Biden's blunder will be felt for years to come.

Jay Weber Show transcript 8-16-21

(Play Joe Biden saying Taliban won’t win)

Yep. I’m playing it all morning: President Biden’s idiotic insistence that the Taliban weren’t going to take over Afghanistan.

it only took 36 days for Biden and his ‘experts’ to be proven wrong.

And it comes as no surprise to me, given that I was among those who predicted this withdrawal would lead to disaster-

But also-as someone who has long-known what boobs Joe Biden and Anthony Blinkin are.

Long time listeners to this show know how I’ve described Joe Biden for decades: as an affable boob.

For forty years as a senator- he was known as a likeable guy...but ultimately a dope. No one took his bloviating seriously, and no one really turned to Joe for advice in a crisis, because he was a known dope.

Then Barrack Obama made Biden his VP- and while the ‘scam’ continued to be played on the public, even Obama and those in his admin came to understand that Joe Biden was a dope.

Remember, Obama’s comment on Biden, quote

‘don’t under-estimate Joe’s ability to eff things up’.

That was a quote from Obama. To supporters, in a moment of candor. And it came at roughly the same time that barrack and his team were trying to convince Biden-not- to run for president.


There was some question over whether Obama just thought Biden might screw up his legacy, or whether he felt joe would be incompetent-but-if you remember-barrack Obama- behind the scenes-tried to talk Biden out of running.

And then-all thru the primary in 2016- Obama stood silent. He, notably, did not endorse his own VP as the nominee, in 2016.Only after Biden had won the nom, and Obama had to be a ‘good soldier’, did he then, publicly show support for Biden.

And that came after Obama’s former defense secretary, Robert Gates, famously wrote in his autobiography and repeated it in several interviews-

That in 40 years, Joe Biden has never been on the right side of a foreign policy issue.

These were Biden’s fellow democrats! Saying this.

And the American people still! - allegedly- made the guy president.

Well-now we are seeing the consequences of that. Voters put a guy who, in dc, was best known as a likable boob, in charge of everything.

And so, it’s going about as I expected.

Especially with the foreign policy stuff.

We see an uprising in Cuba, and Biden and his team refuse to leap to defend freedom and decry communism.

We see a super-belligerent Iran who has no interest in pretending they are reasonable, and Biden is-still- trying to get them to agree to Obama’s silly nuclear deal.

Now- a genuinely historic blunder.

History books will be written on what a strategic, military, and humanitarian blunder this withdrawal was-in the slap-dash way Biden did it.

And depending on the fall-out consequences- they could be thick history books, being written decades from now, when we are still dealing from all of the terrorist attacks and human misery that Biden’s withdrawal will cause, here.

Here’s one terrible effect that very few others will talk about-that i will highlight now: how Biden’s blunder here, means we and our allies will be facing our own ‘advanced’ military weaponry and technology in the future.

The amount of cutting edge, very expensive military equipment that our troops just abandoned...from mraps to Blackhawks.... And have allowed to fall into the hands of Iran and Russia- is just staggering. A British report includes photos of long lines of our military vehicles rolling toward Iran.

There were reports that u-s military was going to have to destroy our own equipment-from the air- like these Blackhawks or B-2 bombers still on the they don’t fall into enemy hands.

But some of it already has, and this is cutting edge technology that our enemies like Iran, Russia, and China haven’t been able to invent for themselves, but they certainly have the ability to duplicate this weaponry once they see it and can physically reproduce it.

And so, we have massive breach of intelligence and technology that Biden’s team is allowing to occur here- along with the humanitarian disaster they have touched off.

For heaven’s sake: over the weekend, Biden was sending in even more troops...just to try to cover the flanks and aide in the evac of the Americans who we still have there.

The world saw photos and videos of helicopters landing and taking off on the u-s embassy grounds in Kabul, as we scramble to get everyone out, yes.

Joe Biden’s humiliation is complete, on this one, folks.

But what’s awful is-Biden’s humiliation-is America’s humiliation. This reflects on all of us- most especially on a u-s military and a pentagon who had to try to win a war that three presidents refused to let them win.

For twenty years, our military men and women and their leaders had to deal with all sorts of frustrations and ridiculous rules of engagement and truly idiotic political decisions....and still managed to get their jobs done-

Until- Biden’s disastrous withdrawal here.

Remember Obama’s decision to end ‘nighttime’ raids to capture and kill terrorist leaders?

Remember that doozy of a decision?

We have night vision weapons and superior ability to sneak and track and fight in the dark, and with everyone else off the streets and asleep in their homes, these raids were also the safest time to hit our enemies and disrupt their plans.

But...Obama’s White House ordered an end to those raids -allegedly because the Afghan citizens didn’t like the disruption and yelling at night. Those raids kind of rattled the villagers when they knock it off.

Our forces put up with impossible political decisions-and still performed their missions.

To the point that a smallish force over there-with US air power and technology- has still been managing to keep the Taliban at bay and the other terror organizations in hiding.

Al Qaeda and ISIS all-but ceased to exist in Iraq and Afghanistan during our time there, and Islamism attacks on America and Europe have been down to nearly zero, during the trump years.

But that will all start up again. Biden just handed the larger terror community a great victory, and just in time to celebrate the 20th anniversary of 9-11.

The rhetoric surrounding this. The videos. Will be used as great recruitment tools for the Taliban and other Muslim terror groups.

It is impossible to describe what an unmitigated disaster this is for America, and the western world.

Another-definite-consequence of Biden’s bungling here, is that our allies and our adversaries will all start to understand that the u-s and its leaders are weak, now.

