Dan O'Donnell

Dan O'Donnell

Common Sense Central is edited by WISN's Dan O'Donnell. Dan provides unique conservative commentary and analysis of stories that the mainstream media...Full Bio


Rebecca Dallet's San Francisco Values

Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Rebecca Dallet said at a fundraiser in San Francisco on Monday that "San Francisco...values are Wisconsin values that we lost along the way."  

The Dan O'Donnell had some fun with what she might have meant by "San Francisco values." Listen to it by hitting the Play button below:

As insulting as it is to essentially call Wisconsin a worse version of a city that just had to spend $30 million to clean the poop and syringes from its streets, what Dallet said later in her speech was even worse--and is a clear violation of Wisconsin's Code of Judicial Conduct.

"Across Wisconsin, we've got some really big races coming up, and mine is the first statewide race," she said.  "We' have Tammy Baldwin, who is a fighter for health care, a fighter for all kinds of rights that we all care about every day.  And I'm blessed to have her support, and have really had the opportunity on the campaign trail to watch her speak about the things she cares passionately about.  She's someone we should all want to continue to have on our side."

Wait, our side? The Wisconsin Code of Judicial Conduct makes clear that judges and judicial candidates (Dallet is both) may not take sides in politics.

SCR 60.06 could not possibly be plainer: "No judge or candidate for judicial office...may...make or solicit financial or other contributions in support of a political party's causes or candidates" or "publicly endorse or speak on behalf of its candidates or platforms."

In her praise of Tammy Baldwin during a fundraiser, Dallet did both.  And didn't stop there.

"We also have a gubernatorial race where our governor is someone who we can unseat," she continued. "And then we also have Paul Ryan, who hails from the great state of Wisconsin, and he's got a challenger, too."

Once again, note Dallet's use of we.  She has identified herself as being on Tammy Baldwin's side--the side that opposes both Scott Walker and Paul Ryan.  This is a major problem in a non-partisan race, and an even bigger problem for a sitting Milwaukee County Circuit Court judge.

Forget about her need to recuse herself from State Supreme Court cases should she win; how can Dallet possibly try any criminal case involving anyone even tangentially involved in politics? She has already pre-judged the defendant as being either "on her side" or "on the other side."

Perhaps this sort of blatant judicial bias is permissible under "San Francisco values," but it is here in Wisconsin a clear and unacceptable violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct.  

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