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Manchin confirms Biden and Schumer thought they could bully him

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-21-21

So, a day after putting the ‘death blow’ on Biden’s socialistic spending bill- Joe Manchin was talking-and confirmed what we have been reporting for some time: Biden’s white house and chuck Schumer’s office expected that-at some point-they could bully him into caving.

Listen to a snippet from an interview he did yesterday with one of his home-state show hosts, in which Manchin said, ‘in the end, this was still the six-trillion-dollar bill that Bernie Sanders had drawn up, and they were just pretending as if it was now a 1.7-trillion-dollar bill, because they were lying on the price tag.

Manchin confirmed that the only real ‘changes’ that they had made to the bill were related to more dishonest ‘scoring’, than in making any of the changes that he asked for:

Manchin Fires Back at White House Staff After Psaki Torched Him for Killing Spending Bill: I Got to My ‘Wit’s End’ With Them

Manchin confirmed: Biden and Schumer and their staffers, instead of negotiating, decided they could bully him into caving. He said- they had activist groups dogging him everywhere, including in front of his houseboat-which is his ‘home’ in Washington. It is where he stays when he is in DC-

And it was infuriating and insulting, and it backfired big time. Just was we were hoping it would.

In short-once again-these arrogant, elitist dc democrats misplayed their hand.

And the bullying continues: wow, has Joe Manchin felt the venom of the ‘righteous left’ over these last two days.

Jen Psaki and Biden’s white house put out a statement on Sunday in which they essentially called Manchin a liar and a man with no integrity.

Then the so-called ‘squad’ members and Bernie Sanders, who represent the socialist, far left, went on a two-day rampage of doing interviews in which they lied about Manchin, and lied about build back better.

I’ll give you a few examples. First-Bernie sanders-who was on CNN tossing around the same idiotic platitudes about ‘the little people versus the evil rich’a nd suggesting that Manchin was betraying the people of West Virginia.

Sanders Blasts Manchin On Build Back Better: "Let Him Vote No In Front Of The Whole World"

I love that Bernie, and AOC, and so many other radical democrats are demanding a vote on this after the holidays. This is going to be awesome. They are about to force every one of their own members in Senate to vote on what is a very unpopular bill. This is the ‘rookies’ of rookie mistakes in politics.

If you have a controversial bill that might not pass- you don’t force your members to vote on it and take an-official- position that could be used against them in the next election.

It is one thing to take that controversial vote and defend it if you get the ‘win’ on the legislation you wanted, but it’s just dumb to have members take a controversial political hit for nothing..

And I’ll talk more about that later-but it’ll be awesome if these idiots refuse to calm down over the holiday break and come back to dc still spitting venom and demanding these votes.

But Bernie is also-dead wrong-about the people of West Virginia. It’s a deep, deep, red state that trump won by 40 points and that Joe Manchin knows extremely well, because he has spent his adult life leading them and representing them.

He was governor before he was senator- and has something like a 65 percent -lifetime-approval rating.And he knows that polls done in that state show 70 percent of West Virginians were against BBB, including about 53 percent who say they are- very-against it.

And so, Bernie has no idea what he’s talking about. But I noticed that AOC and Ayanna Pressley and other democrats were using that same, dumb, talking point in interviews...and was clearly a pre-written talking point for them.

Listen to this bald, angry, ugly Ayanna Pressley. I tell you; this woman is a radical piece of work.

She was on CNN insisting that Manchin was one of those members of the ‘old, white man’s club’ that can’t be trusted.

Pressley: Manchin "Never Negotiated In Good Faith," "Is Obstructing The People's Agenda"

Pressley accuses Manchin of not negotiating in good faith, even though we know that it was Schumer and Biden who refused to do so.

And we know-because about a month ago- Manchin released one of the private memos that he sent to Schumer and Biden at the very start of this entire BBB late spring.

In it- he detailed every concern he had and told them every item that he would be willing to vote in favor of-and Schumer and Biden hid the letter.


Manchin said nothing, until about October, after Schumer and Biden ratcheted up the activist bullying on him again-

And then he released it and said, ‘Chuck Schumer has had this since June. I’ve been very clear from the beginning-what i am willing to support and what I’m not’.

Does anyone remember that?

We talked about it-and ever since-have talked about how the democrats-clearly-just expected they could get Manchin to cave, at some point.

But Pressley, and AOC, etc... keep insisting that Manchin is quote...obstructing the president’s agenda, which is the people’s agenda’.

No. It’s not.

When 70 million voters-allegedly- voted for joe Biden, virtually none of them voted for him to be some ‘transformational’ president that was going to take us toward socialism.

In fact, the voters specifically rejected that path forward, because it was the path that every other one of the 24 primary candidates were touting.

And that’s what’s so amazing about this historical failure, here.The American people-could not have been clearer- about why they were voting for Biden and what they wanted out of him:a return to quiet competence and normalcy. A return to a ‘caretaker’ sort of president who wasn’t going to be disruptive after the fatiguing Donald Trump.... etc.

And he ran as a unifying, competent, centrist.

Then the Dems thought they had the numbers to ram home the seeds of socialism, anyway, and took the chance.

It has backfired spectacularly, and they will pay the price for it next fall-

They will also pay the price for these overly personal and nasty attacks on Joe Manchin.

This man-for his entire career- has insisted that he would never leave the democrat party. He’d never become a republican.

Yesterday, Manchin was practically daring the democrats to push him out of their party.

He clearly doesn’t want to go back on a 40-year vow...but he ready to be ‘rid of’ today’s democrat party.

And don’t get too excited. Those close to him say he would go ‘independent’ and he would still caucus with the democrats.But- if the Dems stripped him of his party status, he’d be even more free to vote against them when he didn’t like their ideas.

I should also level this warning: don’t think that Manchin is a conservative or is more ‘like-minded’ with the Republicans now, just because his party’s leaders and platform have shifted away from him.

Manchin is still in favor of some of these big social programs the Dems are talking about, like universal pre-k, etc.

And- he is still trying to reverse the Trump/Ryan tax cuts at least partially. So don’t mistake Manchin for a conservative, or a guy who would flop into the GOP camp.

He won’t.

But he has killed off this ‘most extreme’ effort by the democrats to destroy the country with trillions in additional spending on never-ending social programs. When they thought they had the chance?

This was a huge gift to the American people.

He also-very importantly- killed off the very fraudulent ‘free childcare’ proposal that was really just ‘free’ child care for a sliver of the very poor- with provisions that had every other lower income and middle class family paying far, far more for child care.

We talked about how it would have ballooned everyone’s childcare burdens.

That’s dead too.

And all sorts of other, terrible, anti-American measures.

For now.

For now.

story credit: Real Clear Politics and Mediaite
photo credit: Getty Images

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