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Democrats want you to forget they supported "Defund The Police"

Jay Weber Show transcript 3-4-22 6:40am

When Nancy Pelosi and barrack Obama ‘invited’ the leftist fringe groups into the main tent of the party-back in 2008 or so- I suggested it was a dangerous move-

But hey, the elite, coastal democrats had managed to offend America’s working-class voters and drive them out of the party, and so, the decision was made that-the only way for their increasingly radical party to keep winning elections was to invite the extremists on the kook fringe-

And the America-hating fringe- to be a major new tent-pole for the party. They invited them in and gave them a seat at the big table and a larger voice in the party’s platform-

And then- holy cow-those same party leaders- Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Wasserman Schulz-

They made another big blunder when they ‘engineered’ the 2016 nomination for Hillary Clinton and given that she is highly unlikable and corrupt and off-putting- the move caused the base of the party to look for someone else. Anyone else.

And Bernie sanders was the only one out there as an alternative to Hillary, because all the ‘good and loyal’ democrats had been forced out of the race: told they couldn’t run against Hillary.

Well, okay. But Hillary was still awful and the most engaged and activist of the base-which has always tended to be the most ‘leftist’ core of democrats, anyway-

Decided to check out this old ‘independent’ kook who was also talking like a ‘progressive’. And Bernie’s campaign caught on like wildfire.

Then-when Clinton lost to trump and stunned the leaders atop the dem party, as they wandered off to process it, and mourn and recover- Bernie and those socialist activists swept in and grabbed the reigns of the party-

And so now- just a few years later-they have Biden and Pelosi and Schumer-and any other democrat who wants to be in a position of power- dancing at the end of their strings: serve your new socialist masters or lose your power and privilege.

Heck- Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden were -only after power, money, and privilege They’ll dance at the end of those strings.

And this is where the Dem party finds itself, today.

But here’s the thing: those leaders atop the party that have been dancing like socialist puppets for several years now, thru the trump era and during Biden’s first year in office-


They’re also veterans of DC and know that the only way they can keep their power, privilege, and money machines going-is if they actually-win-elections.

And that means- appealing to the most voters. Right?

And hey, for years, they’ve allowed themselves and the party to be pushed further and further and further toward the socialist left-

But geez-there comes a point at which they can’t sell this extreme, anti-American craziness to the American people. And -Bernie, AOC, Ilhan- we still got to win elections if we want to keep power.

Therefore we saw this dramatic ‘break’ with the base on ‘funding the police’ that Biden included in his state of the union speech that shocked the activist left.

My God- on live national television-Joe Biden ‘broke that string’.  He and his team finally decided they were going to push back against a radical, crazy, anti-American, dangerous idea- and it shocked everyone in DC- and had most of the democrats up on their feet applauding-because of what Biden was doing: he was finally. Breaking one of the puppet strings that the socialist squad and the most vocal shrills in the activist base put on them a few years ago. 

And to be clear- Biden didn’t break the string because ‘defund the police’ is a radical, crazy, anti-American, dangerous idea-

After all, he and Pelosi and the rest of the party have agreed to go along with it for over two years-

No, no. He broke that string because it has finally dawned on the dem leaders that it is an idea that is-so crazy and extreme- most voters cannot overlook it- or look past it- as crime spikes in their cities-

And because ‘defund the police’ cost them seats in 2020.


Holy cow, people: if defunding the police cost Pelosi two dozen seats that she expected to win in 2020- can you imagine how many it might cost democrats in races across the country in 2022-now that crime in the democrat run cities has really spiked? And everyone knows why?

This has always been a dumb and dangerous position-but hey- dozens of positions that democrats take on things are dumb and dangerous.  

But this one has-really-backfired. And with crime spiking, suddenly any democrat who wants to keep their seat is scrambling to pretend as if they-haven’t been- calling to defund the police for two years-

Including Joe Biden.

Biden’s team wants to pretend that he was never in favor of this, but we have him on tape agreeing with it. We have him on tape talking about the need to shift funds away from police departments and into counseling and other things.

So, even if Biden has never mouthed the words ‘defund the police’ in public. He supported it.


You are about to hear several people from his administration say they want to defund the police-in a montage i have here.

This is from Grabien news...and i need to point out that the full montage lasts -seven minutes.

Grabien went back to the old news coverage of the last two years-and found -seven minutes-worth of democrats from mayors all the way up to the president and vice president- saying ‘defund the police’.  

This is a party that has been trying to create an Orwellian America for decades now- where-in- the American people are all supposed to forget what the leftists said yesterday, and only believe what they say today-

And so- after two years of calling to cut -or eliminate-police forces, most of them are going to pretend that they never supported the idea- but we have them on tape. Quoted in news stories.

This initial dive into the archives runs-seven minutes!

And I’ll only give you a minute and a half. You will recognize some of the voices, like Pelosi and AOC, etc... but I will also try to identify some of the others you are hearing who are now proving themselves to be scummy liars and hypocrites.

Greg-fire it up. We start with AOC.


Folks-a few of those are mayors talking about cutting their budgets-but virtually everyone you heard is a sitting US congressman, including Pelosi, who are going to pretend today that they never said it. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden will also deny it. They said it.

But one problem they are going to have is that a small handful of others in that montage- Ilhan Omar, AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Jamal Brown- are going to keep saying it. Because they are stone-cold socialists, and they represent a new breed of democrat who is going to -by God-force their idea of a ‘new socialist America’ on you.

We’ve talked about this several times before, as I’ve monitored this increasing rift within the dem party that Pelosi and Obama touched off -that has now grown to the point that it threatens to destroy the party-at least short term- as the liberal’s battle with the socialists for who controls this agenda.

These new-wave democrats are stone-cold socialists and ‘woke crybullies’ who are relentlessly whining and bullying America in order to get their way...and ‘transform America’.

Transform America into what?

Into a socialist utopia. That’s what. And if you don’t get what they are doing by now, you aren’t following along.

Defunding the police. Opening the prisons. Refusing to lock criminals up- are all part of a larger scheme to destroy traditional America. 

And Biden, Pelosi, etc.- have gone along with it- not because they are socialists themselves-but because they are power-hungry idiots who either don’t understand how they are being manipulated, or don’t care- just so long as they can keep enriching their families and holding power.

The good news is their attempt to erase the last two years of their own extremism and lunacy isn’t likely to be successful. Everyone knows which party has been screaming about defunding the police.

Photo credit: Getty Images

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