The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Biden's massive human smuggling operation

Jay Weber Show transcript (two segments 6:10am and 7:40)

My friends- if- just a few years ago- you could have told me that our president and our federal government would be getting away with open borders and would even be getting a ‘pass’ on participating in the final leg of a massive human smuggling operation- I wouldn’t have believed you.

But that is where we are with the border, now.

And we are, in large part, due to the power of the left-wing media machine, and how the traditional media outlets in this country, which once acted as a ‘check’ on government, are now part of the leftist machine. Literally propagandists, deciding which things they are going to tell the people of this country, and which things they are not.

And look- we on the right would love to believe that we have a robust operation going to ‘counter’ the leftist media, but truth be told, our conservative talk shows, blogs, podcasts, and alternative media like Fox, Newsmax, etc.- are only heard and followed by a smallish portion of this country. We do not have nearly the saturation that these legacy newsrooms do, and that gives them-and their masters on the left-incredible power.

It is unthinkable and unforgivable that most Americans do not know how bad the left’s illegal immigration scam has gotten in this country.

This border crisis just keeps getting worse, and worse, and worse-

And it does because the Biden administration now has the power to -pretend-they are worried about illegal immigration and mass caravans and are trying to stop it-

When in truth, they are not.

Trump had this all-but stopped. All Biden and the democrats needed to do was ‘leave it alone’. Take the win. And instead, Biden’s team went out of its way to unravel all of trump’s gains and reopen the border and restart the caravans.

And at the time- about a year ago now-

At that time- I told the audience that this was all intentional. This is an intentional payoff to a

Far-left, activist, pro-illegal, ‘no borders’ crowd of extremists that have helped democrats get elected for over a decade now, and finally demanded-and got-their payoff.

And only in today’s ‘rigged’ America, with its ‘rigged’ American media, could the left -and a democrat administration-be getting away with this, going on a year now, with intentional ‘cover’ being provided by the MSM.

We have more illegals flowing across this border than ever before: over two-million last year were handled by border agents in some way- you’ve got to believe that up to a million others slipped thru undetected...

And while, in Obama’s era, it was mostly Mexicans and south Americans who were crossing, now border patrol is seeing immigrants from around the world coming in this way. Virtually every country on the planet-which is about 190 countries- is being represented, here.

This southern border has turned into a -global-draw. And it has, because the Biden/Harris administration and the ‘deep state’ leftists in our governmental bureaucracies has let it.

The latest developments include Biden’s DHS now allowing even criminals to come in and well as a coordinated and growing system of ‘travel and taxi cab services’ that we taxpayers are providing these illegals- as Biden’s govt tries to cover up the massive flow of people by quickly dispersing them across the country.

They’ve been doing this for months, but now that fox news has caught their operations on video- airplanes flying into airports in the dead of night and being offloaded- buildings with blacked out windows acting as holding areas until a string of taxis can arrive-


Now that the video is out- the Biden admin can no longer deny it is occurring, and so last week, Jen Psaki ‘sort of’ copped to it, and the leftist media outlets who now think it is their job to provide cover for the democrats.... ignored the story.

As outrageous as this open border issue is, it is still only fox news and right-wing media outlets talking about it.  And it isn’t just fox news catching clandestine operations on video. Other conservative outlets have, as well.

Fox had video last week from California that you, no doubt saw, but we also have it from Florida and New York.

An honest news media would be asking all those questions, and more. And not just of Jen Psaki, once a day, so she can dodge Peter Doocey and quickly point to a different reporter-

This is a serious and potentially existential threat to the country, and somehow, we have every major news outlet in this country, aside from Fox, ignoring the fact that -in just a few short months-  Joe Biden and his administration have gone from ‘opening the border’, which was bad enough, to now ‘actively colluding in an illegal smuggling operation’.

And that-is-what’s going on, here. Biden’s team in the white house, his homeland security department, and his dept of justice -are all-actively refusing to enforce the long-standing immigration laws of this country-

And are instead, actively participating in a massive human smuggling operation.

