In direct contravention of its own medical director's advice, the West Allis/West Milwaukee School Board has implemented a universal mask mandate in all of the district's schools for the upcoming school year.
"I am against masks for children as we have ample data from schools all over the world that children do not spread COVID as contact tracing in schools indicates that the adults give it to each other and much less frequently to children," Dr. Michael Johnson, a pediatrician who serves as the West Allis/West Milwaukee School District medical director, wrote in an email to the board last week. "Child to adult transmission in schools proved to be an unusual event."
The board posted Dr. Johnson's email in its meeting minutes, but then ignored his advice and implemented a mask mandate anyway.
"We have consistently followed the guidance on mask wearing in schools and the implementation of other mitigation measures as recommended by the CDC, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) as well as recommendations from our local health departments that cover the majority of the students and families we serve," the board wrote in its minutes.
Dan O'Donnell discussed this at length on Tuesday's edition of "The Dan O'Donnell Show." Click on the player below to subscribe!