Jay Weber dissects misleading results of Marquette Poll

From my Twitter account...

What strikes me about today's #mulawpoll is it shows public support for issues that voters misunderstand,  like expanding Medicaid, increasing education funding, withdrawing from Obamacare.  I'd bet once these issues/implications are more fully explained, the numbers go down.

The most significant finding is that when people find out it eliminates insurance and the current system, support drops to 37%. That is proof that most Americans have no idea what govt run health care, or 'Medicare For All' really is. No concept at all.

Most people simply don't know the issue. They hear the word 'nonpartisan' and it sounds good. It may even lead them to their answer. But all such commissions are going to be partisan.  You can fake creating a 'non-partisan' commission, but you won't have one.

No one in Wisconsin seems to know that we are funding K-12 more than we ever have at any time in our history, including under Doyle. Our schools-are not- underfunded. The perception simply doesn't match the reality, so how seriously can we take such a result?

Here's the details of the poll from Fox 6 Now: MU Law poll: Voters willing to increase school spending, but not gas taxes or fees

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