I love how even the left-wing news outlets are now having to admit that Joe Biden’s inflation is chewing up any pay raises that Americans got this year. But they stop there.
Jay Weber Show Transcript 12-14-21 6:40am
These leftist accomplices in the media ‘stop short’, and are still pulling their punches, because, folks, unless you got at least a seven percent pay raise this year-
This Biden inflation is wiping out a lot more than that raise you received.
Did you get a seven percent raise...in an era in which a three percent raise is considered generous?
I bet you didn’t.I’d bet that 90 percent of Americans are not making seven percent higher pay than they were at this time last year-and yes, i realize that this is a ‘worker’s market’ and there has been a lot of job hopping going on, as millions of Americans hop to a better job.
I’m still saying those people don’t amount to more than ten percent of workers in this country who are making a full -seven percent-more in pay than they were a year ago, no.
And unless you did, that pay raise has been erased from your family budget-along with even more-thanks to Biden and the democrat’s terrible inflation-
Which-by the way-is also still rising.
It was bad enough when their idiotic, final two-trillion-dollar covid-19 relief bill was leading to five percent inflation this summer...but we have now hit seven percent inflation just in time for winter-with prices on just about everything -still-rising.
Thinking about that three percent raise that you got that you were so happy about at the time-will just make you cry, now.
CNBC says...
How inflation is changing the 2022 annual employee pay raise equation
In short- Americans are bleeped. They are being screwed royally by Biden and the democrats.
And this is-before-these uncaring monsters try to shove thru another five-trillion dollars in social spending that will only make matters worse.
Former senator Phil Gramm is the former chairman of several powerful finance committees and is an economic guru himself, and is now a scholar at the American enterprise institute-
The Biden Stagflation Is Coming
Senator Gramm is correct, of course, and any honest economist knows it.
And every honest American should also know better...having just recently lived thru the Obama era.
When Barrack Obama got into office and i heard and saw his policies- I predicted a lost decade of economic growth, presuming he served two terms.
Well- he did- and what we saw was exactly what I predicted: eight years of lost economic activity, growth, and private sector healing, post-recession.
Then came trump and-happily-the economy started to roar immediately, just on his promises of major tax cuts and major de-regulation, and ‘happily’, he and the republicans followed thru on both promises.
We saw a massive amount of deregulation on businesses during Trump’s 4 years, as well as one of the biggest, most effective tax cut packages in American history. And the economy exploded. The rising tide that Jack Kemp used to talk about-really did- raise all boats.
Every type of worker in every sector of the economy saw more work and wages and benefits than they had in a very, very long time.
Trump’s policies-absolutely-pulled us out of Obama’s economic malaise. And for the moment- this economy is still poised to roar if Biden and the democrats would just be smart enough to get government out of the way.
Sadly, they are not.
Instead, they want to double down on the same games that had us slaves to Obama’s over-regulation, and then they want to heap on even more!
And just as was the case with Obamacare-the ‘very talk’ of more taxes and regulation is starting to freeze businesses and business owners in place.
This same CNBC story I’ve been referencing says that-even though most companies were making record profits as we roared back out of the covid shutdown- once again-they are starting to sit on a lot of that profit rather than spend it or give out more generous raises.
And they aren’t doing so because they are evil, greedy ogres-
They are doing so because Biden and the democrats are doing a repeat of what they did in 2009 and 2010: they are freezing the business world in place....as they keep threatening a flood of new taxes and regulations-related to this idiotic, anti-American ‘build back better’ bill.
It is Biden and the democrats who are-absolutely- talking the country back into an economic malaise. And it is happening at a time in which our economy should be right back to trump-era levels of prosperity.
And now-instead of reversing course and/or giving up on their dangerously dumb social spending plan-
Instead, they are now asking their left-wing accomplices in the MSM to ‘lie for them’ and tell the American people that this economy is great, and the inflation is good for us, and it’s going to be even better once the deems spend another five trillion dollars!
How dumb do they think the average American is?
Biden’s Media Allies Can’t Spin Away Our Economic Malaise
And the most ‘in demand’ groceries have risen outrageously, like milk, meat, and fresh fruits.
The democrats-will not-be able to trick Americans into ‘not seeing what they are experiencing’.
That’s a very tall order, and frankly, this group of democrats isn’t smart enough to pull it off.
Even if a small cadre of journalists ruin whatever is left of their reputations in an attempt to help out.
I tell you- Dana Milbank of the wash post- honestly-destroyed-what was left of his reputation last week when, after meeting with the white house- he tried to claim that Biden is getting worse media coverage than Donald Trump.
Everyone knew that that wasn’t true- most especially the media members on dc and New York-because they all participated in the coordinated effort to smear and ruin trump.
They aren’t trying to smear and ruin Biden. They’ve just been reporting what the white house and the democrats in congress have been doing-and want to do.
In truth? The DC and NY media outlets have been doing what more closely resembles ‘journalism’ again, and Biden’s white house cannot stand it. And so, they are calling in all their propagandists and reminding them of what their job-really -is: spinning for the left, and the democrat party.
But again-the American people know better. We are ‘wise’ to the game by now. Polls repeatedly show that the American news media has no credibility, anymore, and so all that these so-called journalists are going to do- by lying for Biden-is destroy what is left of their integrity, and their personal reputation.
Last week, it was a ‘once respected’ Dana Milbank making himself a laughingstock.
On Sunday-it was Chuck Todd, making the ludicrous suggestion that most of the reasons that Biden’s approval ratings are in the toilet, are not his fault.
Chuck-the rest of us all just sat by-and watched- Joe Biden and the democrats destroy the country.
We just recently watched as Biden canceled the keystone pipeline and banned new drilling and brought about 3 dollar a gallon gasoline.
We all watched as they passed a completely unnecessary flood of govt. cash into the economy and told people to stay out of work longer- and touched off this crazy inflation.
We all watched-as Biden arrogantly got US servicemen and countless others killed with his Afghanistan withdrawal.
We all-just watched-this man touch off a totally unnecessary border crisis eleven months ago.
And yes, it is all Biden’s fault. Yes.
We all-just watched- as Biden went soft against China and Putin, even as they get more belligerent.
story credit: CNBC, Wall St. Journal, National Review
photo credit: Getty Images