Jay Weber Show transcript 2-10-22 8:10am
My friends-President Biden’s approval rating in the RealClearPolitics rolling average of polls is now down below 40 percent.
I’ll explain why this truly represents a ‘wow’ moment and a new low, in a minute here, but-
I have been all-but ignoring the polls related to Biden’s approval ratings for weeks now, because there seems to be a new one every day, and you can talk about them until you are blue in the face-
And the basics have remained the same for months-
Which- I predicted way back in August or September when Biden Biden’s ratings really started to tank. Lefty pundits were certain that ‘this is just a dip’ and his approval rating would bounce back...following Biden’s disastrous handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal-
Which, by the way, was an even worse betrayal of our service members and of the American people than we believed at the time-now that we are finally getting the ‘behind the scenes’ details.
But it was an infuriating debacle at the time. Not only did an American president so totally botch up the planning that he got Americans and Afghanis killed...but he left thousands of Americans and allies behind.
Thousands. Left behind. By a country that has prided itself from its earliest days in no one left behind.
So, Biden’s shameful Afghanistan debacle... And his team’s cavalier attitude and excuse making afterward, vividly showed what sort of regime they had elected here.
And it came on top of other debacles and screw ups that Biden had already accumulated in his first seven or 8 months, and so I said, this man’s approval ratings-are not-going to bounce back. Because this was a crisis of confidence in Joe Biden. Americans weren’t just ‘temporarily disillusioned’ with him. They are ‘done’ with him. Already.
I knew, because many of the people who were abandoning him are from the traditional left-wing demographics. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, high school grads, etc... have lost faith in Biden...in large numbers since last September.
We’ve seen a lot of polls below 40 percent. Sure. Most of them that were, had Biden at 36 or 38 percent. And the other polls had him slightly over 40 percent. At 42, or 43 percent.
But when you averaged them all out-in this ridiculous ‘real clear politics’ rolling average- the final number has always remained above 40 percent. Until now.
I’ve occasionally explained why i find this RealClearPolitics average ridiculous, even though the dc insiders love it: because it takes mish-mash of polls, with all sorts of different methods and sample sizes and margins of error. And mashes them together into one number. It takes polls from credible organizations and mixes them with polls that have terrible track records and are never right. And then it goes back three weeks-and has a three week or one month rolling average.
How do you possibly get a more accurate snapshot of what’s going on in the country today- with that process? It’s just idiotic.
It has also been doing, what?
It has also been inflating Biden’s poll number by routinely mixing in outlier polls or juiced network polls that show ...oh...Biden’s at 47 percent this week.
Or...oh...Biden’s at 45 percent now, says CBS.
No. He’s not. But- those polls mindlessly get dumped into the average and inflate the average. Correct?
That is why it is a ‘wow’ moment to see this ‘constantly inflated’ rolling average from RealClearPolitics dip down below 40 percent.
It means that- geez- now? Even with the inflated ‘pro-democrat’ pollsters averaged in? Biden’s below 40 percent?
Wow. This is ugly.
And understand that -all those final numbers-have been inflated by the participating pollsters who lean left.
And these numbers aren’t surprising.
The ‘wow’ is that even Rep’s system can’t keep them up over 40 percent.
But -the reason- Biden’s numbers are so low is obvious. He’s been a terrible president, and he is atop a -terrible- arrogant party whose members refuse to listen to the American people.
On anything.
Folks, the shift away from even pretending to care about what the American people want- is going to be one of the more noteworthy developments for the historians who write about this era.
Somewhere along the line- and I’d trace it back to Obama’s win in 2008-
But somewhere along the line, the democrats, and their activists -stopped. Caring- about what the American people wanted. It, instead, became a matter of ‘what was good for the American people, even if they don’t want it’ among party leaders.
And that was before Bernie and AOC and this new infusion of socialism really ‘hit the scene’.
It only added more fuel to this pivot ‘away’ from the American people and traditional America, and toward this idea that democrats have now wholly adopted: America needs to be transformed into something else.
No. It doesn’t. No one has asked for that. No one supports that-aside from a small sliver of kooks. And so, who are today’s democrats representing?
Only themselves and their own selfish causes.
And this, my friends, is what could lead to a -generational- run of conservative control in America, if we play our cards right.
If our side stops fighting amongst itself, and if Donald Trump decides not to destroy the party over his own myopic missions-
If we can engineer ‘wipe out’ wins for Dems in 2022 and 24- we could be setting this country up for at least one decade- and perhaps two or three decades -of conservative control of this country.
Our advantages on the issues-and in numbers in DC and in the states- could be significant and lasting. Because today’s democrats -refuse-to listen to the American people and refuse to meet their needs.
If the conservatives will? We are golden.
70 percent of Americans have been screaming for two decades about the open border. Trump had it resolved. Democrats reopened it to the worst crisis ever, and don’t care to fix it.
They -want-open borders. Screw what the American people want.
Crime-is skyrocketing-due to leftist das and judges. Americans are screaming about it. Democrats don’t care. They are refusing to relent and reverse course on their pro-crime, pro-mayhem policies.
Virtually all the big-city left wing mayors and councilmen are -still- talking about defunding the police, as their leftist das and judges refuse to prosecute and imprison anyone.
We are seeing-no change in course. All we are seeing is subtle shifts in the left’s political rhetoric because they think you are stupid.
Just this week-an illegal alien who drew swastikas in union station will get to stay. He won’t be deported and won’t be punished.
And...in Seattle...a homeless man with a 16-year track record of violent crime cracked the skull of a female amazon engineer who was just walking past...because this is what Seattle is now. Rampant lawlessness with zero consequences.
American voters-including a chunk of traditional democrats- are giving up on today’s democrats because today’s democrats are giving up on them.
And it represents a -huge- opportunity for republicans.
Donald Trump already had more Black and Hispanic men and women moving our way. We can keep nurturing that. The GOP has more women and minorities running in congressional races than ever before-and I’m talking about-hundreds of candidates that widen the diversity of the party into traditionally democrat demographics.
The opportunity exists for -sustained- republican control, if the democrats have decided to become the party of the leftist bully, and if they think they need to force America into their template, when it’s not what voters want.
Biden’s inflation and impossible housing market has more young people admitting they cast the wrong vote.
story credit: RealClearPolitics
photo credit: Getty Images