And they-know- it’s illegal.

And they-know-it’s wrong- or they wouldn’t be doing it in the dead of night, using clandestine flights and empty buildings with blacked out windows.

The pace of these crossings is expected to accelerate this year, and during the duration of the Biden administration, so long as his team refuses to do anything about it. And they are-very-determined, not to fix this border problem.

For heaven’s sake- yesterday- Joe Biden pretended that they haven’t even figured out why all these illegals are coming here yet, and hey, that’s step one.

This was Joe Biden-a year into what is a ‘conscious crime’ against the country, pretending as if he’s not even past ‘square one’ yet.

This is something that Biden ‘tasked’ Kamala Harris with in April or May of last year, if you remember. Right? 

Remember when Kammy was made the border czar, and patently refused to take the job?

Instead, she insisted, she was only in charge of investigating the root causes of the mass migration. Remember?

Well- in eight or nine months-we are still back on square one?

And the entire notion that there is some mystery over ‘why they are coming’ is nonsense, of course. We know-and have always known-why migrants come to this country, which is why we set up and orderly and legal process for them to do so- in the earliest decades of the republic. 

There is no mystery, and if Kammy doesn’t know, she can just ask them as they flood across the border: they are coming here for economic opportunity, and because their home country sucks.

Flat out. That’s reason for 90 percent of them. It’s no mystery. And we have to-demand-that they come in legally and orderly, or this country is going to be quickly overwhelmed.

Consider that-even if the pace of this flood doesn’t pick up over the next few years-and it will-

But even if we work off 2021 numbers, it will mean that Biden and his open borders policy will have added at least 8 to 10 million illegals-into this country- by 2024. Before there is even a possibility that we can get a new president in place to reverse course.

If that’s not an impeachable offense, I don’t know what it. And so, I’ll say it again: when republicans regain control of the house, they should immediately launch impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas over this border crisis-

I understand they wouldn’t have the votes in the senate to remove Biden-but that process is the best way to educate the rest of the American people on ‘just what is happening’ at our border, and just how complicit in this illegal human smuggling operation the democrats are.

Border security is national security-and this is simply unacceptable.

And as terrible as it sounds- if, God forbid, Biden’s open borders leads to another mass tragedy, like 9-11-

I’d like to think that-at that point- the democrats might be forced to wise up and reverse course-but you know what? -

I don’t think they would.

I don’t even think another 9-11 would have this group of America-hating leftists reversing course, and closing that border, to protect the American people.

A larger and larger chunk of today’s democrats-don’t even like! -the American people. Why would they move to defend us against foreign attack or invasion?

And if you think that goes too far- with these open borders- they are already complicit in it.

I did a segment on the border crisis earlier and didn’t even get to all the points I wanted to make.

So-quickly here- I will keep going.

I was talking about how-in just a year- joe Biden and the dems have gone from -allowing an open border- to being active participants in an illegal human smuggling ring.

And no, that’s not an exaggeration. That is exactly what is going on.

And this is occurring because today’s democrat party is now being controlled by anti-America radicals, and so is a long-standing American news media-who used to be- protectors of the realm, against this sort of illegal and outrageous activity. We right-wing media outlets-still-only have so much reach and influence over this country, and so, no- most Americans do not know how bad the left’s border crisis has gotten.

Most don’t know that this is no longer a matter of allowing for an open border. It is a matter of our government running an illegal immigration scam against our wishes.  The polls have never changed-in two decades: 70 to 80 percent of Americans want our borders closed and controlled.   The same number of Americans are against illegal immigration.

We are a generous and welcoming nation but come in the right way. The position of the American people-has not changed and has not waivered- in at least 20 years of polling.

So why is our current president and his leftist government running an open borders operation?

When Biden undid Trump’s border fixes and intentionally reopened this border-I predicted what was coming: an admin and a dem party that were going to -pretend- that they wanted to stop illegal immigration and mass caravans -but do it more ‘humanely’ than trump.  And here we are.

