Jay Weber Show transcript 2-15-22 6:10am
President Trump says the big media outlets like NY Times, Wash Post, CNN and MSNBC
Having them ignore the latest from the Durham probe that proves Hillary’s campaign spied on Trump even after he got into the White House-Is a scandal of its own.
And he’s right.
I said yesterday that -in any earlier era-
In the first 200 years of this country- a treasonous spy scandal like this against a sitting president would have been so outrageously felt-by all Americans- that both sides of the aisle in dc, and everyone in the American news media, would have pulled together to get to the bottom of it and punish the culprits.
Honestly. In any point of American history-pre-Bill Clinton, the entire country would have ‘felt’ this outrage and a strong sense that it needed to be made right to protect the republic.
Because, after all, if we don’t have fair and honest elections, the republic won’t stand for long. We’ll become a banana republic in which one side gains control and never let’s go of it.
And I know. I know that today-with the extreme division and the controversial 2020 election, there are large numbers of Americans on both sides of the aisle who think we are already there: there are conservatives who are certain trump was robbed and that if the Dems grab permanent control of the process, they’ll rig every election.
And there are leftists who are certain that if trump and the GOP regain control in 2024, they’ll move to a totalitarian regime in which ‘democracy dies.’
It is more reason that people who care about this country-on both sides of the aisle-step up and label this spying operation that Clinton and her team engaged in as outrageous, criminal, and treasonous.
Democrats in DC-and across the country-should be as outraged as republicans. If-
If- They really cared about this country. And the fact that they won’t join the outrage-
And the fact that their accomplices in the MSM won’t even report on it-
Is added proof that today’s democrats are not supporters of America, nor democracy.
And yes .I’ll level that charge because their lack of a reaction to Durham’s findings-fits.
But as Mollie Hemmingway said on fox yesterday, the liberal media was part of this hoax!
They were active participants in the campaign to smear and destroy Donald trump and his presidency any way they could.
Mollie Hemingway hammers liberal media for silence on Durham probe: 'They were part of this hoax'
Not only is Hemmingway correct, but I’d remind you that both the NY Times and wash post-won Pulitzers! For their fraudulent and super-biased trump coverage.
Talk about a damaging blow to the media: what does it say about the state of todays’ media that the two newspapers that were once the most trusted sources in America- won Pulitzers for their work as accomplices in a very real campaign to smear, destroy, and disqualify a presidential candidate and then sitting president?
The so called ‘journalistic community’ gives awards out for this now?
And the award for the newsroom that ruined the most lives by telling lies this year goes too....
And to this day, neither the NY Times or Washington post have given back the Pulitzers or done a big mea culpa on their incredibly scummy reporting on trump.
Nor have any of the TV media outlets. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, all enjoyed playing a part in this years-long smear campaign on Trump. Gleefully reported misinformation as ‘breaking news’.
They were major players in the hoax!
They are also fully indoctrinated accomplices in the leftist movement in this country, as i have been indicating for many years now.
Of course, they aren’t going to report on this story. Not unless they are -forced to- because their owners and editors think it must be done to maintain their fake façade of fairness.
And as for any -actual-punishment of Clinton or her minions, don’t hope for anything.
Oh, sure, DC Republicans are vowing to get to the truth if they re-take the house and senate, but, they won’t. None of their investigations will amount to anything that results in Hillary Clinton in handcuffs, as she should be.
We are to the point that i don’t even know if the outrage they express is genuine, anymore.
Trump’s is. Ours is, out here in America, where we want to see our elected officials follow the laws -and be subject to the punishments- just like everyone else...
But sorry, I can’t find any solace in cuts like this one, from Jim Jordan- a genuine ‘bulldog’ of a congressman who simply won’t have the collective will or inclination surrounding him to hold anyone accountable -two or three or four more years down the road.
Jim Jordan sounds off on Durham probe bombshell: 'They spied on a sitting president'
Yep. Those are the right words and the right tone. But what comes of it?
‘justice’ is Hillary in chains. That’s what ‘justice is’ on this one, at this point.
This is already proven to be the greatest-and worst-political scandal in American history.
And so far? Not a single person has been properly punished over it.
So far, Durham has charges against Michael Sussman, the scummy go-between – between the Clinton campaign and the FBI-
But- when do they come for Hillary?
And i know-i heard it, too: trump’s former national security guy, John Ratcliffe saying that he’s spoken to Durham, and he’s got enough evidence for additional charges against some of the actors.
But it won’t be Hillary or Robby Mook or John Podesta, or any of the scumbags who clearly masterminded this.
Heck-this might even backfire on trump and the GOP—if it becomes another thing that Donald Trump wants to obsess over, instead of focusing on the needs of the American people.
Listen to Lindsey Graham on ABC Sunday, making the very point that I’ve been making for weeks, now:
Lindsey Graham: Trump Has A Chance To "Come Back" In 2024, If He Can Move On From 2020
If Trump’s obsession over the Clinton Russia smear is added to his January sixth obsession and crowds out any positive, optimistic message about restoring America after Biden’s wreckage....
This new Durham news could backfire on us.
Now-the good news related to that- is that even most democrats now want our lawmakers to get to the bottom of the Clinton/Russia collusion smear.
I referenced a poll, yesterday:
It doesn’t surprise me that nearly 7 in 10 democrats say-yes- let’s get to the bottom of Clinton’s Russia smear.
But their party’s leaders won’t have-any-interest in doing so. Because they are all as corrupt as Clinton is. Whether it’s Biden, Pelosi, or Schumer. They’ve been part of the corrupt machine for decades.
They aren’t going to ‘expose the machine’, just because Hillary’s finally being exposed.
Remember, this goes back to Obama’s white house, and harry Reid, and the scummy John Brennan and James Clapper-
This was all of DC forwarding these lies and participating in the hoax.
photo and story credit: Fox News