The Jay Weber Show

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The Dems false pivot back to law enforcement

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-16-21

A listener heard Nancy Pelosi and San Francisco’s mayor talk about crime yesterday and sent a note to me: I guess the great pivot back to law enforcement has begun.

Oh, no.

If that were only the case, I’d be encouraged.

No, no.

These democrat mayors, das and lawmakers won’t be serious about crime-nor will they have any success in cleaning it up- until they totally reverse course on all of their ‘no bail’ and ‘no prison’ and ‘de-incarceration’ efforts and start taking dangerous criminals off the streets, again.

And I still see no evidence of that happening.

And no, the truly scummy and radical ‘London Breed’ suddenly pretending that she’s pro-cop and pro-law enforcement isn’t going to dramatically change things in Frisco, no.

Not unless she’s serious about becoming the sort of dictator that she said she was going to be yesterday, and i don’t believe that for a second.

If you missed this: San Francisco’s notoriously ‘woke’ and leftist mayor -after years of criticizing her own cops and allowing crime and drug use and homelessness to run rampant in her city- suddenly now-claims things are going to change.

This is a woman who-just a year ago- as mayor-and in the midst of a full-blown crime crisis-went along with BLM and cut 120-million dollars out of her own police department.

That is a-shockingly high- cut, when compared to what went on in other cities.

Breed cut her city’s law enforcement budget by 120 million just last year, and insisted she was going to funnel that money, instead into counseling and ‘black grievance’ efforts... flopped. The thuggery, rampant crime, violence and murder has only skyrocketed in her.

What a shock.

And so, suddenly, yesterday, she was at the state capitol pretending that ‘enough is enough. We are going to get tough now’

And she even swore:

San Francisco Mayor Delivers Fiery Call for Crime Crackdown: Time for Us to Be ‘Less Tolerant of All the BULLSH*T That Has Destroyed Our City!’

No, you’re not. Very little will change.

Because you won’t-really-back your police officers and allow them to do their jobs and do what it takes to clean up your city.

And you won’t, because you still aren’t calling out San Francisco’s truly ‘pro-crime’ district attorney, Chesa Boudin, who has only been in office a few years and has developed the reputation of prosecuting- no one.

Everyone walks, every day, in Boudin’s San Francisco. And so, the Frisco PD can make as many new arrests as they want, but unless breed gets serious ‘buy in’ on prosecuting and locking up the criminals from boudin, nothing will change.

And no, this is not a man who is going to pivot. Earlier this week-even in the midst of the current crap-storm over weak prosecutions-boudin was refusing to alter course, and was, instead, working to get charges dropped in a high-profile case.

London breed also said this:

SF Mayor London Breed Announces Crackdown, Policies "Less Tolerant Of The Bullshit That Has Destroyed Our City"

What i heard there-is a woman who is already worried about any left-wing activist blow-back that she might get, as she tries to combat crime.

That is how she started her news conference, and so, literally, her first words made it clear that she’s worried about political blow back-which most likely means she will cave to it-almost immediately.

She’s not fixing nothing’.

Nothing will change-in San Francisco or anywhere else-until and unless these mayors and lawmakers start to blast the das and judges who refuse to do their jobs and lock up criminals.

And that includes us, here in Milwaukee. For years, I have called out mayor Tom Barrett for refusing. Refusing. Refusing to call out John Chisolm and Milwaukee’s soft-on-crime judges, when he does his occasional little news conferences in which he pretends to be ‘fed up’ about crime.

Barrett, over the 18 years or so that he has been mayor, has been the king of the fake ‘fed up’ news conference.

We get it occasionally: he will act all ‘angry’ and will say, ‘i am fed up. Fed up. With the gun crime in Milwaukee’.

No, you’re not, Mr. Mayor.

If you were, you’d have been calling out Chisolm and judges long ago, insisting they lock up our violent criminals and crack down on even first offenders, and make our streets safe. Barrett is a fraud and a liar. Have fun fooling them in Luxembourg, because you haven’t been fooling anyone around here for a long time.

Everyone in the country knows who is to blame for this terrible spike in crime-and it’s not covid: it is far left mayors immediately caving into BLM and antifa and these insane ‘pro-crime’ movements on the left. No bail. No prison. No probation.

It’s all sent the strong signal that crime is tolerated in these communities, and in this country.

Did you hear the old bag, Pelosi, yesterday, pretend as if she didn’t have a clue as to what has caused this?

She and Biden and every democrat on capitol hill have been stone-cold-silent-


On anything having to do with this spike in crime. None of them have had a comment on it, much less a solution.

And with polls now showing the American people are furious over it. Now. Just now, Nancy Pelosi pretends that it’s something new.

Nearly two years later- Pelosi finally says ‘none of it is acceptable. It has to be stopped’.

She has not uttered those words-at any point-over the last two years. She -at no point-said the rioting needed to stop.

She said -at no point- BLM and antifa needed to stop.

She said-at no point- law enforcement needed to be supported and encouraged.

She said- at no point- as crime spiked in NY, Chicago, across the nation- in her own back yard of San Francisco-

Pelosi said-at no point-we need DA’s and judges to crack down.

And she didn’t yesterday.

All she gave us is a generic ‘it’s got to stop’.

In fact, I’d bet you a thousand bucks that it was Pelosi who finally pushed London Breed to at least-act tough-on Frisco crime.

I am certain that Pelosi is being shelled by her rich donors and rich, elite, Frisco neighbors who are finally insisting: this crime is ruining our city.

I would bet anything that it was Pelosi who picked up the phone and told London: my god, at least pretend you are going to crack down. We must change the narrative, somehow.

And for the record: after years of nursing and supporting antifa, Portland mayor Ted Wheeler pivoted months back and pretended that-by god, we are going to crack down on this crime’.

Have they? Is Portland any better?


Wheeler was lying. Breed is lying. Barrett has been lying for fifteen years.

Why in the hell would-anyone-vote democrat, anymore?

photo credit: Getty Images

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