh D’sousa and other groups that are tracking cell phone records and matching them up with drop boxes-
Of course-we have new evidence of potential fraud related to mail-in ballots and drop boxes of the sort that I was detailing as ‘possible’ when everyone rolled over to the idea of mail in voting due to covid.
If you haven’t seen any of these reports yet, we’ve had a few very credible investigations that have matched cell phone locations with drop box locations-including here in Wisconsin- and have found the same people coming back time and time, and time again to the drop boxes. This is obvious evidence of ballot harvesting, which is illegal in this state and many others.
D'sousa has a documentary coming out about this soon, but last week- a group called ‘true the vote’ gave a presentation to a Wisconsin assembly committee related to their findings.
They found just 138 people. Who between them, visited drop boxes over 35-hundred times?
They were obviously ballot harvesting. And we don’t know how many ‘tens’ of ‘hundreds of ballots they were dropping it at a time...or where they came from.
On top of that, true the vote pointed to over 137-thousand ballots that were illegally collected or cast.
And to be clear- it doesn’t mean they didn’t come from legal voters-
It means that they were collected. Or cast...in an illegal manner. For example. The Madison clerk’s ‘vote in the parks’ operation was illegal...and that collected over 17-thousand ballots.
There are a lot of -legitimate- questions and unsatisfactory answers related to how the 2020 election was conducted...and no one on the left wants to admit a thing.
Not a single democrat has-even a passing interest-in whether cheating occurred.
Because it is their party-and has always been their party-that has been engaged in the organized cheating schemes. Whether it was bussing fake voters into Wisconsin before voter ID or flooding into the nursing homes to ‘help-gramma-vote’...
The Dems have been engaging in this sort of election cheating forever. There’s always a new cheating scheme.
Ballot harvesting isn’t illegal in California, but the California Dems decided it was such a great way to cheat that they want it legalized nationwide-
And gee-when covid disrupted the 2020 election and all sorts of states foolishly agreed to go to mail-in balloting- the illegal ballot harvesting operations-which have already been perfected in California- got underway in the most important swing states.
photo credit: Getty Images