Jay Weber Show transcript 2-4-22 6am
I know I sound like I’m ancient when I say this-
And I still can’t believe it-
But I’ve been around here for over 30 years now, and in all that time, the leftists have never figured out the ‘secret’ of talk radio.
When rush invented the genre, arrogant democrats predicted that he wouldn’t last long.
When people like Mark Belling, and stations like WISN, moved to this interesting new ‘talk radio’ format, the ‘smart people’ on the left and the glitterati insisted it would never take off.
And in the thirty years since, the liberal and socialist left have alternated between-insisting conservative talkers are ‘on their way out’ because this is a dying format...and rushing to be a part of it by trying to figure out talk radio for themselves.
And left-wing talk radio has never worked.
There might be a few low-rated lefty radio shows in the major markets who have managed to limp along. Or exist for a few years before they fold....
But left-wing talk radio has never worked.
How many attempts at it has this ‘Mike Crute’ guy taken here in Wisconsin? How many failed stations has he lost his shirt on?
Where’s he now? Madison? Poynette? A chicken coop in rusk county?
No one knows.
The leftists -still-haven’t figured out that-in addition to being informative and having a logical, common-sense point of view that will appeal to huge numbers of listeners-
You also need to be entertaining.
Rush knew his show had to be funny, and compelling, and informative, and counter intuitive. All those things.
And it didn’t have to be ‘all at once’, but the elements had to be there, and above all, a compelling, appealing message.
And the lefties who have tried to do their own brand of talk radio have fallen on virtually every one of those measures.
None of them are funny, nor try to be. Because, if you are a leftist, no joy should be experienced in this world until the least among us can share it with us....
How can you laugh, and buy things, and enjoy life, when a hungry child of a crack mother wails in the night in Baltimore.
Good grief. Who wants to listen to that?
Lefty radio hosts aren’t entertaining. They never have a logical argument. It’s all left-wing virtue signaling or preening that most Americans don’t agree with-
And above all-they aren’t compelling.
About five minutes in....you ask yourself. Why am I listening to this?
They’re also anti-business and anti-advertiser, and then complain constantly about how their stations can’t get anyone to advertise.
I have never listened to this Crute, clown, but i understand that half of his airtime is taken up by him whining about how no one will advertise on his radio station. Not even democrat candidates running for office.
Well, why would they, when no one’s listening?
Why buy ads that filter out into the ether, unheard?
And since left wing talk radio was launched based on the left’s flawed mission, and because they don’t understand the medium, 30 years later, left wing talk radio-still-isn’t really a ‘thing’.
It’s certainly not a format that stations want to put on.
Meanwhile-left wing TV has been a different story. It has had a different ‘arc’....but do you know what?
It’s ending up in the same place: with low viewership and very few advertisers.
See- CNN and MSNBC, along with the true ‘legacy’ networks of ABC, NBC, and CBS, all started out as ‘news’ products. They weren’t opinion-based pundit talk. They were a ‘news’ product.
And over time, those news products, their various shows, CNN, and MSNBC’s entire line-ups, morphed into-
Transitioned over to- left wing TV. Correct?
If you were fooled into watching CNN and MSNBC because you thought they were giving you the news in the year 2000, well, you wouldn’t be fooled if you tuned in now. And any ‘restraint’ or ‘fairness’ or ‘balance’ went completely out the window when trump ran for office, right? Those left-wing news channels went-hard- left and dropped all pretense that they were trying to be fair and balanced. And because there was some sliver of Americans who wanted to hear trump bashing 24/7, their ratings went up a little and the execs decided that -ah! -we have leftist ‘talk’ figured out!
And so, they went all in. Only to have their ratings crash again when Trump left office. And I mean-crash. Crater.
The cratering of both MSNBC and CNN’s ratings, post-Trump, have been a remarkable thing to watch. Very, very few Americans are tuning into either of those channels at-any point-of the day now.
For heaven’s sake- even Rachel meadow has decided she’s not interested in this, anymore, and is taking a two-month break, with rumors swirling that she wants ‘out’ of this nightly show.
CNN? Put it this way: CNN’s ratings are lower than the bond amount that some of their employees are having to post to stay out of jail.
Fox news has always dominated these other two channels, but last year, Fox’s ratings were better than both CNN and MSNBC’s combined.
So new data released this week from Nielsen is really going to sting, in the CNN and MSNBC newsrooms.
This new data shows that, ah, yeah, the democrats are watching fox.
Some ‘Trump era’ CNN and MSNBC watchers just melted away, no doubt, but others appear to have ended up watching fox. And not only is this a fun fact, but it speaks to how today’s democrats and left wingers are then-further harming themselves-when they portray all fox viewers as racist, knuckle-dragging cavemen.
Doesn’t it?
Because-as they do so-they are also insulting a chunk of their own voters.
To their credit, politico did an honest story on this, and says:
Democrats With a Dirty Secret — They Watch Fox
So- last October- which is the latest available data- you had nearly half of all democrats under the age of 54 who were watching one of these stations-watching fox.
Proving that even many lefties don’t want to watch the dreadful and painfully dishonest programming on CNN and MSNBC.
Anyone who watches Joy Reid or Larry O’Donnell and thinks those two and their guests are making ‘good points’ has to be brain damaged.
So, I’m not surprised that a huge chunk of democrats finds the Fox shows more compelling and entertaining-and worth their time.
Fox also pulls in far more independents, according to Nielson:
And because this is left-leaning politico, the columnist does try to write Fox’s appeal off as ‘better made’ television, or ‘a more entertaining way’ to present current events, but it’s more than that.
Fox’s hosts are also the ones who have-the better content, the more compelling and reasonable ‘takes’ on things, and the positions and arguments that appeal to the bulk of the American people.
CNN and MSNBC are-literally-what the dc and NY elites want to hear, and they assume the rest of the country wants to listen along and agree with them-when that’s not at all the case.
It is- those people- who are in an insulted echo-chamber.
It is the rest of America that is watching Fox.
And sure- some of those democrats are just ‘hate watching’, just as some sliver of the WISN audience has always been democrats and liberals who are ‘hate listening’.
They just tuned in to see what stupidity weber or belling were talking about-and make themselves angry over it.
Okay. Either way- we get the ratings. Right?
Either way-we have them listening.
But a funny thing happens when some lefties start to tune into talk radio, or Fox, just to ‘hate on’ the right. And if you listened to rush, you heard such stories routinely:
Hi rush, first time caller, love the show. I used to be a liberal, but then my dad challenged me to listen to your show.
Yeah, hi rush, i used to be a liberal and so I’d tune in to listen because i wanted to hate you...but then...the more i listened...the more i realized you made sense.
Yes? Many of you heard those callers over the years.
My friends- a funny thing can happen when ignorant or misinformed people – or just liberals with their guard down- hear the truth, or hear a ‘different take’ that’s clearly more logical than the one that they hold-
They can change. And so, if even a third of those CNN and MSNBC viewers who have now abandoned those channels over the last year, have migrated over to Fox, well-
Some percentage of them could find themselves voting republican in the next election, shocked, because they never thought they’d do it.
But hey-today’s leftists are ruining America, and unless your blind, you see it.
And unless you’re a Kool-Aid drinking leftist, you know it can’t continue.
photo credit: Fox News
story credit: Politico.com