Are our troops necessary to protect the Capitol, or are they the threat?

There is something wrong with our nation’s leaders and commanders. 

The very same people who raced to call-up 25,000 National Guard troops to protect after-the-fact against an angry crowd two weeks ago, are now declaring the troops the enemy. 

You have no doubt seen Tennessee Democrat Steve Cohen’s comments. 

“You know, I was thinking, the [National] Guard is 90 some odd percent I believe male, only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden,” Cohen said, speaking to CNN’s Jim Sciutto. “You got to figure that in the Guard which is predominately more conservative, that I see that on my social media and we know it. There’s probably not more than 25 percent of the people that are there protecting us who voted for Biden. The other 75 percent are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something. And there were military people and police who took oaths to defend the Constitution and to protect and defend who didn’t do it, who were in the insurrection. So, it does concern me … ”

That, by the way, is not only racist and insulting, it is seditious. He is calling the sworn defenders of the United States disloyal because they likely didn’t vote for the candidate he supported. 

This is incredibly insulting to anyone who has served, is serving, or had family members in the service. 

The United State’s military is the greatest force for good that exists in the history of humankind. We liberate, free, protect, and support. There is no empire, no subjugation. U.S. soldiers bring chocolate bars to war as gifts. The Taliban and other enemies bring rape and beheadings. 

The U.S. Military is an all volunteer force. Every single one of those men and women in the cloth of our nation signed-up to be there. They volunteered. They signed an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic. And because some of them voted for Donald Trump, Steve Cohen and Democrats are calling them domestic terrorists?

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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