Jay Weber Show Transcript 3-16-22 7:10am
I got a kick out of Tony Evers’ election-year conversion on crime and punishment, yesterday.
We’ve talked about how our governor has been sitting on over three-billion dollars in federal covid relief money, and instead of getting it out there in a timely fashion so that it can help the people of Wisconsin-as it’s intended to do-
Evers has, instead, been sitting on it and using it as his own political ‘slush fund’. He’s been trickling it out in dribs and drabs to his own leftist supporters and causes... Or when he thinks he can buy votes with it.
Well, that’s what this was, yesterday...as our governor-who is entirely a creature of Madison- finally managed to make it to Milwaukee- so that he could stand on the steps of the courthouse and preen and pose for holy pictures...and pretend that he’s a ‘tough on crime’ governor.
What a charade.
And this is the scam: the DC lawmakers -in the midst of covid-decided to flood all this money to the states, and said that the governors, alone, oversaw it.
After all-in the midst of a crisis, you need one person to make the quick calls and get the money where it needs to go so it can be put to its immediate and best use...
But instead of doing that in Wisconsin, Tony Evers decided to sit on it, instead, and then dole it out like he’s a civil war widow on a VA pension.
Months and months and months later-
Now that covid is ‘over’ for all intents and purposes-
Months later! -Tony Evers is still offering out this money in dribs and drabs to-almost exclusively- liberal causes.
He’s mostly using it to drive around the state and pose for holy pictures, as if he’s bill gates or some other billionaire...giving away his own money.
He wants all sorts of credit-for handing out federal taxpayer money that should have been handed out months-to-years ago, during this pandemic.
And so, yesterday, he was on the steps of the Milwaukee county courthouse, acting like Michael Cudahy and promising 50-million dollars for statewide crime prevention-about 15 or 20-million of which, goes to Milwaukee county.
And I’m not surprised to see no one making this point-so i will: when it comes to tackling our court backlogs and tackling the rise in crime statewide, 50-million dollars is ‘diddly’. It’s nothing.500 million might be impressive, doled out this way, to every law enforcement agency and court system in the state.
Instead-he sits on the big money and makes a paltry contribution to our broken judicial system and wants all sorts of credit for it.
And if you think I’m being unfair, this is the governor who -every few months- is asking for 100 million dollars more for our schools.
At every opportunity, Tony Evers asks for 50-million, 100-million- 200-million dollars more-for Wisconsin’s schools.
But when it comes to battling crime...he only gave it a 45-million-dollar effort last year, and now only offers 50-million dollars more, of this ‘found’ federal money?
This isn’t even money Wisconsin taxpayers must come up with. It’s not even part of the 3.8-billion-dollar projected state surplus. It’s ‘found’ federal money. He’s had 3 billion of it fall into his hands over the last two years.
He only dedicates 95 million to law enforcement, das offices, and the court system?
Then wants to be lauded as a ‘tough on crime’ governor?
Come on. This amount is pathetic.
Senator Waangard is-dead on-correct….
What good is it to give Chisolm’s office or the Milwaukee County judges another 10 to 20-million dollars when they refuse to lock up criminals, anyway?
All this is going to do-is have that revolving door at the Milwaukee County courthouse spinning faster...
Nearly once a week-like clockwork-this governor is looking for another 100-million dollars for k-12 schools...or another 120-million dollars for the UW System...
Tony Evers is never. Ever. Never looking for more money to combat crime. Never. It is never in his requests. It’s never top of mind.
We now have-thanks to Evers, generous GOP lawmakers, and years of surpluses-
We now have-overfunded- k-12 school systems in Wisconsin. And still- Evers and the democrats beg for hundreds of millions more.
They are never- never! -begging for more money to combat crime and lock up criminals.
If Evers was serious about this-he would be calling for Wisconsin judges to lock up criminals and he would be calling for more prison space in Wisconsin. Build more. Convert Lincoln Hills to an adult prison. Etc.
He’s done none of that. He’s got- no suggestions-on how we need to combat crime. He’ll just toss a little cash at it...like he’s dismissing a cheap hooker at a fleabag hotel.
There...now clean yourself up and tell your friends that i care about crime...
That’s exactly what Evers is doing here- in an election year in which crime is the top issue for Wisconsin voters.
Senator Waangard’s statement on this was dead on. It’s just about getting the press coverage and the headlines for Evers’ TV ads.
And as long as we are on the topic of Gov Evers- here’s another ‘much ignored’ story this week: the Wisconsin institute of law and liberty notched another win over the Evers administration, after it challenged the governor’s cheap, racist attempt to make extra federal mortgage assistance only eligible to people of color.
This action dates back months. W-I-L-L immediately identified it as an illegal action-and sent Evers’ team a sort of ‘cease and desist’ letter on it, vowing ‘or lawsuits will follow’.
Well- Evers’ team reversed course on this last week.
So- W-I-L-L stopped another illegal -and racist- action that Evers’ team wanted to engage in.
Once again-the Wisconsin institute of law and liberty proves itself ‘invaluable’ to our state’s residents and taxpayers-as they look out for illegal and unconstitutional actions being committed in the name of left-wing ‘justice’.
Rick Essenberg now has a big enough staff that they can move on things like this-even before-they become grounds for an actionable lawsuit.
Initially-will was more of a ‘re-active’ organization...but it has grown into having a
‘pro-active’ approach on more and more things. This isn’t the first thing that ‘will’ has warned Evers is illegal...and lawsuits will follow if he doesn’t change course.
Owen Robinson of boots and sabers has a good article this week in the west bend paper-about the incredible importance of act ten and the 8 years of Walker reforms- and he- like me-is worried about all of this wasted ‘infighting’ among we republicans this year.
"If Republicans had not won the elections in 2010, the Republican reforms of 2011 would have never happened. If they do not win in 2022, there will be no Republican reforms in 2023.
Winning is not everything, but it is pretty darn close in politics."
Most of the article is detailing act ten’s importance...but Robinson’s larger take away is a very important message for GOP voters this year.
We must unite and defeat Tony Evers.
photo credit: Fox 6 News/Milwaukee