Jay Weber Show transcript 1-25-22 8:10am
My friends- two different surveys last week showed that 7 in 10 Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction under bidden-and they believe their standard of living is going to continue to dip.
Imagine, Americans are this pessimistic on Biden and the democrats- and these surveys were taken-before- Biden’s economy started to destroy our 401ks and retirement accounts-
Clearly- that slide has begun, with the Dow down something like seven days straight, and with another massive sell-off yesterday.
The looming threats of up to -four-rate hikes by the fed as Biden’s inflation is four-times what it was when he took office...and still rising.
What a disaster.
Even F-Chuck Todd can no longer sugar coat it. NBC news surveyed Americans and found ….
This, as the president and his people insist on pretending as if last year was a -very-good year for the American people, and it’s just a matter of telling them about it.
We’ve talked about how democrats came back from the Christmas break deciding- full steam ahead on this Bernie-style agenda that no one voted for- and- our only problem is with messaging. We have to tell Americans about the great things we did.
Well, Obama’s old ‘messaging’ guy, David Axelrod is now over at CNN, and he’s willing to drink the Kool-Aid and pretend as if bidden had a good first year-
This is the mass-delusion that the folks at CNN and MSNBC have adopted this January, after the white house gave them their marching orders-
If you watch these channels- their melon-headed talkers are ‘all in’ on how Biden’s first year a great year was actually-
And so-Axelrod is pretending to believe that. But he also made a good point that flew right over the heads of the rest of the people on Anderson cooper’s panel: that when the voters know that ‘life is sucking right now’, you only anger them by trying to claim otherwise.
Axelrod went on to talk about the dc insiders working on this ‘article of faith’ that ‘we just need to message better’.
Axelrod Advice For Biden: People Will Resent You For Highlighting Progress If They Don't Feel It
Axelrod is correct, of course, and just as a general statement.
But then consider what types of things Americans are seeing as Biden/democrat failures. We aren’t just talking about some foreign policy decision, or some nebulous policy issue that doesn’t affect most people: we are talking about new negatives and ‘down turns’ in people’s lives that they see and feel intimately.
And when Americans see their lives impacted-this intimately- with inflation, high gas prices, left wing attacks on their schools and children, you are only going to infuriate them when you ignore what they are seeing and feeling and say, no, things are going great.
Because, okay, now you are just insulting us.
Now you just think we are super-stupid.
Yesterday, i mentioned- just mentioned in passing- that Biden’s inflation has wiped out any raises people have gotten. And this isn’t even controversial: if Americans, in average, got a four percent raise out of the more competitive economy, well, the seven percent inflation has wiped it out.
But I got blowback from at least ten liberal listeners yesterday. And I’m sorry you don’t like hearing the truth- but- you voted for the wrong president, and you vote for the wrong party.
Biden’s era-is on you people who voted for him. Don’t try to change or deny reality, now.
All these blunders-and new negatives in your lives-come back to Biden and the democrat’s policies, yes.
And as Americans say in the latest surveys that they are worried about inflation and the economy first, crime second, failing schools third...etc.
What are Biden and Pelosi still talking about? Green energy legislation and maybe bullying parts of build back better into reality via executive order.
The democrats-do not care-about average Americans. And they show that every day.
Jen Psaki went around and around with Peter Doocey on Biden’s lack of interest in solving America’s crime problem yesterday.
The exchange lasted three minutes, and Psaki had no answer for ‘what is the president doing about crime? Does he even know or care that Americans are feeling unsafe?
And the sack of crap’s answer was just what you’d expect. She -pretended- Biden cared about this new high plateau of crime in America, but then said, it’s why we need more anti-gun legislation.
Folks this crime wave is -not-because of guns, or even related to guns. It’s not. Murders committed in all sorts of different ways are up. Carjackings and car thefts are way up. Shoplifting and smash and grabs are way up. Train robberies are a new thing, it’s so bad. And virtually none of those crimes are committed with guns, or because of guns. This is a new lawlessness brought on by democrat das and insane policies that coddle and protect criminals.
This administration is-actively ignoring-the problems of this country and the Americans being harmed by them. The Biden team is-actively ignoring- the most pressing and damaging issues of the day.
Biden’s economic policies have put what was a strong Trump economy- and a strong recovery post covid shutdowns- into a blender and ‘hit the switch’.
In a much-ignored story late last week, a group that tracks the new regulations that each president heaps onto us- said that Biden’s team has quietly engaged in a -rage- of new regulations against the American people.
This, too, harms all of us. All our employers. The overall economy. All of us.
So, on top of all the other moves that Biden and the Dems have made to crush this recovery and send the economy into turmoil- he has added over 200-billion dollars in regulatory costs to struggling businesses.
Forgive the language- but what an a-hole.
What a dangerously dumb president, and administration we have.
But on top of all of the democrat’s ‘year of destruction’, now here comes a stock market correction to add to the doom and gloom- and wipe out half of our retirement accounts.
You have-got-to be kidding me.
photo credit: Getty Images