That America does not have the desire to win conflicts, or the stamina to stick with them.

They will learn that America is a soft country, now. One that isn’t willing to do ‘what’s hard’, even if we do have the best military technology in the world.

Our allies-and worse-our enemies, will come to understand that we might have the best resources...but we lack the determination to win.

And so, our allies are going to be far more reluctant to join us in big causes-

And my biggest worry- countries like China and Russia-which have become more and more belligerent against the west over the last two decades...are going to start to believe that if they come at us-and Europe- with a fierce fight- we will cave.

Because we have shown them repeatedly now, that we will.

-well- that our political leaders will.

None of this failure in Afghanistan is on the US military members. It’s all on the politicians and their recklessness and fecklessness-going back four presidents now.

Bush and Obama made more mistakes than trump did. Trump mostly just talked about pulling out, but Biden ‘owns’ this disastrous withdrawal. Not a single thing said it needed to end this way-

In precipitous and cowardly withdrawal, as we abandon our allies, along with women and girls to be raped and abused...and men and boys to be slaughtered.

Biden claims China is our biggest global threat. Well, he just sent them a -huge- signal that we are weak and disorganized.

segment 2:

The fall of Afghanistan-to the Taliban- once we left -was predicted by just about every pentagon general, defense expert, and member of the Intel community that we had operating over there.

President Biden and his team were told that-exactly this-would happen, even if it might come at a slower pace.

I heard Martha Raddatz and some others claiming this was an ‘intelligence failure’, here.

No. It wasn’t. Biden’s team was told by everyone that this would be the result. The only thing that his own pentagon leaders got wrong was how quickly the Taliban would take over.

They predicted it wouldn’t be faster than six months-remember?

And so, the dangerous idiots who make up Biden’s ‘pool of white house handlers’, said ‘oh, whew. If the fall doesn’t happen for six months or a year...we’re okay with that. At least we won’t be blamed for it’...

And so, they went ahead with a precipitous and unplanned withdrawal.

And this needs to be emphasized, again, as Biden’s team starts to blame trump and anyone else, they can: the blame for this disastrous withdrawal is-entirely-on Biden and his team.

Not only did they go against the best advice about how to keep terrorism in check in the middle east and now allow the Taliban or al Qaeda to turn Afghanistan back into a safe haven-

But they also had no plan for what the Afghani government was going to do-or how it would fare-once we were gone.

Heck- Biden’s pentagon didn’t even have a basic plan for withdrawal, as it turns out: i at least assumed they had that drawn up-

As in... okay. First we shutter this base of operations and retreat to this airbase and fly our important equipment out etc.

They didn’t even have that.

The amount of cutting edge, very expensive military equipment that our troops just abandoned and have allowed to fall into the hands of the Taliban and-in turn- Iran and Russia- is just staggering.

This is western technology that our enemies like Iran, Russia, and China can duplicate- once they see it.

And so- this constitutes a -massive- massive-breach of Intel and technology that is occurring here- along with the human toll.

This is a total disaster- in fifteen different ways-and it’s all on Biden. And if there is any good news to report after this weekend- it is that even the lefty media members knew this was Biden’s disaster, and said so.

And look-once they get their ‘blame trump’ marching orders, i assume that the coverage on this is going to change- but virtually every left-wing media outlet was-correctly- slamming and blaming Biden for this.

All those cities fell this weekend and our interpreters and allies are screwed. The Taliban will not allow them to leave the country.If they try, they will be caught at checkpoints, and if they don’t, it’s only a matter of time until they are identified and ratted out and killed.

Joe Biden and his team ignored our urgent requests to protect our allies-and now they’ll be butchered.

What signal does that send to the globe, and what lessons are taken from it, the next time America wants people to join them in foreign military endeavors?

Folks-this is so bad-that even our traditional European allies were reading editorials all weekend in their newspapers questioning whether anyone can trust America to -lead-and to keep its word- anymore.

This is a global embarrassment of the highest order. Even Jimmy Carter didn’t project this sort of fecklessness and weakness.

Over the weekend- we got photos of choppers evacuating people from the

US embassy in Kabul. The photos are echoes of 1970s Vietnam.

The Taliban paused and demanded an unconditional surrender of the Afghan government- and it was only minutes later that we learned that the current Afghan president had already left the country.

He and his family, and probably most of the officials of the government that we were propping up and backing- fled Kabul while they could.

The Taliban now control this country. Thirty-six days after President Biden insisted it wouldn’t happen.

And the Taliban are not peaceful people. They don’t want to be part of a larger international community. They don’t want ties to modern governments or the modern world.

Iran will be their ally, and maybe Russia and China- but- these are religious zealots. And they will, of course, allow al Qaeda to rebuild and have a haven there. Maybe even ISIS, and yes, tens of thousands of jihadi foreign fighters are likely to flock there, yeah.

And they will resume terror attacks in European countries in short order-and plot terror attacks here- in America.

And with the democrats now being the ‘open borders’ party, it won’t even be difficult to get their terror sect members in.

This portends a coming disaster. And it’s all on Biden. The withdrawal didn’t need to look this way. A humanitarian crisis is already underway, as is the rape of girls and women and the butchery of boys and men who don’t pledge quick fealty. We will see -orgies- of violence in the coming weeks. Retaliations, revenge killings, ‘lessons’ taught’ to get the locals to all fall into line.

But don’t worry: the American accomplice media won’t report on most of it. Biden's’ protective, propagandist media bubble will remain intact.

photo credit: Getty Images

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