The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

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Turns out Millennials DO want the traditional American dream.

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-15-21 6:10am

Here’s something that you might not know after years of surveys have insisted Millennials were the ‘anti-consumers’-

After years of hearing that Millennials were the generation that wasn’t going to want to own a bunch of ‘stuff’ and wasn’t interested in owning houses- it turns out they are.

Do remember the stories asking: what are we going to do with all of these big McMansions that the dirty baby boomers and gen-xers insisted on building? Who is going to buy them? Because the Millennials aren’t interested in owning homes, or big, gaudy displays of success.

This was a new, leftist generation of Americans who was going to bend the country even further toward socialism and ‘shared community’.

Well- not so much. No.

Now that they have hit their late 20s and 30s, it turns out that Millennials-do want- to follow the more traditional American dream.

What a shock.

Everyone’s attitudes, hopes, and goals change as they age, and it is natural that young people are more ‘cocky’ and ‘idealistic’ and ‘counter-culture’ when they are younger and going thru college, but then, when they hit adulthood, they think more deeply about what they want and what makes them happy, and all the rest.

This is a natural progression of the sort that we have been seeing-to some extent-with every new generation in America-

The only difference is that the MSM and those who predict social trends (who tend to be lefties) really, really got invested in this idea that it was going to be the Millennials that were finally going to destroy the traditional American dream of having a good paying job and owning a home and living a comfortable, all-American life.

The left-over the last three decades-has increasingly-hated- that idea of ‘the American dream’.

And today’s leftists are more radical and vocal than ever, and so, whether they were in the media, or academia, or the social sciences- they really, really, talked themselves into the idea that they had correctly indoctrinated the Millennials into eschewing the traditional American dream, and not adopting traditional American values.


Too bad, so sad. The lefty extremists were wrong again.

That is-so sad-to hear.

I love hearing about how wrong they’ve been about the American Latino population, too, which is gravitating over the right side of the aisle so fast that every political alarm bell that can be rung, is ringing in democrat districts right now.

My god-we are losing the latinx’s in droves- they are saying.

Yeah, and ‘latinx’ is part of the problem, you are bullying dopes.

But- back to America’s young people, and this story from our neighbors to the south: suddenly, it is Illinois that has a young ‘brain drain’.

One side effect of covid-19 has been the change to working remotely, right? Especially for a lot of young, tech-savvy workers?

Well- if you didn’t have to live in Chicago, or in Illinois, and pay staggeringly high taxes and prices for everything, would you?

The junior flat landers aren’t, and it’s noticeable. To the point that Illinois democrats are trying to blame the loss of population on snowbirds, but they are only half the story.

Why would young people who are just starting out and have their own college debt- want to pay the massive pension debts of past generations of govt. workers in Illinois?

And how is that fair?

So the kids are moving out.

And it’s not just the taxes that are driving people out of these blue states- it is also the quality of life issues that tend to come with local and state governments that cannot pay their debts or run government properly.

Would you want to be young person living in Chicago, or New York, or Seattle now? With their high rate of crime and lawlessness?

Would we gen-xer’s want your millennial kids to do so?

No. Get out of there, parents would say. ‘Your paycheck will go further in a suburb or in a neighboring state, anyway.

In these blue states-everything! -costs more for a young person just starting out, or a young couple just starting to set up a household or have kids: my god, our overall quality of life could be -so much better- if we just changed our current location-

Is what a lot of these young kids are deciding. And now that they can work remotely, they are doing so.

I know three young couples, myself, who have been freed up to live wherever they want, thanks to working remotely, and all three have bought new homes and are relocating.

In fact, their youthful excitement has been fun to watch. They are young enough that a lot of this is new: first home. First suburban home. First time we can get a dog. Etc.

It’s all so exciting when you are young.

And the American left is now populated with such scrooges, bullies, and sourpuss socialists that they want to kill off that excitement. Snuff out the ‘exuberance’ of youth, and the many promises held within the ‘American dream’.

And it does my heart good to see Millennials rejecting it.

We get one life: live it with joy, and purpose, and set goals and experience all you are can-including the great freedoms and opportunities this country and this culture afford you.

Don’t wallow in negative notions of how your life needs to be all sadness, and sacrifice, and angst....because your success is somehow going to be harmful to other people.

Its not. Don’t buy it.

photo credit: Getty Images
story credit: Wall St. Journal

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