The Jay Weber Show

The Jay Weber Show

Jay Weber knows what you want to talk about. His show examines the big issues, trends, and events at all levels -- local, state, and national -- from...Full Bio


MORE LEFTIST OVERREACH: Leftists, Media Compare Antifa To WWII Allies

via The Daily Wire by @benshapiro

In the aftermath of President Trump’s press conference on Tuesday, in which he condemned neo-Nazism and white supremacism, but refused to condemn the alt-right by name and suggested that there were some “very fine people” at Friday night’s white supremacist rally, the Left has done what it does best: overstepped dramatically.

Instead of condemning Trump for the moral degradation of separating the alt-right from white supremacism, instead of pushing Trump on exactly whom he was seeking to defend at the rallies on Friday night, the media and the broader Left immediately leapt to one decisive conclusion: Trump’s major error was casting light on the evils of Antifa.

Mitt Romney made this critical blunder on Twitter:

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