It was all a lie.

And it’s easy to prove while there are-no efforts-underway by this administration to change the laws, implement new rules or further reinforce the border-

While-in an entire year in which this terrible crisis only worsened-we have seen-zero efforts to stop this-

We have seen a massive effort get underway related to helping the smugglers. Haven’t we?

What Biden’s admin is doing now-is aiding the Mexican cartels with their human smuggling operations in a big way.

Everyone gets to stay, and to hide the crush of people, Biden’s govt -first- holds the illegals in secret locations that they won’t allow the media into....

And then-disperses them around the country in clandestine, midnight flights and bus rides.

How is that not? Colluding in criminal activity with foreign criminal cartels?

Biden’s team went out of its way to unravel all of trump’s gains and reopen the border and restart the caravans. They have since built a massive human smuggling operation here in America-using taxpayer dollars-in an effort to keep their real activities a secret and hide the truth away from the American people.

It should be a national outrage...and virtually no one is talking about it. 

This lawless administration plans to add-at least 8 to 10 million illegals this country by 2024. Before there is even a possibility that we can get a new president in place to reverse course.

And they are getting away with it. Due to an intentional ‘cover up’ being aided by the MSM.

The border issue-more than any other- put Donald Trump into office, and it may again in 2024.

Trump held another one of his rallies over the weekend- and correctly stated that Biden is more worried about Ukraine’s border than our own border.

Trump has some flaws, but he is better at laying out this ‘open borders’ case and pointing out the left’s screaming hypocrisy than virtually anyone else.

President dementia and his bumbling handlers have quickly put this country in a new ‘defensive’ position of weakness and fecklessness around the globe- and it is in glaring contrast to the position of strength that president trump had rebuilt for us after 8 terrible years of Obama.

Obama’s years were terrible, and i had taken to calling him the ‘worst president ever’.

Well, within a year, I believe we can move that title over to joe Biden. One year into a four-year term- America is weaker and more rudderless both at home and abroad than it has ever been-with the exception of the jimmy carter years. And at least carter was genuinely trying. At least carter loved and respected this country, its people, and its military. 

Today’s democrats don’t. 

Yes, we were fighting inflation and incompetence of the same sort then-as we are today-but

We weren’t fighting off a socialist horde-within our own borders-in carter’s day- while bowing to the global forces that were determined to destroy this country.Biden is.

Even Jimmy didn’t do that. Biden-is-doing it.

We need to make sure nearly all of America’s voters know what sort of real crisis we are dealing with Biden’s illegal immigrant operation.

This stopped being ‘just a border crisis long ago. This is a nationwide crisis, now.

Again- Biden’s people aren’t keeping their word-on anything.

Do you know how, in Obama’s era, he at least had ice deporting the most serious criminals, and how, if we caught criminals at the border, we wouldn’t let them in?

Yeah, well, Biden and Mayorkas have ordered a stop to that, too. Every criminal scumbag gets in-and gets to stay, too.

Oh, but Jay, they are at least blocking or deporting ‘the worst of the worst’. No, they’re not. Criminals with felony rap sheets are being allowed in-and are even being released back into America once they have been caught committing crimes here- and done their prison time here- if our leftist judges sentence them to any.

Just this week: the Biden admin moved to-specifically-cancel the order of an illegal alien who killed a young Texas girl in a drunk driving accident

Ice had put a ‘hold order’ on him as he was being released from a Texas prison so that he could now be deported-and Biden’s ‘pro-criminal’, ‘pro-illegal’ regime stepped in to block the deportation.

This man will be let go-back into America- to victimize and/or kill more Americans.

It is not exaggeration or hyperbole to say that-for these rabid leftists currently running this country- American lives are considered acceptable collateral damage to their socialist crusade.

I wish that -was-an exaggeration. It’s not.

photo credit: Getty Images

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