Jay Weber Show transcript 3-8-22 7:10am
Does-anyone-understand what President Biden is doing with his gas and oil policy?
People in his own party-clearly-have no idea how any of this makes any sense, and so even if they want to defend him on social media, they are finding it difficult to do so:
So we can’t pump in North America because if we do, the planet dies, but we-can- pump in enemy nations that pump dirtier oil, like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia?
Does that make any sense?
And then there’s the groveling that Biden is having to do- as he begs enemy nations to pump more oil. How is that helpful?
And yes, Saudi Arabia is a strategic ally of ours in the middle east and not an ‘enemy nation’, per se-but it only is because Iran and so many other middle eastern countries are even worse. We need allies in that region, and we’ve picked the best of the worst-in Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile, Biden’s refusal to allow America to produce more oil in the name of global warming- had oil hitting 130 dollars a barrel, yesterday, and gas stations upping their prices by the hour. If they didn’t have electronic billboards-and would have had to change the price by hand- some poor sap would have been up and down the ladder all day: okay Dilbert...now make it 3.95 a gallon.
And of course, the stock markets are taking a big hit as investors scramble for safer ground.
Biden’s overall incompetence and now the west’s showdown with Putin now have us on a four-week slide in the stock market. It’s so brutal to watch, that you don’t even want to check your holdings, do you?
Everyone who voted for Joe Biden owes the rest of us a groveling apology-and a promise to never vote democrat again. The dopes.
A market correction is technically a ten percent slide...and we’ve now seen that since the first of the year.
And yes, the war in Ukraine and unplugging Russia from the financial markets has caused the greatest disruption, but Biden and his feckless foreign policy set the stage for it all-
Even as he was attacking oil and gas producers here in America and driving the cost of gas up by a dollar a gallon or more before Putin ever invaded Ukraine.
I’m going to keep saying this, because it’s driving the lefties nuts: whatever the price of gas is now- subtract a dollar- and that’s what you would be paying if Biden hadn’t relentlessly attacked the energy sector for his entire first year in office-
So, if you are paying 4.10 this morning, realize that- even with Putin’s war- you’d be paying 3.10 a gallon if Biden hadn’t had screwed things up for u-s energy producers ahead of time.
It’s the simple truth- and I’ve found that stating ‘the simple truth’ is often what drives democrats and leftists the craziest.
They want to fight back against the truth with the biggest fury they can muster, because if the American people ever wake up to the ‘simple truths’ about how their party and their movement is destroying this country, they’ll be bounced out of power.
But so far, the Biden team is doing a terrible job of trying to ‘split the baby’ here.
They are doing a terrible job of insisting that we will not, cannot, by God, expand domestic oil and gas production....as they sent envoys to try to cut deals with enemy nations like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to convince them to start pumping more.
Again and again, over the last several weeks, Biden’s minions have lately ruled out any more domestic drilling.
No, America knows that we could be pumping more and insulating ourselves against some of these price hikes. Not totally, no, but in some manner.
Americans also know that the promise of transitioning off fossil fuels and onto green energy is a myth-and currently a lie. It’s not possible under our immediate circumstances, or even soon.
Once again-democrats want to hold out the impossible....as a fix for something with an immediate fix now. We-can- pump and drill more now. We cannot litter the landscape with wind and solar farms over the next few weeks or months. And be ‘green energy independent’ by Christmas. The notion is idiotic. And anyone with a brain in their head knows it-
I swear-Joe Manchin is the only democrat, anymore, who is willing to state the simple truth. The truth is that- we can’t help our situation by ‘dreaming our bestest green energy dreams’...
But we can-by drilling.
He’s right and Psaki’s just gas lighting.
Any great transition over to wind and solar is something for the coming decades- if they eventually force us there-and it does nothing to help us now.
For heaven’s sake-even Elon Musk- who is building electric cars and has bigger ‘green energy dreams’ than the average lefty can envision-
Even Elon Musk is saying-my god, we’ve got to start pumping more u-s oil.
And don’t fall for this other lie that ‘we can’t’.
We just can’t, some leftie liars are saying. If we could, we’d already be doing it.
And you’re willing to believe that American producers -do not have the ability-to simply produce more upon request? But Venezuela and Saudi Arabia do have that ability?
Come on.
This is -all about- eco-zealotry-and not wanting to ‘backslide’ on the eco-zealot’s war on oil here. That’s the sole reason Biden and his party refuse to relent and allow for more u-s production.
They’d be admitting that they have been wrong on energy policy for 40 years and would be ‘backsliding’ on decades of efforts to choke off all oil production here.
That’s why Biden’s team refuses to relent.
And think about how insane and extreme and-anti-American this is: the man is looking around the world and sending minions to beg despots to pump more- while refusing to allow his own people and his own economy to benefit in numerous ways from more oil production.
More jobs, better wages, lower gas and energy prices, defending democracy by replacing Putin oil with ours-
Producing more in this country has incredible upsides for the US and global democracy, but the leftist zealots in this country refuse to allow it.
Nothing about this makes sense.
And how is it -in the least bit- logical?
So-to deal with one global thug and criminal, Putin, Biden wants to hop in bed with other criminal thugs like Nicholas Maduro?
Let it sink in-and tell all your friends: Joe Biden would rather buy oil from a socialist thug who destroyed Venezuela-
Biden would rather spend our tax money to revitalize Venezuela under socialism-than he would to make America energy independent again.
That is inexcusable.
photo credit: Gregory Jon's Facebook page