The Jay Weber Show

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Several lessons to take away from the Rittenhouse case

Jay Weber Show transcript 11-22-21 7:10am

The Kyle Rittenhouse verdict was hashed and rehashed over the weekend...and so i feel no need to do that again today...

Nor to i feel the need to trot out fifteen nasty tweets and ten nasty comments from CNN and MSNBC to prove to you how nasty and awful the coverage was on the activist left.

All they do is wallow in the crapulence that-is- their life. It’s all cry bullying and false outrages and angry stupidity. And it makes my head hurt.

It is the worst part of the modern media- the echo chamber-and on both sides.

Instead- lets step back and talk about what is important when it comes to the fallout from this trial.

My take is: we need to step back and acknowledge a few things....

First: this is a case that never should have been brought. These are indefensible charges brought by a district attorney who caved to the angry mob.

Second: it is a case that never would have existed... If Gov. Evers and Kenosha mayor John Antaramian had done their jobs instead of going along with the lefty mob mentality that ‘riots are protest’. Last year’s rioting should not have been allowed, much less- lawlessness for three nights-and to the point that ‘citizen’s brigades’ felt the need to step in where law enforcement would not.

Third take away: the jury got it right, despite all the pressure on them. We, the people of SE Wisconsin owe them a debt of gratitude for taking their mission as seriously as they did-and took the care to get it right.

Fourth take away: Americans have a fundamental right to self-defense, and that was reinforced here.

And fifth: the MSM really is so, so broken that it might take a series of lawsuits for some of the most egregious among them to stop slandering and smearing people.... just to forward the lefty cause.

Let’s start with this case never should have been brought. Since the video of the incident was out so fast-in the arena of public opinion- and since it was obvious from moment-one that Rittenhouse was defending himself, the charges that came later -reeked- of political pandering.

Kenosha da Michael Graveley should be held accountable by the voters for this debacle.

It wasn’t even a case that he felt good about, obviously, or he would have wanted to prosecute it himself and get the glory for himself. Instead- he filed charges to pander to his left-wing crowd-and then pawned off the case on two assistant das who -clearly-should have never taken it to trial.

And since a right to self-defense is a -sacred- American right. Heck- a human right- as Andrew McCarthy pointed out at national review.

He said- this goes back to the ancient romans: if you are being attacked, you have the right to fight back.

The trial never should have occurred. And certainly not in the sloppy and shameful way it these prosecutors.

But at least the jury got it right. They took the task seriously. They heard the evidence. They heard the testimony. They considered it for days and asked for clarification and definitions and to see video again, etc.

It is clear this was a group of people who knew that they had the fate of another human being in their hands and took it seriously- which is what we’d hope for in-every- criminal trial.

I give the jury credit for blocking out all the noise. Blocking out the concerns for their own safety, etc. And doing their civic duty in such a responsible way.

Sincerely: kudos to the jury...

They got it right because they saw all the evidence firsthand. They heard the -genuine- reason that Kyle Rittenhouse was in Kenosha, and the fact that he actually-did-have ties to the community, and no, he did not transport a gun across state lines, and no, he was not some white supremacist who went to a BLM protest to kill black people...

I mean-the lies and intentional distortion of facts in the media coverage surrounding this case were terrible.

From moment one- CNN and MSNBC weren’t reporting the facts about how Kyle Rittenhouse was an aspiring EMT and police officer who had spent the day cleaning graffiti and who had a record of community service.

Or that he had several ties to Kenosha-and that he only lived 15 or 20 minutes away. For heaven’s sake-all sorts of us drive that long to get our kids to practice, or to and from school, or run errands. He happened to live south of a state line, but he spent all sorts of time in Kenosha. No one who read the media accounts knew that.

The accomplice legacy media members invented the lie about a gun crossing state lines. They invented the lie about ties to white supremacist groups. They invented the lie about why he went to Kenosha on a ‘riot night’. It wasn’t to ‘kill black people’. It was to ‘help’ any way he could, in a community being victimized by rioters.

And no, you don’t have to agree with his decision to put himself into the middle of a riot night. And you don’t have to agree with his flawed premise that he was somehow ‘helping’ that night...


You have to acknowledge the basic facts of the case-and how an entirely different set of them was invented out of whole cloth by a left-wing media who wanted to find a bunch of ‘bad guys’ on the right who were as terrible as the alleged ‘good guy’ rioters whom they been defending for 8 months.

And i-do- believe this is what was behind a lot of this motivation from the CNN and MSNBC zealots. They and their panels decided to defend the BLM and antifa rioting at every turn...and knew in their hearts that it was indefensible.

They were defending the indefensible and spending all their energy trying to tie noble motivations to it-

And boy- would it help if we had people on the right engaging in the same activity.Boy, would it be helpful if we had a bunch of right wings rioters, we could blame some of this on.


And then Rittenhouse came along.

I do- believe that is why the left-wing media hopped as hard on this story as they did and invented their entirely new-and fraudulent-set of facts on it.

To the point that most legal experts i heard over the weekend said, yes, Kyle Rittenhouse has legitimate cases against CNN, MSNBC, Joe Biden, and others who slandered him, if he wants to peruse them.

Now-whether he could -win- a lawsuit against Biden is doubtful...

But against CNN or MSNBC?


These aren’t media outlets that care about the truth, anymore, which is why I have tried to switch away from calling them ‘news’ outlets or ‘newsrooms’...because they obviously are not, anymore.

And you know what? None of these so-called newsrooms or news people are going to apologize for getting their coverage so wrong, are they?

None of them will apologize.

Because they don’t regret the slander. They kept it up-all weekend-even after Rittenhouse was acquitted.

They are still telling the lies.

photo credit: Fox News

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