Jay Weber Show transcript 1-30-22 8am
So, 2022 is 31 days old-as of today. We are 31 days into this year. And so far, the city of Milwaukee already has 25 or 26 homicides.
Last year, the city fell just short of 200 murders, at 197, I believe. We are only into 2022 by one month, admittedly, but Milwaukee is currently on pace to have about 320 homicides. So far, the city is averaging nearly a murder-a-day.
And I’ve noticed that some of the inner-city activist groups are out, again, pretending as if they are organized and ready to do something to stop the murders and crime in their community.
But they’re not.
It’s all lip service until or unless they organize themselves to target John Chisolm and the Milwaukee County judges who refuse to lock up this community’s criminals.
And I’m serious.
Many of these community activists have lost loved ones to gun violence and thuggery, and I do not doubt that their grief is genuine. But, until or unless they demand a crackdown on crime by the Milwaukee criminal justice system, all their efforts are useless.
Instead of holding a news conference or a few vigils on street corners- get organized and vote John Chisolm and soft-on-crime Milwaukee judges out of office.
Because that is the only thing that is going to stop this. In Milwaukee, and around the country. We had five police officers shot within just a few days of each other last week, and every time, it was the same story: the shooter was out on ‘no bail, low bail, or probation only’.
Every. Time. It is the same story. And with these so-called ‘Soros DA’s and liberal judges- even cop killers are being let out before their trials on ‘no’ or ‘low’ bail.
In Milwaukee’s latest cop shooting-thank heaven the officer lived-but the punk who shot him was out on bail as three- three- felony cases were pending against him.
This is another big failure of Chisolm’s office and his assistant DA’s.
So, with three felony cases pending against him, the Tosa’ police pick up this clown, charge him with more felony charges, including bail jumping, and Chisolm’s office-still-doesn’t hold him. Still doesn’t consider him a danger to the community and take him off the streets.
This is how lawless Milwaukee, and our big cities are becoming.
I said last week that these criminals know that they will be released from jail almost immediately, and they know that no one is going to come looking for them if they miss their court dates. They won’t feel any need to ‘hide out’ or ‘lay low’ because the cops are looking for them, after they missed their court date.
The cops aren’t looking for them.
They know that the next time they will meet a cop is the next time they are caught committing another crime.
This is the cycle, now. The thug community knows that there will be no punishment. There will be no consequences. For any of their actions.
It’s a true ‘revolving door’ in the Milwaukee justice system...and the same goes for every other major city run by democrats.
That 8-year-old girl who was murdered in Chicago last weekend.
Her murderer was out on ‘no bail’, despite committing several felony crimes, which were pending against him, too.
It’s the same story- all over the country-in democrat run cities.
If we need to build more prisons and jails-then we need to build more prisons and jails-
But we cannot allow 2 to 5 percent of a city’s population to run around victimizing, brutalizing, or even killing the rest of us with no consequence.
This needs to stop.
And it only stops when the voters reject the soft on crime mayors, prosecutors, and judges, and do better.
Tom Barrett refused to get serious about crime, and he was so lazy and disinterested, he didn’t even pretend to have plan.
Cavalier Johnson wants a full term as mayor, and so he’s at least pretending to have a plan-
But as fellow mayoral candidate Bob Donovan said last week- Johnson’s so-called ‘anti-violence’ plan includes nothing new, and the biggest part of it is wasting more money while doing the same thing.
Bob Donovan appears to be the only mayoral candidate, of the seven, who is telling the truth about what -and who-is causing Milwaukee’s crime problem.
The community, for its part, needs to vote the pro-thug elected officials-out. Chisolm and soft Milw. County judges need to go-asap-
But so should any mayor or alderman who isn’t committed to tough-on-crime law enforcement by those das and judges.
Folks, we shouldn’t even be in a situation in which Chisolm and these judges can simply hide behind their office doors and protect criminals. They should have a mayor and a county exec- as well as a group of alderman and county board members- angrily demanding better. Lock up the sliver of this community who keeps victimizing the rest. Period. No excuses.
And if you need more jail space, we will find it or build it. But the crime won’t stop until there is accountability.
For decades, now, on this show, I have been saying that our entire judicial system is upside down. We shouldn’t be giving a total pass- or repeated passes-to young offenders and first-time criminals. If we had accountability and some jail or prison time- right off the bat-
So that we could force that ‘come to Jesus moment’ with first time and youthful offenders right off the bat. Something shocking and alarming for offenders, right away, so that might turn them away from a life of crime...
That is the way to do this. Not giving them break, after break, after break, which only encourages their life of crime and only encourages them to commit more crimes.
We have a system of false justice in America that is now-breeding crime-not preventing it, and the left’s policies are only ever making it worse.
Locally-Chisolm and these judges are a disgrace. Milwaukee, and other big cities, are out of control.
I told you that New York’s new mayor would be useless: Eric Adams. He’s already sounding like every other leftist apologist of the last two decades. He’s already blaming ‘the gun’ instead of the thugs who use them and the das and judges who refuse to take those thugs off the streets.
Adams is already useless, and he’s only a month into his first term.
A reckoning is long overdue for the political class in all our major cities. But only the voters of those cities can deliver it.
Only the voters of the city can sway the elections that have kept John Chisolm and these weak judges on the bench.
I know that they are ‘county’ officials running in county-wide elections, but the city of Milwaukee and its voters dominate the county, and so it is always city voters who are selecting the d-as and the bulk of the soft-on-crime judges.
Those of us who dwell in the suburbs cannot change the trajectory of this terrible crime problem in America. It’s going to have to be the residents of these crap-hole cities, themselves, and for various reasons, they refuse to do so.
Often, it’s just the slick game being run by politicians making false promises and the local democrat machine that is running things.
It’s also about inner city communities that-more and more- are full of people whose relatives, children and friends are criminals or defend the criminal lifestyle, and who don’t want that circle of people locked up.
Way too much of this crime is now multi-generational and amongst both genders, and no one wants to see their thug relatives locked up.
Sadly, the democrats have caved to that, in a desperate attempt TO GET VOTES AND WIN ELECTIONS.
photo credit: Fox 6 Milwaukee News