The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Oh look, turns out the covid lockdowns were useless.

Jay Weber Show transcript 2-2-22

A huge new study from the very credible Johns Hopkins-my friends- covid lockdowns were useless.

I love it. This is even more leftist ‘covid science’ that has been proven wrong. It’s amazing how much of the stuff that was been labeled ‘misinformation’ and even ‘dangerous misinformation’ over the last two years by the smart set-is now being proven to be correct. They’re looking dumber by the day, and we conservatives are -yet again-being proven right on most of it.

The next time, we all know better than to cave to the bullying nannys and ninnies.

And thank God that republican lawmaker took Gov. Evers to court and blocked him any way they could-from making Wisconsin a never-ending, close, hell hole.

That is something else that speaker Vos and Devin LeMahieu and the ‘so-called establishment’ that Kevin Nicholson and a group of conservatives have been maligning.  

In fact-I have a note from a longtime conservative donor who heard my interview with Nicholson and thanked me for defending our current batch of -very good-conservative lawmakers.

Kevin Nicholson would probably be the party’s favorite in that one and getting all of the same endorsements Kleeficsh locked up early, for governor. Nicholson would probably be singing a different tune.

But on covid: as predicted and expected-here we are are-moving into February, and the worst of the omicron wave is already over. Just as health officials in south Africa and other European countries predicted, based on what they were seeing.

And I know a lot of people have ‘covid fatigue’, but just by way of update-you should know that the covid wave is subsiding quickly.

Omicron-has led-to thousands more deaths, even though it was a milder form, and I know some of you are going to hate to hear this-but again- it’s simply what the hospitals were experiencing: once again, with omicron, about 75 percent of the deaths were unvaccinated.

I’ve always insisted people need to be able to make their own choice on vaccinations. I’ve always been anti-mandate. I’ve been against vaccinating kids under the age of twelve. Stats prove that is almost completely unnecessary-

But every parent makes their choice for their own kid.

I will not, however, ignore the best stats and

‘On-sight’ information that we are getting from our doctors and nurses. And that information continues to prove that vaccinations help in the most vulnerable among us.  

Omicron-is not killing- at random. 

And our kids and our young people are safer than they’ve ever been-since covid started. Omicron is a ‘non-issue’ for kids. The stats are also bearing that out.

It-and an increasing move toward common sense- are starting to mean that the lefties and covid bullies are starting to lose the ‘mask wars’ in a big way.  Most European countries are dropping most-or all-of their covid mandates now that the omicron wave is over for them.

Moreover- the leaders and health experts in those countries are saying, ‘we aren’t going thru the same nonsense every time there is a new covid wave, now. We know better’. 

I’ve been pointing out for a few weeks now how the legacy media is suddenly-if slowly changing their tune on all of these things.

And the idea of abandoning the school mask mandates is gaining favor

Frankly, it’s amazing that-three weeks later- Biden and the democrats still haven’t taken my advice on covid strategy-and pivoted to downplaying it-as something that is here to stay.

This is the savvy political move. Especially considering the survey that was out yesterday that showed Americans are ‘so done’ with this:

Yep. He screwed it up in several important ways that we’ve talked about. And it has worked to the republican’s benefit.

There’s a story in the UK daily mail about the small flood of liberal parents who never dreamed of voting republican but will no longer allow Biden and their dem lawmakers keep their children imprisoned in a covid hell.

The way the democrats handled covid closures-and continue to handle covid rules in schools- have turned off a small legion of parents. And it will be felt in the spring and fall elections.

And-in a great ‘win’ for conservatives, Biden and the democrats -who should be leading the country back toward normalcy now-are refusing to do so.

Democrats hold all the positions of power. They have the best perch from which to ‘lead us back to normalcy’...and they refuse to do so.

Good. Europe is reopening. Most red states have been open. A few dem states, like Colorado, are starting to drop their covid restrictions and masks in schools.

The DC and the deep blue state democrats-refuse to. Okay.

It only benefits us in the right, at this point.

The democrats. Still. Refuse.

The country’s governors gathered this past weekend for the first national governors’ association meeting in two years- due to covid-

And they concluded that Joe Biden sucks.

And his handling of covid-has sucked- and continues to suck.

They said Biden’s handling of covid-horrible.

His lack of focus on keeping essential workers employed and companies open- horrible.

Biden’s Afghanistan debacle horrible.

Communication with the states horrible.


This was a -bipartisan-group of governors giving Biden a ‘D’ on his first year.

I cannot imagine what it would have taken to give him an ‘F’. Because Biden and the dems did-nothing right- last year. Nothing.

photo credit: Getty Images

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