Two out of three Americans reject Pelosi’s election cheating bill

Jay Weber Show transcript 7-28-21 6:10am

It’s interesting what surveys do-and do not- end up being reported in the MSM.

The center for excellence in polling has produced a poll that shows two out of every three American voters- reject- Nancy Pelosi’s plan to federalize and steal future elections.

I have seen other polls related to Nancy Pelosi’s election cheating bill, and this has never been a popular idea with the people, but this is the most recent.

And it confirms that -like voter id or stacking the supreme court- these democrats are way. Way. Out of touch with the American people on their agenda.

No one has said: what we need to do is have Nancy Pelosi and her party take over our elections by force.

There was no grassroots movement, or even activist group, whose worked culminated in Pelosi’s election cheating bill.

She and other democrats invented and put on paper-ways that they needed to cheat, or could cheat, that would ensure they never lost another election.

They hate voter id laws because they take away one avenue to cheat...with busloads of people given fake names to vote under.

And so-that had to go in the bill: this federal law bans any voter id laws.

And so on.

It’s nothing more than a package of ‘cheats’ that would allow democrats to gain and keep control of Washington DC and many of the state houses-permanently.

And these polls act as proof that today’s democrats aren’t doing what the American people want. They aren’t following the will of the American people. Instead-they are -pretending-to know what we want...and plowing ahead with a very unpopular agenda.

How often have you heard AOC or Bernie speak for the American people- and be nowhere near-the truth.

The workers want unionization. People are demanding that unions put a choke collar on them and steal from their paychecks.

Ah. No, honey. Go back to bartending.

It would shock past generations of politicians on both sides of the aisle- if they saw what today’s democrats are trying to get away with: they are trying to sell -terribly unpopular ideas- to the American people.

The American people don’t want open borders, and it’s never been a question. Controlling that border and ending illegal immigration has been a 70/30 or 80/20 issue.

The American people-want cops to arrest thugs and want judges to lock up criminals. That, too, has never been a question.

And i could go right down the list of every democrat agenda item: the American people don’t want the higher taxes they have feathered into the reconciliation bill.

They don’t want a massive taxpayer bailout of all the trolleys and failed rail projects that are in that bill.

They don’t want to spend trillions of dollars on unreliable wind and solar and global warming fixes—

I could be do this all morning-but you get it. These aren’t just ‘unpopular’ agenda items, they are staggeringly unpopular agenda items. These are 70/30 and 80/20 questions when you poll them.

And they know it. Which is why they get so panicked when they see their election cheating schemes being blocked...taking away their avenues to rig the results.

And if you question this-I’d point you to a few recent politico articles in which democrat party leaders and strategists are in huge flop sweats over these voter integrity laws that are being passed in many states.

Honestly.The headline yesterday was democrats saying, ‘we’re f-ed’.

As it- we are f-ed- if we must hold fair elections.

The politico reporters, of course, couch this in the context of democrats ‘just wanting to protect everyone’s right to vote’...but they count on insiders reading between the lines.

This is insiders saying to other insiders: we can’t win fair elections. And these republicans are blocking the new ways that we had found to cheat in 2020.I want to highlight a few

Why would a voter id requirement block 270-thousand Georgians for voting? And what does the reporter mean by ‘who lack id’.

Folks...there are not 270 thousand Georgia voters who lack id. That’s clearly a made-up number.

Maybe it is the number of people who voted in 2020, but don’t have a state drivers’ license. Or maybe that’s the number of quote...urban voters...who they think are too stupid or lazy to get an id-because democrats are racist and think that way....

But that’s a bogus stat. Democrats in Georgia are making it up-because they fear that hundreds of thousands of Georgians who voted by-mail for their candidates are too stupid, or lazy, or include a photocopy of their voter id when they send in their mail-in ballot.

That’s why Georgia democrats are in a panic. And think they are ‘f-ed’.

Again----- Georgia republicans passed in the way of new voting laws is extreme. One requires they show a voter id.

Another limits the number of untended ‘drop boxes’ lefties can put out around the state.

Or- you must vote in your own community and can’t just sprinkle ballots around different wards.

Other states are banning ballot harvesting.

None of the ideas are extreme or will keep people from voting.

And so-what are these dem operatives really panicked about?

If there was no cheating that occurred in Georgia in 2020....and republican laws aren’t honestly limiting voting in Georgia in any way...then...why couldn’t you repeat your wins of 2020?

Or- did you cheat?

Seriously, people: why the flop-sweat panic over a few basic rule changes about....drop boxes...and having to prove who you are in order to vote?

My point is: their level of panic -on the democrat side of the aisle-

Their level of panic in reaction to these new voting laws-is not at all proportional to the changes being made.

We are literally seeing republicans doing things like okay, Texas democrats can no longer organize drive up voting in the middle of the night that leads to all sorts of unsecured ballots...that’s really shady.

And the democrats are losing their minds over it: really? Really? You are going to block people from voting at two-am in a dark parking lot?

You are killing democracy.... you are killing our children’s future...


And all you need to do is listen to their rhetoric- which proves how off the rails they are-and how motivated they are to spread

photo credit: Getty Images

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