The wokest public health department in America is calling out anyone who dares to suggest that mass gatherings to protest racial injustice have played a part in spreading Coronavirus.
"If you’re worried about this uptick in cases of COVID-19, we ask that you worry less about people protesting and more about how you, your family, and your friends can change their social behavior to slow the spread of the virus," Public Health Madison & Dane County posted on its Facebook page. "We also ask that you consider your assumptions. What racial biases do you have that have led you to believe that protesting is a driver of this pandemic instead of the actions that actually are driving it?"
If protests aren't, as the organization claims, driving the recent surge in Coronavirus cases, then why is it also requiring that "all outdoor gatherings are permitted with 25 individuals or fewer not including employees" and that all "individuals must maintain physical distancing."
Does the virus know whether one is attending a concert or ripping down the Forward statue? Because if not, then Public Health Madison & Dane County's support of protests and riots makes zero sense...unless, of course, Public Health Madison & Dane County is less a public health organization than a political one.
Why else would it put out a blog post entitled "Fighting for racial injustice is essential, even in a pandemic?"
"As we all are taking really important actions to protest injustice, we also want to encourage everyone to take precautions against COVID-19," the organization wrote on June 1. "Our health department has been immersed in COVID-19 for the past five months, and it has once again laid bare the health inequities that exist between white people and communities of color. Nationally, people of color are getting sick and dying more often than white people, a trend that is not unique to COVID-19."
Even though this inequity existed and greater percentages of people of color were taking part in protests, Public Health Madison & Dane County refused to even issue a warning about the potential danger about this form of mass gathering, saying only that protesters should "please continue to wear masks and cloth face coverings, sanitize or wash hands often, and try to keep a six foot distance from others. Anyone who attends a gathering should watch for symptoms of COVID-19."