The Jay Weber Show

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DA John Chisholm will duck public accountability today

Jay Weber Show transcript 12-2-21 7:40am

My friends-today is the day – nine or ten days later-

That we might finally get some answers from Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm on why his prosecutors decided that a measly thousand dollars bail was enough to put on a dangerous felon who had charges related to two serious cases of domestic violence pending against him when he was let out.

This was just days before he mowed down parade-goers at the Waukesha Christmas parade.

Today, finally, John Chisolm is going to appear in front of a county board committee to explain why Darrell brooks Jr got out on such a low bail.

And let’s note the venue: because we have no newsrooms with either the resources, or the bulldog reporters that we used to, John Chisholm gets to pick the venue for his first public comments on this.

Instead of calling a news conference, like any upstanding public servant would do who is willing to own up to the mistakes of the department and answer reporter questions-

Chisolm, instead, is going to continue to hide in plain sight, by getting some county supervisors to give him the public forum for a one-sided, more controlled, way for him to get out his spin.

That’s how i read this event, today.

Years ago, when we had two competing newspapers and several radio and tv newsrooms that were in competition with each other to get the story first- I guarantee you- we would have had reporters camping out outside Chisholm’s home and office- over the last week-and not allowed him to get away with this stunt of- not- doing interviews of being held publicly accountable- in any way- for going on eleven days!

As someone who was once one of those reporters chasing down newsmakers and trying to get them to answer questions- it saddens and disappoints me to see what local news has become.

For the most part, if the TV newsrooms can’t do it ‘cheap and easy’ from the helicopter or remote truck, they don’t care to cover it.

And the j/s is now an activist rag that all-but refuses to hold local officials accountable, either. Unless they have an ‘r’ behind their name.

Yesterday, ten days later, the j/s editorial board finally put out a piece saying that Chisholm and the court commissioner in the case need to explain themselves.

We finally have George Stanley and the j/s editors admitting that there is no excuse for the way Chisolm is running his department, or the left-wing judges are running their courts.

And yet- the editors still stop short of admitting that.

He won’t be transparent in every way. He’s already made that clear. And ducking reporters or news conference in favor of the protected veil of a county board meeting proves it.

These editors are still pulling their punches.

Then you have Cedric Cornwall, the court commissioner in the case who accepted a pathetically low one-thousand dollars bail. No one has insisted he come forward to explain himself or offer an apology for his mistake.

And he and Chisholm aren’t going to volunteer to do so-because they don’t think it was a mistake. Releasing violent criminals on low bail is a-feature-of the Milwaukee County court system, not a rare screw up.

This is how business-is always done- in the Milwaukee county legal system, between Chisholm’s office and the criminal court commissioners.

If Darrell brooks junior got ‘inappropriately low bail’, and he did, then thousands and thousands of other thugs, punks and violent criminals who went thru those same revolving doors have too, while Chisholm has been the DA.

In this hearing-which we now-magically-have no record of. It’s amazing how the audio and written transcripts of brooks’ last court appearance in Milwaukee just got lost, isn’t it?

We are told it simply doesn’t exist. So, stop asking.

But what we do know is that a long-time, veteran, assistant da of Chisholm looked at Brooks’ violent history and long, long history of bail jumping and victimizing the community...and she asked for only a-thousand dollars bail, without blinking an eye.

And we know commissioner Cornwall accepted it, without batting an eye, either.


Why or how would that happen?

It happened because-this is the norm- in the Milwaukee County court system. It is being run almost exclusively by bleeding heart leftists on both sides of the bench. With prosecutors trying to find ways-not- to punish hardened criminals and with judges doing the same.

Commissioner Cornwall didn’t bat an eye at the shockingly low bail request-because it wasn’t shockingly low.

At least not to anyone in the Milwaukee County courthouse, which has become numb to liberal lunacy over time.

They’re all loony liberals.

Should we let this thug, go, too, judge?

Sure. Why not?

This is -the norm- and that’s what John Chisholm should have to answer for- and should have to answer some tough questions about.

Instead, he is going to appear in front of a group of liberal accomplices and protectors on the county board ...and spin some yarn about how he and his team are locking up the worst criminals and, somehow, ole’ Darrell Brooks just fell thru the cracks, and that’ll be that.

Chisolm will never be held accountable for anything.

And I’d love to say that the residents of Milwaukee and Milwaukee county who are increasingly victimized by the thugs Chisolm lets go-will be so fed up next election that they will vote Chisolm out of office..

But that won’t happen, either. Because city of Milwaukee voters is the most apathetic, pathetic, group of voters that I have seen in my 30 years of doing this.

No matter how bad it gets-they’ll just keep

Re-electing the same people and let it get worse.

Same MPS board members. Same mayor. Same craptacular alderman and county supervisors.

Whatever. Let’s just keep watching as Milwaukee circles the drain.

Sadly, this is what I’ve been watching for 30 years, now.

And no, the so-called journalists at the newspaper and TV stations won’t get any more worked up about it than the voters do. Whatever.

Except for this radio station- no one in the Milwaukee media ever demands better. Ever shows some passion or zeal for change.


They are as apathetic and as pathetic as the voters are. Whatever. How do we half-ass this live shot so we can get out of here.

And then they give themselves these fraudulent labels: boy, we care. We’re your friend. We love Milwaukee.

Do you? Because it doesn’t look like you do.

But, but, but...we collect coats and toys for kids.

Do they come with the bullet holes in them? Or is that the part that you don’t care about that comes later?

Because you are doing the cheap and easy stuff and pretending to care about the community.

photo credit: Fox News
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