Jay Weber Show transcript 11-23-21 7:10am
I started the show by saying that we will have a fuller examination of Milwaukee John Chisholm and his office’s decision to turn Milwaukee into New York, Chicago, or la, and move to a sort of ‘de facto’ no-bail system.
So, let’s get into it, because Chisholm has a lot of explaining to do-and the pathetic statement that he put out yesterday isn’t nearly enough.
In fact, it ‘read’ to me, like the statement of a man who knows there is no defense for his actions or the way he has been running his department...
And they finally got stung in a major way and so now he wants to pretend as if something ‘went wrong here’.
Chisolm wants to pretend as if something was ‘out of the norm’ when he and his office let this career criminal go-
Released him back into the community-twice- on pathetically low bonds-even though serious felony charges were pending against him.
So, folks, the first point we need to emphasize is that -despite what John Chisholm claimed in his statement yesterday, there was no ‘screw up’ here, by his office. This sort of revolving door for thugs is the norm. Not the exception.
And if you want proof of that, understand that we have judges in these cases that simply went along with the shockingly low bail.
A prosecutor-suggests- a bail amount, but the judge always has the discretion to say: that isn’t nearly enough, this is a dangerous person, here.
And instead- the judge or judges associated with Darrell Brook’s cases just agreed to him being allowed to post virtually no bail...and walk out the door to re-victimize the community.
And so, don’t give me this b-s that.... ooo...a mistake was made here and we’re going to investigate it. A serious investigation is underway.
That’s the blatant BS that Chisholm tried to float, yesterday, and no one who listens to this show should be dumb enough to buy it, by now. I’ve been talking about Chisholm’s weak prosecutions and the Milwaukee judge’s pathetic refusal to punish anyone-for years- on this program.
This attempt to -not- lock anyone up and -not-take serious crimes seriously go back at least a decade, or fifteen years.
It has been at least that long that i have been talking about how, in Milwaukee, everyone from young punks to hardened felons gets slap on the wrist after slap on the wrist, after slap on the wrist-never learning their lesson or really being punished for their crimes-
Until they kill someone. And then Chisholm and the judges will say....oop...now you killed somebody. Now we got to lock you up. And virtually apologize for it.
And if you think i am exaggerating- John Chisholm has a long history in the legal community of being behind these ‘de-incarceration’ efforts.
In fact, a tweet of his from 2019 resurfaced, yesterday, in which he’s praising a famously radical da from San Francisco who patently refuses. Refuses. To charge cases. Chesa Boudin.
She’s under a recall effort because-even the uber-lefty citizens of Frisco are fed up with her refusal to fight crime and punish criminals.
John Chisholm, for years, had already been working on keeping criminals out of jail. And he was welcoming in a kindred spirit.
This is who John Chisolm is, and why Milwaukee’s crime problem is as severe as it is.
So, it was infuriating to see Chisholm, then, yesterday, trying to get ahead of a crap storm that should be coming his way.
He put out a statement calling for an investigation- into himself and his own office-essentially, and pretended as if he was pointing at ‘the state’:
Folks- Chisholm- is the state! He’s the district attorney. He runs the team that let this hardened criminal go twice- on pathetically low bails: first, five hundred dollars, and then the second time on one-thousand dollars.
And as I say: this is his office’s m-o and has been for years. Now he’s going to claim a super-low bail was inappropriate. Or a mistake?
He and his team have been suggesting them for years on such cases, and Milwaukee judges have been accepting them for years.
Chisolm is going to pretend as if his ‘standard operating procedure’ is now‘ the exception’?
Come on.
Bret Healy at the MacIver institute sent me a piece that they reported more than two years ago on the structural effort that was underway in Chisholm’s office to lower bail and hand out lenient and no-punishment sentences. It has been going on for many years.
It’s a conscious, organized, effort. It follows a ‘theory’ of policing and incarceration that other lefty crackpots and radical academics came up with years ago.John Chisolm is an acolyte of this idiotic, dangerous, de-incarceration effort.
It’s well documented.
He has traveled distances to participate in-and give presentations at- such ‘prosecutorial reform’, as he puts it.
He and his office, in concert with virtually all of the Milwaukee County criminal judges who also buy into this crap- have been handing out lenient and no-jail sentences on even very serious cases like Darrell Brooks’ for years. And I, belling, and others have been telling you so.
John Chisholm and the judge or judges who accepted these pathetically low bails to let a serial domestic abuser, bail jumper, and violent felon back out on the streets- should be held accountable.
For heaven’s sake: the most recent crime that Darrell Brooks was charged with-was for running over a girlfriend with his car!
The Milwaukee Cunty DA and judges have-it is fair to say-
Have created a system in which they -refuse- to hold even violent criminals over for trial.
Darrell brooks has a long, long, long, rap sheet that goes back into the 90s...and folks...bail jumping and refusing to show up in court are charges that are prominently featured on that rap sheet.
The Milwaukee da and judges know he’s a menace to the community. They know he refuses to show up for court dates. They knew he had two felony cases of domestic violence pending against him-and they let him go again, anyway, just a few days ago.
This. Is. The Milwaukee ‘no-justice’ system. Let’s not pretend otherwise. Again, and again- Darrell Brooks was caught, processed, and intentionally released.
And not just by Milwaukee prosecutors. But by prosecutors around the state and around the country.
Don’t let Chisholm or the corrupt Milwaukee County court system off the hook.
In any other era, this tragedy in Waukesha County would be the catalyst for reform.
Sadly, i think the people of the city of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County are too checked out and pathetic to demand better and vote Chisholm out of office the next time he’s up for re-election.
photo credit: Fox 6 Milwaukee