Jay Weber Show transcript 3-3-22 6:10 am
If your car is on empty- fill up quick- gas prices are headed ‘higher and higher’ thanks to Biden’s year of reckless inflation and now Putin’s war.
A Midwest analyst is quoted in the j/s as saying four dollar a gallon gasoline-or higher- is headed to Wisconsin and Milwaukee quickly.
But here’s the frustrating thing about high gas prices-and knowing they are going to skyrocket ahead of time: there’s nothing you can really do about it, right?
Unless you are a farmer or a business owner who happens to have a big fuel tank you can use to buy fuel more cheaply in a mass quantity to try to hedge your bets... You’re screwed.
It’s not like getting word that the cost of toiletries and canned goods is about to go up-and so-you can act in that pre-emptively and do a big ‘stock up’ before the price hikes hit.
Aside from a few gas cans, most of us are being given bad news that is not actionable.
About all we can do is pucker up and brace for it, right?
And this analyst admits- no one knows where prices could really top out-given that OPEC refuses to pump more. American producers either won’t, or cannot, produce more, and crude is already at 110 dollars a barrel.
Yep. And if this Ukrainian war-does-become a protracted war that has NATO countries banning Russian oil and looking around for other OPEC and oil producing nations to fill the void, prices will really skyrocket.
Including here in America-where-thanks to president Biden’s jihad against fossil fuels over the last year-and a lack of refinery capacity that goes back years because the eco-zealots won’t allow for more refineries to be built-
America’s reliance on Russian oil really has hit record highs. It’s still only about 7 to 8 percent of our overall oil and gas usage...
But that number used to be zero. The eco-nuts and their accomplices in government have harmed us, here in the US in a similar manner to the way the European leftists have harmed those countries, if to a lesser degree.
Four years ago- we were importing virtually-no- Russian oil. I say, ‘virtually no’, because even when trump had us ‘energy independent’ we had to export some refined oil.
So, it’s not a system that has all our oil staying here and with no exports coming in. But under trump we were a net exporter of both oil and natural gas and ‘energy independent’ by the basic definition. And we were importing virtually no Russian oil.
Now Biden has us importing 7 to 8 percent of our need.
What started our need for Russian oil? Joe Biden’s move to destroy a Trump America that was energy independent. It’s direct proof that our misguided western ‘green energy policies’ are only boosting Putin, Iran, China, Venezuela-our enemy nations.
And now the republicans in congress are pushing to stop importing Russian oil, to stop putting about ten-million dollars a day into Putin’s pocket, but if democrat colleagues would go along with it, it would mean more price hikes here.
And since the democrats secretly-want-higher gas prices for you to pay- no- the democrats won’t go along with it. 220 house democrats just recently voted against it.
And while we still only have a small reliance on Russian oil, European governments that leapt in with both feet on the ‘green energy lies’, have really screwed themselves.
Instead, they decided to ‘go green’ and rely on Russia for larger and larger chunks of their energy. And are now paying the price for it.
As these ‘enlightened’, leftist-run, European nations were rushing to convert to wind and solar on false promises that it was possible to have a reliable supply of energy that way-
As Europe sprinted into the green energy lie-Putin was doubling down on drilling-and-
And! - he was building many new nuclear power plants.
So that he could power more of Russia with nuclear power and export more oil and natural gas.
And I know the leftist bullies want to try to shame anyone who admits Putin is smart as unpatriotic...
But...sorry...that was a smart strategy. Putin and President XI of China have been watching-for years- as the western world engages in this global warming and green energy idiocy and makes itself weaker, and weaker, as we do.
And so, at some point, Putin said, fine: if they won’t drill and are going to need my gas and oil just to keep their lights on- I’ll build nuclear plants to provide must of Russia’s electric power, and sell those stooges my coal, gas, and natural gas when they run out.
And that’s how Europe got so reliant on Russian oil-so fast, my friends.
A huge ramp-up in reliance on Russian oil in just five years, folks: Putin went from meeting 30 percent of Europe’s energy needs to nearly 50 percent- in less than five years?
That speaks to a European union that had gone ‘all in’ on idiotic windmill and solar panel schemes. And now they are being stung for it, as Germany’s chancellor is now admitting.
This Ukraine war is serving as a wakeup call for western Europe-it should be serving as the same here in America.
Instead, Biden and his party are still foolishly suggesting that the lesson from Ukraine is ‘we just need to go green faster. If we just do wind and solar faster, we won’t need fossil fuels.
And that suggestion is bologna, of course, and we on the right, and any honest energy analyst or economist worth his or her salt, have been saying it for years-
We could litter the American landscape with wind and solar panels from sea to shining sea, and still not create enough energy to power this country- today-
And that speaks nothing of our ever-growing energy needs. Joe Biden and these western leaders who are talking so tough on Putin right now-are also dumping hundreds of billions of dollars into his war effort each day, as they continue to buy Russian crude.
At this point, Senator Joe Manchin might be the only democrat in dc who -isn’t – and idiot, and even he’s telling Biden-this is nuts. Stop. Buying. Russian. Oil.
After engaging in a thirteen-month war against fossil fuels here that has left him reliant on Russian oil for nearly ten percent of our usage now-
Now-this dolt is going to try to blame his screw ups on Vladimir Putin.
Hey- Putin has always been Putin. He has always been a killer and an adversary to the United States and the west.
Trump didn’t climb into bed with him. Biden did and the leftist leaders that have dominated the western e-u countries did- in a big way. They didn’t just climb into bed with Putin-they sold themselves to him.
And i know that big tech and the accomplice media are now such a powerful force in America that it is nearly impossible to get the truth out to the American people, anymore-
But we must keep working to get our fellow Americans – to wake up- to this socialist, anti-American push on ‘climate change’ that only amounts to more government control over the American people and the western world.
These climate change policies are socialism wrapped in a green eco-wrapper. They are meant to make our countries weaker, and weaker, and our people more desperate, and destitute, and controllable and everyone I the free world must wake up to it.
photo credit: Getty Images